Can you mother a clone?


Well-Known Member
But you can tell them apart right? They have little differences. Those are the genetic mutations.
Yin and Yang man. I get freaks cloning repeatedly. Rarely repeated. More at play than either of us see. LOL.

I believe temp is involved as well after a few years of serious reptile and cichlid breeding. Chromosomes are heat reactive. But I just enjoy my thoughts being jarred. Thanks all.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Very interesting. Would you expect the same phenomenon if I were to take 1 clone from a female plant. Root it, short veg, put into flower. Prior to flowers forming, grab one clone from this plant (the 1st clone), and root that, put it into flower and continue repeating that process where each subsequent clone is the provider of the next clone.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting. Would you expect the same phenomenon if I were to take 1 clone from a female plant. Root it, short veg, put into flower. Prior to flowers forming, grab one clone from this plant (the 1st clone), and root that, put it into flower and continue repeating that process where each subsequent clone is the provider of the next clone.
it would work but you would need 2 rooms