Can you smoke a Hermie??


Active Member
Hi All
I think my plant is a herm!!

If so,

1, Do I pick of the male bits and let it finish budding?

2, Will I be able to smoke it?

Whats the best thing to do? any advice is more than welcome


Well-Known Member
Pick off balls and smoke the buds when its ripe. If ya have more then 1 plant kill it and spend time on the rest.


Active Member
first take out any male plants in your garden unless you want seeds otherwise
males and females together will decrease the potency and yes you can smoke it.


Well-Known Member
NO !!! , By NO means can you smoke a Hermie, DO NOT even try ........
and besides it's ILLEGAL !!!!!!! What are you thinking?:roll:


Well-Known Member
God damn tranny plants! What sex did you notice first? Did you see balls or pistils first. People often confuse hermies with intersexed plants. They aren't the same.


Like others have said, pick the balls off gently! It's going to be hard to get them all off IMO. Also, if it's not your only plant, get rid of it! Once a plant is pollinated, it no longer produces much THC. It now spends most of it's energy making seeds.



Active Member
I will post a picture of the offending 'Balls' (also known as gonads) when I can. The plant it's self (Durban Poison) looks quite nice apart from the gonads!!



Active Member
God damn tranny plants! What sex did you notice first? Did you see balls or pistils first. People often confuse hermies with intersexed plants. They aren't the same.


Like others have said, pick the balls off gently! It's going to be hard to get them all off IMO. Also, if it's not your only plant, get rid of it! Once a plant is pollinated, it no longer produces much THC. It now spends most of it's energy making seeds.

I first noticed the I correct in thinking that what I think are balls are actualy false seed pods or have I made that up??


Well-Known Member
Where did you get the seeds? From a seed bank I take it? Prolly did turn hermie then. I doubt they have any seeds with dirty genes at a seed bank. Been through any stress at all?


I first noticed the I correct in thinking that what I think are balls are actualy false seed pods or have I made that up??
Yea, if you noticed the pistils first, then it's most likely a hermie. Who knows, get some pics up bro. You will know when they are balls - no mistaking them!


Active Member
Been through plenty stress!! equipment is very basic

1, bucket
2, plants
1, shed for the 12/12 period...which I'm into day 10 of

as I say, basic...

I bought the seeds from a shop not realy thinking that they would do anything, cost me £20.
If I get to smoke just an eighth of an ounce of it it will have been worth it as @ the moment here, an eighth of green can set you back as much as £25....shocking isn't it!!


Well-Known Member
Yea, so you got two plants. I'd kill it bro if it is REALLY a hermie. Or put it somewhere else that it might be able to grow. Don't fuck up the other plant.



Well-Known Member
Ya, your up shit creek without a paddle guvnah! Never plant more then one plant in a pot. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
NO !!! , By NO means can you smoke a Hermie, DO NOT even try ........
and besides it's ILLEGAL !!!!!!! What are you thinking?:roll:
what a load of cods wallop,you should ask you'r self what are you thinking...

now back to the question,yes you can smoke a hermie it will have some seeds but it will still do the job.
I went for a few years and that is all i could grow as it was the only seeds i had.
i enjoyed it and so did a lot of my friends....:-)


Well-Known Member
Intersexed is a male female plant. Has both characteristics from the get go. No matter what you do, if the plant has intersexed genes, it will be male female. Hermies start out female, then turn male from some sype of stress. Yes, you can smoke them.
