can you swap out everclear for PG?

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
So I been extracting 8 grams decarbed in everclear but that is too much alcohol for me-- it raises my blood pressure, I have rosea. Sensitive to alcohol. Could I extract it in food grade propylene glycol instead? Right now I pour everclear directly into my decarb machine and hit the 4 hour tincture cycle. Would I be able to use the same set up for PG or would I need different times and temps? I'm looking forward to keeping alcohol out of my body, if I can use PG instead.
Why not use something healthy like MTC oil? I sue that or coconut oil.

See my sig.

because I don't want to drink oil. PG is relatively non-toxic. It is in many, many flavor extracts. also because i is miscable water and can be used exactly the same way alcohol can. toxicity: ethanol > pg
And I used to drink butylene glycol to get high-- the 1,4 isomer, specifically. because I suffer from rosea, alcohol is actually many times more toxic to me than to other people. I was addicted to BDO, and it's cousins GHB and GBL for the better part of 20 years. Something I will avoid at all costs from 8 years ago till now.
Ethanol is pretty bad for me-- Even 1 tablespoon a day is bad for me. Here's stuff I've tried as a substitute for ethanol:
very small quantity makes water taste like gasoline, causes heavy sedation, long lasting, feels much more toxic than ethanol, though it is not. About as euphoric as begin hit in the back of the head with a skillet. dangerous, toxic, likely addictive, and ghastly hangover. How fun is being knocked unconscious for 12 hours?
propylene glycol: said to cause CNS depression, even drinking 100 ml, had no effect. I've drank as much as four ounces to no effect.
butylene glycol (1,3 isomer) see above
butyl alcohol: at 6 times and intoxicating, and 3 times the toxicity of ethanol, it would be less toxic for me, since it does not break down into acetylahyde, the main culprit of rosea and hangovers. Would be ideal, but did NOT prove to be "6 times as intoxicating." Draks the equivalent amount to three shotglasses of 80 proof liquor and barely felt any difference to my sobriety at all.
It's pretty easy to evaporate off all the alcohol to leave just the extract.
Rosin press?
yeah, but I DON'T want to do that. I want to use PG. Cannibanoids are supposed to soluble in PG, aren't they?
1. I don't want to add another step to the process. It already takes me six hours to make everclear extract
2. it will make it necessary to calculate the volume of reduced liquid to consume.
3. extra heat and extra time = less THC and more CBN
I find it hard to believe that there is literally nobody else who has given this possabilty any thought. someone else must surely have tried this? I can't be the only pothead who is reluctant to consume ethanol. And granted, the majority of people are not aware the PG is used in MANY FOODS THAT WE CONSUME AND HAS VERY LOW HUMAN TOXICITY.
4. There's the off chance that presently un-noticable CNS depression from PG will enhance the buzz
5. Ethanol extract on a fasted stomache can peak in as little as 15 minutes because ethanol is a rapidly absorbed solvent. PG is ALSO a rapidly absorbed solvent.
5. Ethanol extract on a fasted stomache can peak in as little as 15 minutes because ethanol is a rapidly absorbed solvent. PG is ALSO a rapidly absorbed solvent.
MTC oil doesn't hit that rapidly.
Butter doesn't hit that rapidly.
ethanol is ideal in every way but one: I am sensitive to alcohol and I want to avoid it. I also avoid carbohydrates and industrially manufactured cooking oils. there's a reason why I'm 56 and enjoying the best health of my life. I treated my high blood pressure with fasting and dietary guidance . Since I started taking everclear tincture, on a daily basis, my blood pressure has increased. That is unacceptable!
Why dont you do the everclear extraction and after you strained it put it in the oven 90 celsius and when the alcohol has evaporated put the oil on the pg and mix to emulsified?
Sorry for bad english
Why dont you do the everclear extraction and after you strained it put it in the oven 90 celsius and when the alcohol has evaporated put the oil on the pg and mix to emulsified?
Sorry for bad english
not a big fan off adding heat to my weed once its decarbed.
okay, for future reference:
1. PG works, works exactly like it was alcohol! quick one an empty stomach. Tastes better.
2. PG is absolutely not a horrible thing to put in your body. If I were to guess I would attribute it to all the idiots who tried to make vape juice out of it and got popcorn lung. Yeah, not good to consume as vapor, but food grade PG is a GRAS (generally regarded as safe) food additive and practically non-toxic compared to ethanol.
3. Lots of people prefer not to consume alcohol for whatever reason. I'm one of them, and if you are one too, you can thank me for experimenting and finding out that you can use PG instead of everclear and sharing that knowledge.