um..... **WHY** is there a banner ad for nirvana (1. i've never bought from them. 2. i never WOULD buy from them, as i've heard not-so-great things about their service) *IN* my post? thaaaat's weird.
um..... **WHY** is there a banner ad for nirvana (1. i've never bought from them. 2. i never WOULD buy from them, as i've heard not-so-great things about their service) *IN* my post? thaaaat's weird.
Took 8 weeks to get my paperwork back from HC and 10 weeks for my wife. They both went in the same envelope? No cards just the paperwork a note said cards to follow. I'm in Ontario.
General comments;
As long as you keep it at or below 5 grams, HC will not question it. If over that you need a specialist, your DR and need to be just about dieing.
There are more and more Dr in ON doing it now, if you need to find one look for an MM advocate, and they will know who to go to. I think Skunk of Canibas Cul mag had a list of them. Check out treating yourself.
Don't forget to fill out the seed request form's even if your not going to use their seeds. How else are you legally going to get them. Nudge nudge wink wink.
I don't think HC does a criminal check on you as that would be a breach of the charter of Rights and Privacy act. Besides I know a few x dealers who have their cards, so not likly.
The only time HC will release info is if directly requested by five O and the only thing they can tell them is if you are legal FULL STOP. That's all. Most cops don't call they just Do It and sort it out later IMHE, Peterborough ON is a good example.
Once you have your Dr sign your paperwork send it all in by Courier so you have conformation of delivery, keep copies.
Once you have the signature your legit from a legal point of view. A case in TO where the cops busted a guy and he had his papers sent in but not gotten them back was tossed out, the reasoning was his Dr makes it legit and HC just does the paper work bla bla bla. Not encouraging you to break the law and I have not confirmed it.
You get no tax breaks from Revenue Canada.
Make sure you sat the grow room is locked and you have a personal safe to keep your weed in, I mean Medicine.
If you get 5 g than you can grow 25 plants and that means anything that has Roots on it. Clones, moms or flowering.
Toronto Dr's are swamped due to the amount of terminal cases that push the non urgent ones to the bottom of the pile.
I am willing to help if you are real and have documentation to back it up. Do your homework go to the HC web site and get the forms and the Dr Release.
Do all the paperwork and fill out as much as you can for the Dr.
If you have a GP make an appointment and bring all the paperwork with you and ask him to sign the papers. There is a release so he has no liability.
Hope this helps
Is anyone here, who lives in Ontario, willing to give up their Doctors identity? I have an appt with a Doctor who supposedly will sign the paperwork, but it is over 4 months away, then it will be another 2 months (at least) for HC to process the paperwork. Obviously, I would like to get the ball rolling much sooner. I have already been to 2 specialists, as well as my GP, as while they all understand the benefits of Cannabis as a medicine, none of them have "prescribed" it before, and do not feel comfortable doing it now. Which I believe is double-speak for the Canadian Medical Protective Association won't cover us for malpractice.
The Doctor I am going to see is Dr. David Saul, in North York, Toronto, Ontario. He doesn't care if you give out his name, he even has a website with a blog talking about Cannabis, referral only. I also looked into the Do No Harm clinic, but they require $400 to fill out the application, I simply cannot afford that.
Any help would be appreciated!
Not to split hairs but your not asking your Dr. for a prescription for MM don't do that it makes some Dr. nervous as the OMA has advised not doing it. You just need his signature to explore the possible benefits of medicinal m. There is a release form on the site get it sign it and give it to the doctor. He should be fine with it, my doctor just laughed and told me to keep it just in case he needed it LMAO. Once you have your Dr. signature and have proof of delivery your good to go getting the paper work is just a formality and you will never see the inside of a court room. The cops have been down that road and lost.
Good answerI have never asked for a prescription, just for them to sign the paperwork. They call it a prescription. I have always replied that it isn't one, but that it is induction into a medical program.
Hey Mello
I actually have a designated grower for me, they submitted their form with my Health Canada application. Will they grow my medicine for me compassionately?
Sorry for all the newb questions, just trying to prepare.
As for growing, not only do I not have the space in my apartment, but I don't have a green thumb at all nor did I apply to grow