Canadian Stuff


Well-Known Member
who is sylvia and why is she trying to destroy hospitals?
sorry if i seem ignorant, but for the last decade or so we've been kind of busy trying to fight off fascists, white nationalist, and religious zealots...guessing she's part of some subset of one of those?
I'm not too sure myself, I don't live in Ontario, @CunningCanuk and others can shed light on it, but DoFo is a buffoon and a chicken shit on masks.


Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The list is long with DoFo and his buddies.

I remember years ago when there was an incumbent conservative MPP that was basically a lock for re-election, Michael Harris. Michael Harris was the parties best fundraiser. Well DoFo found an old "scandal"(that was already dealt with) on Michael Harris and used it to remove him from the party and put someone more loyal and politically connected up for election as the conservative candidate. DoFo decided on the son of a former Premier of Ontario. This former Premier was the one that profited from his expansion of privatized long term care, and his wife owns a staffing agency that provides nursing and PSW's to hospitals (kinda interesting with whats happening now, right?).

Now this son of that former Premier credentials were not the best: struggled in high school, failed at running a yogurt store, worked at a blue jeans store and Bass Pro Shop, as well as at a company chaired by his father. Not the best candidate, but did run to be the nominee for the conservatives where he lived, the party even asked the other conservative candidate to step aside for a potential job, but the son ultimately lost. So why would DoFo replace Michael Harris, the guy that was the parties best fundraiser, with a guy that couldn't even get to the general election as the conservative candidate where he lived? Because of his name. Michael Harris was replaced by Mike Harris Jr., son of former Premier Mike Harris. The "scandal" of Michael Harris, flirty texts(not sexual harassment, just flirty texts) six years prior that the party had already dealt with; DoFo decided to bring it up again exactly one day after Mike Harris Jr. lost the conservative nomination where he lived. So come time for the general election, Mike Harris (instead of the popular incumbent, Michael Harris) was on the ballot, and he ended up winning by 2%.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The silent majority understand why the government had to do what they did, may not have agreed with all of the mandates, certainly didn't enjoy them, but understood the cost of not doing them; in the same way they understand and agree why those laws exist.
You can't vote a lie true or vote a truth a lie.

In due time, you may learn why giving up your personal sovereignty to a gang of thugs is a bad thing. Although, if you want to give up yours, that should be your choice.

It should not be your choice, to give up another persons personal sovereignty if they prefer you don't do that. That's not a right you have.

Also, you never really addressed, nor has the media that I'm aware of, what caused that dipshit lawyer (I call most lawyers dipshits) to keel over.

Do you think "the vaccines" are completely safe or do you think there is a possibility he may have suffered some kind of medical problem due to being "vaxxed" ?

How will "the silent majority" know what happened if the story is silenced?


Well-Known Member
The list is long with DoFo and his buddies.

I remember years ago when there was an incumbent conservative MPP that was basically a lock for re-election, Michael Harris. Michael Harris was the parties best fundraiser. Well DoFo found an old "scandal"(that was already dealt with) on Michael Harris and used it to remove him from the party and put someone more loyal and politically connected up for election as the conservative candidate. DoFo decided on the son of a former Premier of Ontario. This former Premier was the one that profited from his expansion of privatized long term care, and his wife owns a staffing agency that provides nursing and PSW's to hospitals (kinda interesting with whats happening now, right?).

Now this son of that former Premier credentials were not the best: struggled in high school, failed at running a yogurt store, worked at a blue jeans store and Bass Pro Shop, as well as at a company chaired by his father. Not the best candidate, but did run to be the nominee for the conservatives where he lived, the party even asked the other conservative candidate to step aside for a potential job, but the son ultimately lost. So why would DoFo replace Michael Harris, the guy that was the parties best fundraiser, with a guy that couldn't even get to the general election as the conservative candidate where he lived? Because of his name. Michael Harris was replaced by Mike Harris Jr., son of former Premier Mike Harris. The "scandal" of Michael Harris, flirty texts(not sexual harassment, just flirty texts) six years prior that the party had already dealt with; DoFo decided to bring it up again exactly one day after Mike Harris Jr. lost the conservative nomination where he lived. So come time for the general election, Mike Harris (instead of the popular incumbent, Michael Harris) was on the ballot, and he ended up winning by 2%.
This was in a Kitchener riding, near me.

We could have a Dougie Ford thread for all the stupid and corrupt shit he pulls. Yet, the people of Ontario just elected him again.


Well-Known Member
You can't vote a lie true or vote a truth a lie.

In due time, you may learn why giving up your personal sovereignty to a gang of thugs is a bad thing. Although, if you want to give up yours, that should be your choice.

It should not be your choice, to give up another persons personal sovereignty if they prefer you don't do that. That's not a right you have.

Also, you never really addressed, nor has the media that I'm aware of, what caused that dipshit lawyer (I call most lawyers dipshits) to keel over.

Do you think "the vaccines" are completely safe or do you think there is a possibility he may have suffered some kind of medical problem due to being "vaxxed" ?

How will "the silent majority" know what happened if the story is silenced?
Who is this lawyer you keep referring to? Billions of people have taken the vaccine and you want to talk about this one case that only you have heard about.

Its horseshit, of course but if it was true and the only fatality from taking the vaccine was a lawyer, that’s not so bad.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So, do you believe you should be able to drive on public roads while impaired and/or hang out with your wang out near a primary school?
I think people should drive safely and be respectful of other people when driving on a road. I manage to do that after consuming massive amounts of cannabis and will continue to do that, since it helps me drive safer and makes the ride more enjoyable.

It's a little cold to hang out with your wang out, but go for it if you like. Anyhow, "primary schools" shouldn't be funded thru coercion and then make the spurious claim "we teach kids not to bully". That only teaches kids to lie.

I assumed "primary schools" are the equivalent of "government schools" in the USA and are funded thru a confiscatory means, rather than thru a consensual means. Correct me if I'm wrong about Canadian primary schools being funded thru coercion, I hardly ever pay attention to what you guys are doing up there unless it's something interesting like a nature show with polar bears or something.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Who is this lawyer you keep referring to? Billions of people have taken the vaccine and you want to talk about this one case that only you have heard about.

Its horseshit, of course but if it was true and the only fatality from taking the vaccine was a lawyer, that’s not so bad.
Horse shit? You mean like the claim the FDA is trying to make they never discouraged people from taking that "horse dewormer" or horse shit that a lawyer keeled over and it seems like the story has been buried?


Well-Known Member
Horse shit? You mean like the claim the FDA is trying to make they never discouraged people from taking that "horse dewormer" or horse shit that a lawyer keeled over and it seems like the story has been buried?
I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t answer my question. Who is this lawyer who died from taking the vaccine? Got any links from reputable news sources?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t answer my question. Who is this lawyer who died from taking the vaccine? Got any links from reputable news sources?
I mentioned his name several posts back in this thread. Anyhow, I don't know why he collapsed, but here's a video showing it.

I'd also read he may have been injected with a "vaccine" which was later removed from the market. Draw your own conclusions or wait for a "reputable" (smirk) news outlet to put their spin on it.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
More from Canada’s Dotard:

Ford’s recently re-elected government has tabled a bill that, if adopted, will sacrifice a fundamental tenet of democracy – majority rule – on the altar of his political agenda

Read in The Globe and Mail:
so doug ford is Canadian trump, and sylvia is his roger stone in drag....ok, i can deal with that....sorry you have to.


Well-Known Member
I mentioned his name several posts back in this thread. Anyhow, I don't know why he collapsed, but here's a video showing it.

I'd also read he may have been injected with a "vaccine" which was later removed from the market. Draw your own conclusions or wait for a "reputable" (smirk) news outlet to put their spin on it.


Did you hear about the guy who was hit by a train at a train crossing? He got his vaccine booster just before that.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Did you hear about the guy who was hit by a train at a train crossing? He got his vaccine booster just before that.

Well, there is a separate issue if he didn't take a jab, some people would want to shoot him if he tried to ride on a train, but that's not a very good answer.

Anyhow, your feeble attempt to reframe my inquiry is feeble. I didn't say I KNOW Poliquin collapsed because he took a jab, I was just wondering if anyone heard about what caused his collapse.

It's not like he was a young healthy athlete and collpsed playing soccer or something like that.
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Well-Known Member
Well, there is a separate issue if he didn't take a jab, some people would want to shoot him if he tried to ride on a train, but that's not a very good answer.

Anyhow, your feeble attempt to reframe my inquiry is feeble. I didn't say I KNOW Poliquin collapsed because he took a jab, I was just wondering if anyone heard about what caused his collapse.

It's not like he was a young healthy athlete and collpsed playing soccer or something like that.
Oh I get it now, you were just wondering.
