Canadian Western Separation


Well-Known Member
Simple topic, the Liberals won the federal election in ridings based mostly in Vancouver and Toronto, while the rest of the country voted otherwise, with significant and popular vote and Conservative voter support from the BC interior to Manitoba. A division in Canada could pose huge problems to all members of Confederation. Could a western division of Canada promote economic growth, sovereignty and wealth for the West, or does it further outdated ideas about wealth versus the environment?

I’m interested in some Canadian Cannabis lovers input especially, but everyone chip in if you want. Except you. It’s bed time for you!


Well-Known Member
Simple topic, the Liberals won the federal election in ridings based mostly in Vancouver and Toronto, while the rest of the country voted otherwise, with significant and popular vote and Conservative voter support from the BC interior to Manitoba. A division in Canada could pose huge problems to all members of Confederation. Could a western division of Canada promote economic growth, sovereignty and wealth for the West, or does it further outdated ideas about wealth versus the environment?

I’m interested in some Canadian Cannabis lovers input especially, but everyone chip in if you want. Except you. It’s bed time for you!
So, Canadian Liberals won an election and Canadian Conservatives don't respect majority rule. Yeah, we have the same problem with Conservatives in the US.
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Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are trying to promote the idea of breaking up the country by asking a seemingly "innocent" question. Do you live in Alberta or Saskatchewan? Work in the oil patch? Member of the conservative party or western wing nut party? Hate liberals? Don't like taxes (sharing with the "other")? I guess when Steven Harper was PM for a decade and had an Alberta only and before everybody else policy it was OK to be a Canadian then? I'm a happy Canadian patriot, are you? Harper never got to build too many pipelines east and west either,and Alberta might not get to transport any dirty tar sands oil down south after 2020. All that oil in an independent land locked Alberta and Saskatchewan and no way to get it out, Canada won't be cooperating and neither will the Americans after Trump and the GOP are finished. You would have to count on Trump winning and the collapse of democratic government in the States, then he would just stab you in the back and take the oil anyway.

The western provinces have no reason to split from Canada, sounds like something a Russian dupe would promote, social division. I know, I know, your just throwing the shitty idea out there to see if ya can get a bite. Well ya got one, but be careful what ya wish for, cause I'm a Canadian patriot and I figure people who promote this shit are not at best, and Russian dupes at worst. I'm sure there is a Russian website that promotes this, just like the one that promotes the succession of California, post the URL so we can see what Putin has to say. Or maybe it's just greed that's driving this bullshit, I mean there are a lot of poorly educated and well paid people out west working the oil patch. The same kinds of people support Trump in the states and they are OK with treason and the destruction of their own country too.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are trying to promote the idea of breaking up the country by asking a seemingly "innocent" question. Do you live in Alberta or Saskatchewan? Work in the oil patch? Member of the conservative party or western wing nut party? Hate liberals? Don't like taxes (sharing with the "other")? I guess when Steven Harper was PM for a decade and had an Alberta only and before everybody else policy it was OK to be a Canadian then? I'm a happy Canadian patriot, are you? Harper never got to build too many pipelines east and west either,and Alberta might not get to transport any dirty tar sands oil down south after 2020. All that oil in an independent land locked Alberta and Saskatchewan and no way to get it out, Canada won't be cooperating and neither will the Americans after Trump and the GOP are finished. You would have to count on Trump winning and the collapse of democratic government in the States, then he would just stab you in the back and take the oil anyway.

The western provinces have no reason to split from Canada, sounds like something a Russian dupe would promote, social division. I know, I know, your just throwing the shitty idea out there to see if ya can get a bite. Well ya got one, but be careful what ya wish for, cause I'm a Canadian patriot and I figure people who promote this shit are not at best, and Russian dupes at worst. I'm sure there is a Russian website that promotes this, just like the one that promotes the succession of California, post the URL so we can see what Putin has to say. Or maybe it's just greed that's driving this bullshit, I mean there are a lot of poorly educated and well paid people out west working the oil patch. The same kinds of people support Trump in the states and they are OK with treason and the destruction of their own country too.
I would like to participate in this conversation..and would prefer all involved be fair and civil.

Just for your info.
.I live in Calgary, and have been directly impacted by the downturn in energy and the federal gov't response..My background..Commerce degree, 50 years old, career in energy and finance.
Perhaps you can give us a little color and background before we continue, just to give a fair vantage point and reference?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps everyone who wants to partipate can give a little background of themselves...hardly fair to give any perspective to those who prefer to hide in anonymity and yet claim to understand..This discussion is suppose to allow fairness to one another if valid points are


Well-Known Member
I would like to participate in this conversation..and would prefer all involved be fair and civil.

Just for your info.
.I live in Calgary, and have been directly impacted by the downturn in energy and the federal gov't response..My background..Commerce degree, 50 years old, career in energy and finance.
Perhaps you can give us a little color and background before we continue, just to give a fair vantage point and reference?
Well toad, I can be civil, but here in the politics section we deal with trolls, sock puppets and dishonest people all the time, Trump supports and American racist traitors.

I live in Nova Scotia and retired from a job with CN rail in Winnipeg and I can have a civil conversation with people who are honest and honorable. Don't expect a friendly conversation though if you want to break up my country over petty grievances and idiotic ideological arguments. Remember we put up with Steven Harper for 10 long years and he did not get too many east/west pipelines built, the provinces are the issue, not the federal government. After 2020 and a democratic landslide in America, I would not count on getting too much oil out through the states either. The OP appears to be promoting social division over petty issues and I'm a Canadian patriot, are you? Canada first or Alberta first?

Trudeau has a minority government and has to contend with the NDP and green party. Racism and bigotry (Quebec) can break up a country, so can greed. Do the conservative ranchers still get to lease land for thousands of dollars with the mineral rights and make millions off them in Alberta? Did the NDP change this?


Well-Known Member
My name is buck. I recently moved from the city to the country. I acted like “one of the boys” by telling a bunch of racist jokes and degrading women. They invited me to their klan rally where I did recognizance which allowed me to identify every klanman in town

I have been slowly poisoning them ever since. They will all be dead in 3 weeks tops. Most are showing symptoms already


Well-Known Member
Simple topic, the Liberals won the federal election in ridings based mostly in Vancouver and Toronto, while the rest of the country voted otherwise, with significant and popular vote and Conservative voter support from the BC interior to Manitoba. A division in Canada could pose huge problems to all members of Confederation. Could a western division of Canada promote economic growth, sovereignty and wealth for the West, or does it further outdated ideas about wealth versus the environment?

I’m interested in some Canadian Cannabis lovers input especially, but everyone chip in if you want. Except you. It’s bed time for you!
Are you crying, eh?


Well-Known Member
I live in Nova Scotia and I'm retired from CN rail with a good pension. Selling out your country over greed is as bad as selling it out over racism and I'm seeing lot's of that right here in America


Well-Known Member
Perhaps everyone who wants to partipate can give a little background of themselves...hardly fair to give any perspective to those who prefer to hide in anonymity and yet claim to understand..This discussion is suppose to allow fairness to one another if valid points are
Well toad lay it on the line, where are you coming from here and what is your proposed solution? If ya wanna run with the big dogs, ya gotta learn to pee in the tall grass. Be warned tough, this is a battle ground for the soul of not just our nation, but for the Americans here too and they are in a death struggle right now.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps everyone who wants to partipate can give a little background of themselves...hardly fair to give any perspective to those who prefer to hide in anonymity and yet claim to understand..This discussion is suppose to allow fairness to one another if valid points are
Not Canadian. Don't have an opinion on Canadian politics. I do support the rule of law and rule by majority. Conservatives in the US support neither.

Circle back to my earlier post for how that applies to this therad.


Well-Known Member
But what about the votes of those many, many acres of tundra? Why do you hate tundra?
Fortunately geography does not equal democratic representation in Canada. We still have regional issues however and the two provinces who are doing well economically are largely greed driven. Alberta is cutting education and healthcare in spite of massive wealth, they have lot's of poorly educated men who have high paying jobs, same dynamic as in America with typical Trump supporters. Greed is usually expressed in ideological terms like libertarianism or conservativism, but succession is a political expression of it as well. Alberta and Saskatchewan are full of 30 something white males who don't wanna pay their taxes or in many cases child support either. Many young people from the east coast moved there in the 80's and to this day, some got greedy and forgot who educated them and raised them. Much of the young population of Nova Scotia is out west and where I live most people under 50 moved there.


Well-Known Member
When they call for things to be civil and fair in advance it’s because they always get called a racist nazi anytime they try to debate anything
I wanna hear what toad has to say before I pass judgement, you are correct in your assumption most of the time. It's not so much of a death struggle up here in the great white north (19 C here today and snow in Colorado!) :D He might just be looking for civil discourse, but if he figures succession is a good idea in light of the efforts of Russia to promote social and civil division, he will be disappointed. I'm a Canadian patriot and succession over mere greed is treason to me, you know my views on treason, whether rationalized by racism, hatred or greed... I strongly suspect foreign interference in my county's affairs when I hear such stupidity, it reminds me of the California succession bullshit promoted by a Russian website.