Canadian Western Separation

The will of the majority is how gang rape works too. I'd rather not model anything using "the will of the majority" as an assumed acceptable template.

I'm all for secession. It's an individual human right.
The will of the majority is how gang rape works too. I'd rather not model anything using "the will of the majority" as an assumed acceptable template.

I'm all for secession. It's an individual human right.
Humans are social animals, not individuals and their societies function as such. You're just masking antisocial behavior under a guise of individual rights, collective rights come first, they always do. If you disagree with that assessment enough, we will jail or kill you, period, dead men have no rights.
Simple topic, the Liberals won the federal election in ridings based mostly in Vancouver and Toronto, while the rest of the country voted otherwise, with significant and popular vote and Conservative voter support from the BC interior to Manitoba. A division in Canada could pose huge problems to all members of Confederation. Could a western division of Canada promote economic growth, sovereignty and wealth for the West, or does it further outdated ideas about wealth versus the environment?

I’m interested in some Canadian Cannabis lovers input especially, but everyone chip in if you want. Except you. It’s bed time for you!

Oil has gone from boom 150 bucks a barrel for oil to less then 50 a barrel causing job losses in the oil fields in the Conservative strongholds however under the Liberals Canada has the lowest unemployment numbers in its history. Its sad how Alberta and the other oil producing provinces would not cut Canadians a break on the price of oil when it was 150 bucks a barrel but now that is just 50 bucks a barrel they have their hands out asking for money. You get what you give.
Oil is a bad investment as most major nations have announced banning gas power cars by 2040. Alberta and the other oil producing provinces will soon find their oil stocks worth less every day. As this happens cheap oil form the middle east will be the death toll for the oil sands.

BTW here in BC we have no love for oil or pipe lines leaking in our province!
Red, Blue, Orange, Green. They are all crooks in suits trying to keep a broken system going.
Give most people in the patch an alternative job, one where they might even get to see their kids grow up, and they will take it.
But instead all those crooks in suits have us fighting among ourselves.
As someone who worked for almost a decade on a drilling rig in Alberta and northern BC, I cannot believe how much people have turned into whining crying bitches. crying and whining because they don't understand how our broken system works and their creep in a suit didn't get elected. Since when was the patch filled with crying fuckin bitches? Wanna leave? Go, just stop crying about it online like a buncha teenaged fucking pussies.
Call me when the revolution starts :eyesmoke:

Cheers :)
Oil has gone from boom 150 bucks a barrel for oil to less then 50 a barrel causing job losses in the oil fields in the Conservative strongholds however under the Liberals Canada has the lowest unemployment numbers in its history. Its sad how Alberta and the other oil producing provinces would not cut Canadians a break on the price of oil when it was 150 bucks a barrel but now that is just 50 bucks a barrel they have their hands out asking for money. You get what you give.
Oil is a bad investment as most major nations have announced banning gas power cars by 2040. Alberta and the other oil producing provinces will soon find their oil stocks worth less every day. As this happens cheap oil form the middle east will be the death toll for the oil sands.

BTW here in BC we have no love for oil or pipe lines leaking in our province!
The price of oil is set globally and we can't have a special Canadian price for it and still be part of the global economy. Alberta's problems with BC and the natives won't go away with succession, but will become much worse. The natives in Alberta would claim most of the tar sands as native land (the oil patch too) and they would go with the federal government, it's the same weapon the federal government used against Quebec. If Canada is divisible, so too is Quebec (80% of the territory would be native) and ditto for Alberta (Pierre Trudeau's strategy). If Alberta and Saskatchewan pulled the pin on Canada, the feds would strip off most of their territory along with the native populations. One of the reasons the feds are keeping the first nations happy and addressing their concerns is the role they would play in national unity. Their land is under federal control and their land claims would expand with succession. First nations are a valuable ally in the fight for national unity, it's not all just liberal good will and white man's guilt, there are very practical reasons for keeping these folks happy and Canadian.
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Red, Blue, Orange, Green. They are all crooks in suits trying to keep a broken system going.
Give most people in the patch an alternative job, one where they might even get to see their kids grow up, and they will take it.
But instead all those crooks in suits have us fighting among ourselves.
As someone who worked for almost a decade on a drilling rig in Alberta and northern BC, I cannot believe how much people have turned into whining crying bitches. crying and whining because they don't understand how our broken system works and their creep in a suit didn't get elected. Since when was the patch filled with crying fuckin bitches? Wanna leave? Go, just stop crying about it online like a buncha teenaged fucking pussies.
Call me when the revolution starts :eyesmoke:

Cheers :)
From your user name ya sound like a fellow Cape Bretoner!
Here is where I'm from, look familiar?
or perhaps this one
Red, Blue, Orange, Green. They are all crooks in suits trying to keep a broken system going.
Give most people in the patch an alternative job, one where they might even get to see their kids grow up, and they will take it.
But instead all those crooks in suits have us fighting among ourselves.
As someone who worked for almost a decade on a drilling rig in Alberta and northern BC, I cannot believe how much people have turned into whining crying bitches. crying and whining because they don't understand how our broken system works and their creep in a suit didn't get elected. Since when was the patch filled with crying fuckin bitches? Wanna leave? Go, just stop crying about it online like a buncha teenaged fucking pussies.
Call me when the revolution starts :eyesmoke:

Cheers :)

Here I thought cannabis was better then Valium. Point taken they need stronger drugs to be happy or maybe we all just need to lighten up a little. Smoking a joint laughing my ass off.
Humans are social animals, not individuals and their societies function as such. You're just masking antisocial behavior under a guise of individual rights, collective rights come first, they always do. If you disagree with that assessment enough, we will jail or kill you, period, dead men have no rights.

So if the majority thought "you got a perty mouth"'re okay with dropping to your knees in front of the line ?
So if the majority thought "you got a perty mouth"'re okay with dropping to your knees in front of the line ?
Just like black Americans got lynched in the south by a majority of white people, it ain't always right or pretty, it's just the way it is, or in this case was. 400 years ago you would have been burned at the stake for wearing the monkey suit, or horse whipped and hung for child rape, bitching about your "individual rights" would not have helped much. The US constitution protects the minority from the majority though, and you would be wise to vote democratic (assuming you still have the franchise) to save your constitution and protect your rights. It would be illogical for someone like you to vote republican, they would make Trump a king, have already betrayed the constitution and support literal treason. Why would you fuck yourself and support Trump and the republicans?
Just like black Americans got lynched in the south by a majority of white people, it ain't always right or pretty, it's just the way it is, or in this case was. 400 years ago you would have been burned at the stake for wearing the monkey suit, or horse whipped and hung for child rape, bitching about your "individual rights" would not have helped much. The US constitution protects the minority from the majority though, and you would be wise to vote democratic (assuming you still have the franchise) to save your constitution and protect your rights. It would be illogical for someone like you to vote republican, they would make Trump a king, have already betrayed the constitution and support literal treason. Why would you fuck yourself and support Trump and the republicans?

No, the U.S. Constitution does not protect people. Guns do.
No, the U.S. Constitution does not protect people. Guns do.
It's probably the only reason an outraged family has not killed you already, the rule of law operates inside the framework of the US constitution. Besides the 2nd amendment, is an amendment to the US constitution and you like that one. I don't think the 2nd will help much with gun regulation though, the government could legally ban everything except muzzle loaders. If they can regulate the caliber of weapons and machine guns, the they can do the same for semi automatics and magazine capacities as well.
Red, Blue, Orange, Green. They are all crooks in suits trying to keep a broken system going.
Give most people in the patch an alternative job, one where they might even get to see their kids grow up, and they will take it.
But instead all those crooks in suits have us fighting among ourselves.
As someone who worked for almost a decade on a drilling rig in Alberta and northern BC, I cannot believe how much people have turned into whining crying bitches. crying and whining because they don't understand how our broken system works and their creep in a suit didn't get elected. Since when was the patch filled with crying fuckin bitches? Wanna leave? Go, just stop crying about it online like a buncha teenaged fucking pussies.
Call me when the revolution starts :eyesmoke:

Cheers :)
so, people who work on a drilling rig in Aberta aren't smart. Is that what you are getting at?
Thanks all for sharing backgrounds..
Helps give one another foundations for perspective.

I'll throw a little out there for others to scrutinize from the Alberta perspective.

Admittedly, I can understand why there is little sympathy for Alberta as it has traditionally been a have province. That said, I think most Albertan's are surprised by the indifference we have received from the rest of Canada since the downturn as we have willingly contributed to sharing the wealth in the past.
There are several problems/challenges we have as Canadians. First, being one of the largest countries in the world, we have several different economies within our diverse regions...unfortunately, polarizing us.
In recent times, I honestly believe outside influence is very much trying to plant the seed of conflict from within..for the benefit of foreign interests. I do think that's why the Skunk Trump is now pulling the strings to the south..He doesn't have the social conscience to run a country...
As much as I live in Alberta, I believe my views are more liberal in nature..I love the fact that our country at least attempt to provide healthcare and education for all...I think many of us as Canadian's take pride in that..
The problem now is that lines are fuzzy..when it comes to issue are they political, regional, social? and guys like the Ford brothers skew voters so priorities are conflicting.

Some people think Albertans are die hard Trump like conservatives, when in actual fact many have very liberal views as well, but merely vote Conservative in an effort to have a federal voice.
We talk about a unified Canada, yet the political scene has been so volatile and divisive we have seen regions swing violently both left and right..Heck..the past 4 years Alberta voted in an NDP government!?..First in over 30 years!! and in that time, the NDP managed to run Alberta into debt over $70 billion more(guessing quadrupling our debt)..with a population of 3.7 million..How are we going to pay for that?!! Like giving an irresponsible teenager a credit card..I live in an upper middle value house and just my property taxes are now over $6500/yr ..Its crazy!...
.Albertan's vote for conservatism in the province is more about fiscal responsibility than anything...on federal level, my guess is Sheer is done..and rightfully so..Religion and
Politics dont mix..
Now back to unity...Our country, at this point, is not and has not acted for the betterment of "All" for a long time..We all hope to act as a collective, but squabbled like fighting siblings. We all have our strengths and contributions..BC foresty, fishing mining, manufacturing, it vital access to the sea, Alberta energy, Sask and Manitoba energy and agriculture, Ontarion get my point.
Now we are not operating as a team "Canada"...with divergent views and economies...political leader have made this exponentially worse. and the problem is dynamic..domino effect as one industry impacts another..The fact, that oil on the prairies is now having to move by rail car to the coast, which is less environmentally friendly..not to mention more risky, means that the decision to halt pipeline bottle-necks industries in Saskatchewan and Manitoba who require rail capacity presently being occupied by oil...Are the protests based on logic, malicious, political or something else?Canada produces some of the cleanest fuel in the world. Our evolving carbon capture technology pioneered out here give us the opportunity to help the world..creating Calcium Carbonates and other alternatives...
We have 37 million people in Canada, less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the worlds pop...Canadians are not the ones burning it all! If we can get energy out of the ground in the most environmental manner..doesn't that help everyone? By displacing other counteies who dont care?
Let talk about the pipeline..It already exists..The plan is merely to add a second line directly beside (twin it) to minimize the environmental impact..This has been an issue with BC, part of which I most certainly understand as it comes in the Burnaby inlet...Why were the powers that be not able to find a better option for British Columbian's that did not run through their back yard? and now we scramble and fight..BC's other primary source of fuel comes from Cherry Point Washington..and that oil is supplied tanked down the entire coastline of BC from Alaska..Can someone please help me understand the preference?
When we talk unity, were all discussimg sharing the wealth...Since 1957, when transfers payments were introduced, Quebec has received approximately 51% of these TOTAL redistributed funds..(less than 25% of the people collecting over half the money.)..Much of that as we all agree came from Canada's energy...They have no problem accepting this money from energy..Yet now that we need to expand to new markets they are not willing to help..Unity?.Yet they still have their hands out ..Alberta energy contributes about $20 Billion a year to federal coffers..Quebec collects a net positive of approx $11 Billion..Alberta zero...Quebec students were even asking for free post secondary education! How does this feel equal?
People in Alberta are upset, because, while the rest of Canada touts unity Albertans are left wondering where the cavalry is now that our livelihood is in the tank..Weve lost over 100,000 jobs in the past 4-5 years in energy..Yet, when SNC and its skunky dealings talks of losing but a tiny fraction if that number the federal government comes running..people losing there homes here, suicides have sky rocketed..and the rest of Canada continues to ask What have you done for me lately?

just some thoughts..


P.S. Alberta does not set its prices, as some speculate, International supply and demand dictates that...proof..If it did, it would still be changing $140/barrel...
In recent times, I honestly believe outside influence is very much trying to plant the seed of conflict from within..for the benefit of foreign interests. I do think that's why the Skunk Trump is now pulling the strings to the south..He doesn't have the social conscience to run a country...
Defiantly look at how the Russians have been using online social media (like Facebook and this site) to drive people away from each other and into ideological camps. This is how they hit us with Trump and England with Brexit, among a lot of other things. It sucks, I am hoping we can oust Trump and get back to normalcy by ending this Russian election trolling nonsense immediately.

I am from Detroit area, across the border and grew up watching Don Cherry. I wish you guys the best eh!
Oil has gone from boom 150 bucks a barrel for oil to less then 50 a barrel causing job losses in the oil fields in the Conservative strongholds however under the Liberals Canada has the lowest unemployment numbers in its history. Its sad how Alberta and the other oil producing provinces would not cut Canadians a break on the price of oil when it was 150 bucks a barrel but now that is just 50 bucks a barrel they have their hands out asking for money. You get what you give.
Oil is a bad investment as most major nations have announced banning gas power cars by 2040. Alberta and the other oil producing provinces will soon find their oil stocks worth less every day. As this happens cheap oil form the middle east will be the death toll for the oil sands.

BTW here in BC we have no love for oil or pipe lines leaking in our province!
I think we'd all agree...Canada's economy lives and dies with the direction of the fact, as a natural resource supplier we are a
Leasing indicator as to which direction the US economy is going..NOT Liberal generates the life-blood and wealth for all Canadians..both the Liberal party and the NDP have made spending promises that you and I will have to pay for at some point through taxes...$30-$55 Billion respectively wasnt it?
Having one of Canada's largest oil and gas companies (Encana) pack up and leave...reduces the tax base used to pay for all the social programs..doesn't help either..
Here's a question..lets hypothetically say we just mothballed oil and gas all together in Canada..those international needs would be met elsewhere...and we had $20 billion a year
less in federal tax revenue..and thats just from Alberta..Where would we come up with that extra money to pay for health care and education?

Actually, no you’re wrong. Conservatives won the popular vote!

yep, the joke's on me. I shouldn't have assumed Canada's electoral system makes sense.

I went to the Wikipedia page to read up on the subject and quickly became so bored I decided I'd rather weed my garden instead. From what I've read, Conservatives did win more votes than Liberals but fewer seats. I don't like it. The position is "Prime Minister of Canada", not the "Prime Minister of strangely allocated districts that give their voters more clout than others". But then again, as in the US if you don't like the system, change it before the election. Trump is our president until we either impeach him or vote him out or he serves a total of two terms. Either way, he's there until he can be removed by legal means.

In the US, a bipartisan effort to repeal the electoral college is gradually moving forward. It won't be in effect before 2020. So, we might just see another minority national leader in charge. I don't advocate for schism though. That idea is as dumb in the US as the one you put forth.
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Actually, no you’re wrong. Conservatives won the popular vote!
Conservatives did win the popular vote, but unfortunately, like our neighbours and election to the south experienced..that's not the way our system is set up..Heck, even a coalition of minority parties can get together to run the show.