i dont know what your asking but it sounds like your overwatering them and thats why there not responding everyday is way too much when there young like that you gotta let them dry out just a little so that they grow roots in search of water this will boost your growth

Definitly NOT overwatering. If anything i would consdier underwatering. I weighed them daily, gave them just enough to be moist in 24 hour periods. But this is a pic of them JUST 10 DAYS OUT OF HUMIDITY. that means a total of 20 days old since cutting. I transplanted today.....


  • 613021d1257718583-canna-coco-drip-feed-1-img00124-20091108-1209.jpg
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Half the dose the manafacturer suggests but given twice as often. As long as you have a well draining medium then less more often is always more beneficial than a lot less often. Plants really do not like high concentrations as much as a medium concentration. Plants tend to take up more nutrients at a medium EC than at a high EC.

First off fatman, thanks for the help, you definitly have gave me better understandings of things. very help ful.

So here is the programs for DRAIN TO WASTE FROM THE GH WEBSITE, in regards to floranova.
Seedling 1mL Flora Nova Grow(which im not using, just bloom)
Mild Growth 2.5mL FNG
growth 7mLFNG
Aggressive Growth 7.5 mL FNG
transition 2.5 mL FloraNova Grow and 2.5mL floranova BLOOm
bloom 5mL Flora nova Bloom
Aggressive Bloom 7.5 mL FNB
Ripen 2.5ml FNB

it also suggests accompanying 1 mL of floralicious plus with every mixture above.
Floralicious Plus is a super concentrated blend of plant, marine, and mineral extracts. Floralicious Plus is a one part nutrient additive to be used throughout the plants growing cycle. Floralicious Plus contains the natural building blocks of life and is used in addition to your regular fertilizer program.
Floralicious Plus enhances mineral nutrient uptake and transport in your plants. The active carbon technology facilitates the conversion and biosynthesis of complex secondary aromatic compounds. Floralicious Plus enhances metabolic growth, promotes flower development, encourages fruit swelling, and facilitates essential oil production. Floralicious Plus will also encourage beneficial microbial activity in the root zone.
Floralicious Plus means plants with incredible flavor and extraordinary yield!

lucas and others would say ditch everything, but i have seen people buy it by the jug, i have some in the aresenal, and even HEAD formula suggests using it.

There is also kool bloom coming in the schedule at the start of flower.

so when you say 1/2 the recommend mixture, but more often. if i am water 2x a day, what would u do with the given information.

Example above: Growth 7mL a gallon, 1mL of floralicious plus

should i water 2x a day with the solution being 3.5mL of FloraNova Bloom and .5mL of floralicious????
so when you say 1/2 the recommend mixture, but more often. if i am water 2x a day, what would u do with the given information.

Example above: Growth 7mL a gallon, 1mL of floralicious plus

should i water 2x a day with the solution being 3.5mL of FloraNova Bloom and .5mL of floralicious????

Yes. The soil should never dry out. The old myth that a pots top inch or top two inches should dry out between waterings is ludicrous. No part of the soil should ever dry out but should always be moist. The soil should always drain well enough though to prevent it from being soggy. To let the top dry out is fine for growiing a lawn or field crop as it makes the roots develop heavier at a depth so they are more tolerant of dry spells (drought). With a hand cultivated crop there should never be dry spells or a drought so the roots should grow everywhere in the pot. The only place there should not be actively growing roots is on the soils surface. Any soil that you are going to let dry out between waterings you might as well just remove as it serves very little purpose other than at the surface where it shields the roots from light. That only requires a very thin layer of soil, not an inch or two. Most people who have analyzed most the products sold never buy most of them ever again. Nutrient manfacturers like to do things like sell a bottle of magnesium carbonate or magnesium sulfate solution or silica phospahate or some other common fertilizer like it is a wonder supplement. Or sell products called carbon foods when the only carbon foods any grower needs to be worried about is CO2. I think it is starnge that they will tell you to only use RO water that has had the calcium and calcium carbonates such as Magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate with phosphate or iron bound to it, then turn right around and sell those chemical compounds as the newest best supplement discovery in pot growing. There are no new discoveries in growing plant nutrients other than some hormones. The manafacturers are actually hiring old worn out university researchers who are doing nothing but dragging out old previously researched nutrients and supplements that were not considered viable when they were previously researched due to high costs verus minimal benefits that can now be ignored as a cash crop like pot is a much different crop than a commercial food crop where cost versus benefits is more important. Now that Pot growers are paying huge amounts for anything they are told is going to increase yield or quality they are putting out all kinds of old "discoveries" as new research developments. But as long pot growers you do not mind paying a lot for very little that is OK by them.
hmm point taken indeed, this is true, if you look at my pics of the roots, i do see them not forming in the top layer, because i let it become too dry, or let it become more dry.

I AM IN 100% canna coco. im sure these same rules apply tho.
hmm point taken indeed, this is true, if you look at my pics of the roots, i do see them not forming in the top layer, because i let it become too dry, or let it become more dry.

I AM IN 100% canna coco. im sure these same rules apply tho.

Can not get much closer to a soil grow without going to soil than with canna coco. Keep canna coco moist and it becomes humus. Humus is essentially just partially decomposed organic matter. Soil if healthy is jus a combination of filely ground rock powders and humus.
Can not get much closer to a soil grow without going to soil than with canna coco. Keep canna coco moist and it becomes humus. Humus is essentially just partially decomposed organic matter. Soil if healthy is jus a combination of filely ground rock powders and humus.

Fat man, your the man!
you give just the answers i need to hear!
you def. know what your talking about.

im gonna start feeding 2x 3.5ml of floranova bloom, keeping the coco wet to moist, BUT NOt DRY. sorry if im bothering you with rookie questions, but im just trying to get it down to a science.

Do you think a week is good, then start watering till runoff?
I would always if possible water frequently in smaller amounts than in occasional large waterings. It is good to every once in a while dilute the fertilizer even more and water heavily for several waterings fairly close together to flush out accumalated salts.
I would always if possible water frequently in smaller amounts than in occasional large waterings. It is good to every once in a while dilute the fertilizer even more and water heavily for several waterings fairly close together to flush out accumalated salts.

OK perfect, so feed lightly 2x a day for normal schedule, give it a heavy feeding every 2 weeks sound about right, like weaken the solution but bump it up to lets say, water 3x a day with more water, for a few days in the week.

soak the pots and wash out accumulated salt build up.

It seems in coco, your 2 worst enemies are overwatering and salt build up in the coco itself. another of course would be cal-mag def.
but definitly those 2.

Its quite the balancing act, but i walk the line.

well see how they are in the morning