• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

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New Member
i NEVER had heard or visited this site before my first google search for CH.....my family has awesome grows, so i've never used the internet to disscuss growing weed.... At least you're not being a dick about it, Hank.... i truly appreciate it, sir.


New Member
nope.... comes out the other end..... and it's a cumulative process, doesn't happen after just taking one hit..... i have found a balance since my last post a month back..... if i smoke 2 hits or less a day, i only suffer from a perception of elevated internal heat, and only the mildest of stomach discomfort... it's not a TRUE win, but at least i can still smoke! :)


First thing first, I am a total supporter of medical marijuana, and I feel that it has numerous medical benefits. After saying that I only read the first page, and I have to say those who are closed minded thinking that CHS is not real need to open there fucking mind......seriously you smoke cannabis so your mind should be opened already. My fiancé has been through hell in back within these last 3 years. Over 20 admissions, 3 PICC lines, over 40 IV attempts, has lost over 100 lbs, suffers from nausea and vomiting everyday, and is/was a chronic smoker x 6 years. Previously to finding out that she possibly has CHS she had several different diagnosis thrown at her-From celiac diseases to possibly gastroparesis. We have seen 4 different GI specialist is 3 different states now, and just last week this new GI doctor suggested CHS. And the first thing that made him come up with this diagnosis was the hot showering. So please my fellow stoners believe this because this diagnosis has been hell for her, and has almost taken her life. It truly sucks that she can not enjoy Bud anymore, but if it means saving her life then so be it. I truly hope that anyone that is a chronic smoker who begin to show CHS symptoms quickly check this out before wasting there life and money trying to figure this out. Honestly this has been the worst thing to happened to my fiancé, she is unable to work due to vomiting each day, she hardly has a social life, she cant enjoy food.....but hopefully cessation of Cannabis solves all of these problems. Again I am totally not against Cannabis, but CHS is definitely real and can/will ruin your life.


Thank you for the post, I have had experiences like this... it was like nobody could relate and nobody had this episode happen to them whenever I brought it up so I just kept it to myself.
In high school I was smoking a blunt before class, everything seemed normally good at first, when I started walking to class I felt a bit too high to be in a hard ass desk bored to death so I decided to skip class, as I got off school grounds nausea began creeping,
I had to get somewhere fast, I went around the back of a secluded building, was in cold sweats and began puking out everything in me nearly even my asshole, I couldn't even breath because the gagging gut-wrenching mode was so intense, I had to catch a breath when ever possible and hold it while hoping I wasn't going to pass out during the vomit contractions(Feeling that if I didn't fight through this I would die). I thought it would never end and when it finally did it was almost like being reborn with a new chance at life. This was the first time it happened and I put it down to the blunts, I never had something like that happen until those blunts, I don't normally smoke blunts. I also worried that they were laced with something but I doubted it, never the less[FONT=georgia, arial, verdana, sans-serif] I've been fearful of blunts ever since.
Greening out & green fever are described similarly,
[/FONT]Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is new info for me, Unflushed bud has brought me feelings reminiscent to my first horrible near death experience, but I also have low tolerance, smoking can go far into the dark side if I smoke too much, low quality bud takes me to a bad place too. I have more recently found out that I have celiac and hypothyroidism but I can't say what roles they play. I will be experimenting with my problems to see if I can't find a better understanding, i.e. Cutting all gluten, no hypo meds, and try different cannabinoids combos among other things(to be continued...). You have to do what works for you, Cannabis is one of the greatest plants on the planet, but not everybody can use her the same way!

This sickness issue needs to have support for people who don't have it so blissfully, Its ok with me if the others are skeptical or treat it as a informant cop post, in a world of war where most of the war is fought via mental warfare it is understandable that good people be untrusting about a strangers intentions or agenda, but it should not stop us from building records of honest information to help people though, it is because of the psychotic narcissistic tyrannical incompetent legalized criminals in gov. that we do not have better resources and better information on subjects such as this one.



Well-Known Member
make you wonder if all these people with supposed CHS is from smoking tainted cannabis with pesticides and pgr's since most of them are not from medical states or medical patients. Just seem like another condition fabricated by big pharma.


New Member
CHS why the hell do you even entertain these ignorant individuals telling you that you are making all of this up? What do you have to gain by making up a story like this? There are BILLIONS of people in this world with different bodies and tolerances. Everybody's body doesn't handle marijuana the same way. My uncle is literary allergic to weed, like he can smoke weed and his face will get all swollen right away. I know its true because it happened to me too. I started smoking weed when I was about 11 or 12. The first episode started when I was about 17. I'm 19 now. It happened to me 3 times, each episode lasting for about a week. But it is THE WORST. Your nauseous 24/7, throwing up whatever you try to eat. You are literally dying because you can't keep anything down. And hospitals cant help. They can just keep you on iv fluids until it goes away. And you can try to say its something else, but this is literally the only syndrome where EVERY SINGLE ONE of the symptoms match up to what your feeling, right down to the showers. trust me, I have spent hours on the internet trying to find something else that it could possibly be but nothing else hits the nail right on the head. It hit me pretty hard because weed was such a big part of my life. I would smoke almost every morning before school, and when I got out of school, it wasn't any different. I always wonder, "why is it affecting me now after all of these years of smoking?!" but that's how it works, it builds up in your system. I still smoke every once in a while but I can never go back to being a everyday smoker, I'm just too scared. I'm not trying to scare anybody or preach BELIEVE ME I miss weed sooooooo damn much and if you can still smoke, more power to you. But I just hate seeing a man ridiculed for an experience as serious as this. Have some compassion people.


New Member
Hi there. I have CHS and would love to speak to someone else who does. I think its the compulsive hot bathing that is the giveaway...


New Member
Hi there. I have CHS and would love to speak to someone else who does. I think its the compulsive hot bathing that is the giveaway...
Manderley -

I also have CHS, see my earlier posts above.

You can email me directly at TimInVirginia(at)aol(dot)com.

Lots of people on this site will make fun of you and tell you it's not real. I wish them well but they've never experienced this.

If you want to hear from someone who has been through this, send me a note.

Feel better soon!

Tim in Virginia


Well-Known Member
Are all the 1st poster people on this thread trying to remake Reefer Madness??:roll:
Trying to say people like me 35 years smoking in about 2 weeks.
Im fine, still smokin.
newest studies of adult men show improved brain function not Burnt brain cells....


New Member
Lol your full a shit ... yet another first poster?? Damn....... so lemme just say that if your allergic to weed (never heard that one before) but if you are, I'm certain you would not be smoking weed for years....

Anyway so I was bored this morning so I thought I would check all my bases...I've reviewed and reread many studies and documented side effects of marijuana.. which is an anti emetic, meaning anti emesis..... I literally can't find a single shred of evidence supporting chs..if only thc increased hcg levels, hormonal studies , many of them have been performed showing a reduction in testosterone and progesterone of course still in normal ranges, the only thing you could use to support chs would be that thc increases hcg levels basically giving you morning sickness. But hcg levels are actually reduced and is thought that its reduction is what reduces testosterone..

Anyway, in summary of all my posts...there is not one shred of evidence supporting this and in fact its quite the contrary. Every study, every "side effect" from thc should eliminate hyperemesis... its ridiculous..completely made up.....
hahahahahaha people like you are so funny to me my friend. First, when did you graduate from med school? Oh okay. Second, I asked it before but ill ask it again. What do I have to gain by "making up" a story like this? Your trying to sound smart because you did a little research on google but you sound really dumb because it happened. You have nothing in front of you but a bowl pack, some lotion, and a laptop. You are most likely in a dead-end job and not going anywhere in life, live with your mom, and you get on the internet because it is the only place that you can try to sound smart. So stop beating your dick off for a second and learn something you waste of sperm.


Well-Known Member
I graduated in 2002(edit. Actually after thinking about a while I think it was 04)..... from Texas tech

10 years of it.........so I'll be a dick I guess.....you can go ahead and call me Dr qwiz if you wish...

When I said I was covering all my bases yes I did Google and look into chs and the studies as well as the cannabinoids. But I also discussed this with my colleagues and using my own background with the human body and pharmacology (pk/pd)
Hi im 19 years old with a history of daily cannabis use for about 3 years now , and i too have symptons extremly similar to everyone elses but for some reason cannot find it in me to believe that Cannabis Hypermesis is my diagnosis or a real diagnosis for that matter and its because of this...

How many of you with these symptoms also experience large amounts of saliva build up in there throats???

For me thats what really triggers all my symptons. Ill wake up and ill have to spit, and i just keep spitting and spitting its almost endless. Once the saliva is thick enough to make me gag thats when i start throwing up.

The "hot shower" technique everyone claims to relieve all nausea is not my way of relieving the pain , i take long bike rides... Yeah sounds stupid right? But its true, ill hop on my bike go for like an hour ride come back home and ill feel 100% better . Though a hot shower does sort of feel exotically pleasant when feeling this terrible it was never my first instinct . My first instinct to relieving my nausea was fresh air , being outside . Then again i do use a portable heater in my room but idk if that counts...

I honestly know what i must do to make all these symptons go away permanently but i dont want to stop , and i also dont want to start believing in a diagnosis with no or little background and research behind it. For the most part of this diagnosis all you can find is the symptons and nothing more. Its almost been 3 years since the docs started diagnosing patients with this BS and there still is no concrete detials about it. Ive been experiencing these symptons for over a year now and gone to the ER once and ergent care once for IV's due to a lack of liquids in my body but lately ive been able to just deal with it. This is gonna sound nasty but ive been given promethazine suppositories and so far when experiencing these symptons it sorta helps. Basically makes you sleep through it all. Idk though , after reading this entire thread im sorta considering to stop but im a prop 215 patient of san francisco california. Its hard to stop when smoking is literally your lifestyle . Please find a cure or at least a diagnosis with credible evidence . Peace


New Member
Hi DoesntWantToBelieve -

Do a Google search under the terms "J.H. Allen and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis" (with the quotation marks). This will bring up the original small study that first described CHS in a medical journal. Then search with the terms "Douglas A. Simonetto and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis" in quotes and this should bring up a 2012 study by the Mayo Clinic.

That one gets pretty technical but has a lot of information.

Read them both and then decide for yourself if your symptoms match what they describe. Hopefully you'll find that you don't fit the pattern of CHS. Certainly for most people pot has been shown to help with nausea. For me there seems to be an invisible line that if I cross I go into a puking episode.

Phenergen is what the docs give me by IV in the hospital, and they send me home with the suppositories for the times I can't hold down water to swallow a pill. They do help, but the hot showers or baths seem to make the connection to CHS.

Ignore the immature idiots on this site that will make fun of you. I wish them well and truly hope they never have to deal with this condition. I hope to be able to smoke small amounts of pot in the future if I can find a level that does not make me sick.

If you want to correspond directly, you can email me at TimInVirginia(at)aol(dot)com.

Best of luck to you and be strong and stay well!

Tim in Virginia

Hi im 19 years old with a history of daily cannabis use for about 3 years now , and i too have symptons extremly similar to everyone elses but for some reason cannot find it in me to believe that Cannabis Hypermesis is my diagnosis or a real diagnosis for that matter and its because of this...

How many of you with these symptoms also experience large amounts of saliva build up in there throats???

For me thats what really triggers all my symptons. Ill wake up and ill have to spit, and i just keep spitting and spitting its almost endless. Once the saliva is thick enough to make me gag thats when i start throwing up.

The "hot shower" technique everyone claims to relieve all nausea is not my way of relieving the pain , i take long bike rides... Yeah sounds stupid right? But its true, ill hop on my bike go for like an hour ride come back home and ill feel 100% better . Though a hot shower does sort of feel exotically pleasant when feeling this terrible it was never my first instinct . My first instinct to relieving my nausea was fresh air , being outside . Then again i do use a portable heater in my room but idk if that counts...

I honestly know what i must do to make all these symptons go away permanently but i dont want to stop , and i also dont want to start believing in a diagnosis with no or little background and research behind it. For the most part of this diagnosis all you can find is the symptons and nothing more. Its almost been 3 years since the docs started diagnosing patients with this BS and there still is no concrete detials about it. Ive been experiencing these symptons for over a year now and gone to the ER once and ergent care once for IV's due to a lack of liquids in my body but lately ive been able to just deal with it. This is gonna sound nasty but ive been given promethazine suppositories and so far when experiencing these symptons it sorta helps. Basically makes you sleep through it all. Idk though , after reading this entire thread im sorta considering to stop but im a prop 215 patient of san francisco california. Its hard to stop when smoking is literally your lifestyle . Please find a cure or at least a diagnosis with credible evidence . Peace


New Member
Hey! I think I have this as well. Well last year I was in the hospital I found out I had acid reflux AND gastritis! So that doesn't help me there. But I've been smoking for about 7 years now. I just went to the hospital today because I couldn't take it anymore. The past couple of months I've just even getting worse and worse throwing up for 12 hours and stuff like that. The doctor told me to quit smoking for a month so in gonna see if it helps. I'll always be a stoner girl at Heart though!


New Member
Hey! I think I have this as well. Well last year I was in the hospital I found out I had acid reflux AND gastritis! So that doesn't help me there. But I've been smoking for about 7 years now. I just went to the hospital today because I couldn't take it anymore. The past couple of months I've just even getting worse and worse throwing up for 12 hours and stuff like that. The doctor told me to quit smoking for a month so in gonna see if it helps. I'll always be a stoner girl at Heart though!
Hi Jeanmiss -

Read my post just above yours, and check out the search terms for the research articles I mentioned. Some of it gets pretty technical but there is some good info in there.

You can contact me directly if you want, TimInVirginia(at)aol(dot)com. You'll also find more understanding at the cvsa(dot)org website under Adult CVS sufferers.

I'm trying for 60 days weed free, so far day 54 with no problems. It takes at least 30 days for the weed to get completely out of your system so hang in there.

Hope this helps!

Tim in Virginia
I created an account JUST because of this page. Ill share my story, Chuck, ignore me because Im ignoring you.

Ive been smoking since 2007, in recent years ive been smoking pretty much everyday, multiple times a day. I very much enjoy smoking. I love smoking with friends out in nature, or just smoking by myself (I like the thought processes that it brings out in me). I have never smoked synthetic bullshit (as far as I know) and usually get decently good quality bud. Ive had some weird GI issues for some time now but nothing very serious that I thought needed attention (One weird thing that happens to me is RIGHT before I smoke, I have this urge to take a dump). After smoking this feeling goes away. I found myself taking a shit before smoking just so I wouldnt have to feel uncomfortable for a few minutes before the weed kicked in. Its as if my body knows I am about to smoke and makes me want to take a shit in anticipation of it. Really weird symptom that I thought I should mention in case anyone else has this (Please say so and ignore the trolls ITT).

Last wednesday I had to be admitted to the hospital. From 7 AM until 3 PM i was vomiting NON STOP. I REALLY didnt want to go to the hospital, I called my personal doc and told him what was going on, he told me I had to call for an ambulance immediately and that my life was in danger due to being severely dehydrated and loosing all my electrolytes from vomiting. Most of the time I waited, I was in the shower under very hot water. It was the only thing that seemed to give me slight relief. It came to my mind to jump in the shower because I was feeling very cold and sweating, shivering. The hot water helped a lot, but the pain was still incredible/unbearable and I was vomiting everything I drank. I began vomiting up bile. I felt intense acid reflux, burping and hickuping very frequently. Frequently the hickups and burps produced acidic vomit in my mouth. I also felt very bloated. It was very unpleasant. I got to the hospital in time and received emergency IV fluids and electrolytes (A LOT of them, I waited waaaaaay too long to go to the hospital). I got a ct scan and an xray. Everything was pretty much unremarkable except for an inflamed colon which the ct scan revealed (colitis). I was in the worst abdominal pain I EVER imagined. It was unbearable and came in waves. For moments you felt just a slight relief, and then crushing pain which no pain medication can help. You just have to endure until it is over. I have felt a lot of pain in my life, and believe me when I say this was incredible pain.

Anyway, as I said, I got in the hospital last wed. Thursday morning I vomited once (or twice, cant remember now) but was feeling a bit better. By thursday night I was feeling better so I managed to convince a doctor to discharge me. I enjoyed the night and celebrated by packing myself a nice bowl.

I awoke Friday at 5 AM. Initially I didnt feel completely horrible but I felt the acid building up. It quickly got worse. I started vomiting again. I vomited around 4-6 times that day. I do not know how I managed to do it, but somehow I kept myself from vomiting right after I took my medication (Cipro, flagyl, protonix and some anti nauseau med i dont recall and am to lazy to read off the label at this moment) and I managed to keep most of my water in. So I didnt feel I needed to go to the hospital again, I really didnt wanna go. Saturday, I felt good again, almost back to normal. Still nauseous and irritated stomach but amazing compared to the day of hell I had wednesday. Again, I celebrated at night with a bowl.

Sunday I wake up at 4ish. Oh shit... its starting again... I uncontrollably vomit till around 2PM. This time im loosing all my medications and fluids. Not holding anything down anymore, worst pain ever is back also. I lament, and again... go to the emergency room.

Ill hurry up the rest of the story now. Had an upper endoscopy done, was diagnosed with gastritis along with my colitis. Was told to continue medications, etc... was released finally on Wednesday afternoon (a full week after my first visit). It was my week of hell, the absolute worst week I ever experienced. In that past week alone, I lost 20 lbs.

I havent smoked since and am feeling more normal daily.

As much as I hate to admit it, I really think it was CHS.

I think a warning sign that you may be smoking too much is acid buildup... this was my problem for weeks before this incident. I took prilosec or other antacids to relieve it. If you find yourself having acid buildup in your stomach... SLOW DOWN on the ganj. Im telling you, you do NOT want to experience that pain. Enjoy the weed all you want but dont tell us who just had the worst experience of our lives that we are bullshitting, and look out for those signs yourself.

Note, I was smoking entirely too much weed and far too frequently. It got to the point where I would smoke primo bud and not really feel much of an effect. I think it has to do with some chemical buildup with sustained cannabis use, and potentially a physical withdrawl symptom (since you do not feel sick when you smoke... only after the bud wears off do you feel bad). But that last bit is just what I am currently thinking. I plan on looking into this much further.

Just as a side note, I also have a bachelors degree in neuroscience. Doesnt make me an expert in anything but Im not exactly ignorant to science or scientific research. Ill see what I can come up with (if anything) and post here possibly. But Im really interested in hearing other peoples experiences. I am considering doing some kind of basic scientific study to get more at the heart of CHS, what it is, and why we get it. So please, if you experienced any of this, dont let the trolls scare you away. Ignore them.

We all love pot here, I am COMPLETELY for legalizing weed and thats not going to change. I wish I could enjoy weed, and maybe one day I can again but Im not tempting that shit again for the moment.

My sympathies are with those who posted here earnestly because they also suffered an attack.

Last side note. Im keeping the last batch of weed I picked up and am going to try to store it securely... considering the possibility of contaminated weed by one compound or another as being the culprit of this. I JUST picked up from a new supplier (it was super sour d's) so maybe this is why? I am doubtful of this however because my friends have been using him for some time and are fine. If you experienced symptoms please tell your story. Reading this has saved me a ton of pain and money and it can for others as well (if they just slow down when the begining symtoms start). Did you guys also experience GI symptoms the weeks prior to the outbreak? This is something Im very interested in.

Much love, and I hope everyone feels better!
Im not sure how rollitup works... but is there a Moderator or Administrator that can verify that we are posting from different IP addresses/locations to prove it isnt just one dude posting as some scientifically illiterate douchebags have been suggesting. I live in queens New York btw.
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