Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

As a long term user I also have had those symptoms, especially with extracts and dabs. And Iit really was severe with fresh juiced cannabis. I do not recommend fresh juiced cannabis. Stopping what your doing, changing the way you ingest it will help if that really is the problem. I now use decarboxalated tincture and the change has not cause the stomach problem. And now I smoke, but not dabs, extracts, shatter. It ceases to be medicine for me when it make me sick.
Yea, I've been in contact pain for over a week. Just cannot wait for it to be over. If anything I'm going to wait a few months and clear my system. I assuming if I just smoke much less after I'm cleared up I hopefully won't have this issue again.
I use to smoke an OZ+/day and would get similar symptoms sometimes. I've cut back now to only 2-3 blunts/day + a couple dabs and so far no problems. Best of luck!
I smoke about 1/4 - 1/2 joint a day on average. I hope I never have any ill shit like this happen to me.
I juice for "periods" throughout the year -> 1-2 months and then do not for 4-5 months...haven't had any issues with that either but I do find that my metabolism is more vigorous and bowels are like clock work and more efficient/"better" when consuming fresh leaf juice..
Honestly... Almost everyone I know that smoked bho(wax). Had horrible stomach problems. Does it still happen when u just smoke green? I don't know how true this is but someone once told me that dabs eat the lining of your stomach. Again, I don't know how true that is. But like I said everyone I know that smokes wax has problems..

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I could see dabs eating away at your esophagus, especially the homemade crap most people get, or because they dab too hot or something but I don't see how it would damage your stomach. Only thing I've ever experienced with too much THC is a nervous stomach, I think its related to anxiety. I mostly only smoke joints and use edibles, used to dab a lot more but got tired of it. Joints get me more stoned and last longer anyway.

Funny antidote about that, I said that to a tender at Kind Love and he said something like, "You need better dabs then". And I'm like, "well I get all the fire terped out GreenDot black label when you guys get drops(basically the best most expensive extracts they get)." lol. I love the taste and get pretty high for a few min but even the crazy LR terpy slurpee runs don't last very long for me.