Cannabis strains for insomnia?

King Louis the 8th is my fav so far, ive heard amazing things about grandaddy purple

Blueberry kush has treated me good as well

I buy CBD oil at local head shop and have incorporated that into my cannabis regimen.

I got 100mg cbd tincture and it helped my tendon pain in elbow, but barely touched my anxiety, insomnia, PTSD.

Jumped to 550mg cbd oil with some good herb and i sleep alot better
Thank you. What a lot of oil! I hope you don't go broke! I read that there may be some concern about liver damage with too much oil. I think you can get a blood test to find out about that, if you are concerned.
A good straight Indica with some cbd in it will put a person to sleep.
Edibles to work good.
Make a tray of brownies with canna butter and place a half ounce of Indica weed to it.
Eat a fair size piece.
You be sleeping like a bear hibernating lol
Does anyone have any personal experience dealing with insomnia and have a recommendation as to which strains are most effective for relieving it?

Obviously indicas will be more favorable over sativas, but are there any hybrids that may be helpful?

Also, looking for a hardy strain that will be successful outdoors since that's my method of growing. Thanks.


I also grow outdoors. White Widow is my choice for insomnia and pain relief. It does very well outdoors here in SoCal, especially when LST'd into a spiral to keep branches low for less wind damage. It is also purported to have a high THC/CBD content. I harvest late, when about 33% of tricomes are amber for higher CBD content (for greater pain relief and sleep). I have been able to cut down on pain meds significantly with cannabis supplementation. (I have advanced Ankylosing Spondylitis) King Louis is also one of my fav's. OH and Pg3, consuming cannabis orally is the most efficient method of extracting THC/CBD and no health risks. My brownies are definitely blackout level. My recipe is in that section. Try it!
Oh King Louis lol.....that KL8 wax i had in vegas was great, i basically partied all day on Girl Scout Cookies and when it was time make my mind slow down and sleep i used the king....anyone who loves vegas understands how hard it is to wind down after 16ish hrs of having fun (i never wanna stop while im there)....made me nod off sittin up in bed, wife said I looked like i had shot up heroin
Vap juice. Interesting. I have struggled with vaporizers got like 5 all fine with bud but not concentrates. My dynavape, which I heat with a torch then vap is best so far, but a pen with home made vape juice concentrates is interesting. I get a tight chest from trying to get enough in me, for the effect I desire. ( I like to fall asleep with a shit load of CBD and THC in me.)

To get a "shit load" of content from your cannabis, eat it! Decarb'ed of course. Easier than making oil I just throw finely ground decarbed bud right into the mix, adding extra liquid as needed. I also dump my vape leftovers in the batch and can concoct a blackout level brownie that a cubic inch will provide about 150mg THC and CBD. Don't know the math for the CBN measurement. Anybody know this equation?
Ive never had a good time with edibles....granted i cant buy dosed stuff from a dispensary.....but its either been nothing, or wayyyyy too much
Popeye; Try the "way too much" recipe and just eat less. So nice to go out and not have to worry about how and where to medicate, It's already happening! My moniker should be "brownie boy"!
Man its been a long time since anyone has had any skunk around here...illinois is gettin better though, we could be totally legal as soon as next year but i think it will likely be 2020

Gdub ill look into that, last time was some firecrackers and mannnn. I was borderline hallucinating with full blowin panic attack, it was not a good time
Edibles are so hot and miss with me. One day nothing, next day so stoned I gotta crawl in bed. Just can't do edibles if I have anything resembling responsibility.
Try having a look for CBD/Melatonin capsules.

Insomnia can be caused by a deficiency in Melatonin, a hormone that triggers the brain into saying it's time to sleep, and without that, especially if you are also low on vitamin D3 like much of the Western world is thanks to us covering ourselves up and not exposing our skin to enough natural sunlight (genetic factors play a part there too). Add in the CBD and the natural sedative effect can help you into blissful slumber.

So weed MIGHT help you "sleep", but that's only treating the symptom and not the cause and also does not mean you'll get the "right kind" of sleep.

Oh, and one of the biggest ones? Learn to accept that you might not get a full night's sleep, for the second you think "Here we go, I hope I sleep tonight" is the second you won't. My insomnia is seriously chronic, I "sleep like a baby" as in I waken ever 1-2 hours for no reason whatsoever, have been like that for at least 20 years, I accept that I won't get what they say is a "good night's sleep" but the sleep I do get is quality sleep so is enough for my body. That, alone, can make a huge difference.
I also grow outdoors. White Widow is my choice for insomnia and pain relief. It does very well outdoors here in SoCal, especially when LST'd into a spiral to keep branches low for less wind damage. It is also purported to have a high THC/CBD content. I harvest late, when about 33% of tricomes are amber for higher CBD content (for greater pain relief and sleep). I have been able to cut down on pain meds significantly with cannabis supplementation. (I have advanced Ankylosing Spondylitis) King Louis is also one of my fav's. OH and Pg3, consuming cannabis orally is the most efficient method of extracting THC/CBD and no health risks. My brownies are definitely blackout level. My recipe is in that section. Try it!
I'll check out your BOB's., but I agree with you on that strain, and I too, have multiple back ailments, disc joint and nerve damage and choose no surgery. King Louie is a dandy for that.
but a pen with home made vape juice concentrates is interesting.

I have a Exus Snap. It's a little larger than a BIC. It has 3 temperature settings and the battery will last more than a day (USB recharge). It holds about .5ml of juice, easy to refill. It is nice to use IF you keep the atomizer holes clean and make sure there is nothing between the atomizer cartage and the base. Just wipe it out with a Q-tip if stops working. If you think you have to have a degree in art just to be able to draw thru it the atomizer holes probably cloged.

I carry mine in my watch pocket while I work outside so it has to be cleaned ofter.
Man its been a long time since anyone has had any skunk around here...illinois is gettin better though, we could be totally legal as soon as next year but i think it will likely be 2020

I can understand about getting legal. Oklahoma just went legal. I have a really good Medical Marijuana Doctor (MMD). Got my prescription a few weeks ago and tomorrow he is going to fill out my application. He said it would be best for him to do it because it's very easy to mess it up. The state has to accept or deny within 14 days.

Good luck on getting there soon.
I can understand about getting legal. Oklahoma just went legal. I have a really good Medical Marijuana Doctor (MMD). Got my prescription a few weeks ago and tomorrow he is going to fill out my application. He said it would be best for him to do it because it's very easy to mess it up. The state has to accept or deny within 14 days.

Good luck on getting there soon.
I could get a medical card now, the govnr Just changed the med laws so anyone that is or has been prescribed opiates for chronic pain are now eligible. BUT, i choose to stay off the radar until the fed says its legal
BUT, i choose to stay off the radar until the fed says its legal

I thought about that, too, but I am 79 this month. That doesn't leave much time for me to mess around and wait. Also, what are they going to do, put me in jail...And support an old man. I don't think even the government would be that dumb. Like, "Here's this old guy that's taking care of himself. Let's put him in prison and make him let us pay the bill."

If the state says I'm legal... I better stop here and relax my brain. I'm starting to get pissed at the government.
As a 50 something cancer patient, I really appreciate my medical license. No cat and mouse BS. My plants are right out in the open for any farm visitor to spot if they look. I am a respectable citizen of my community, county and state.

As far as the Feds go......

Anthony Hopkins in Legend of the falls said it best..
I really appreciate my medical license.

I just got home from the Doc's office. They filed my application for me. When I made my first appointment with him the state required at least two visits to a MMD so he would use the second to to file the apps. Now only one visit so he doesn't do it any more, except for the people before the change.

14 days and I'll have a plant on my front porch!!!