Cannabis strains for insomnia?

Does anyone have any personal experience dealing with insomnia and have a recommendation as to which strains are most effective for relieving it?

Obviously indicas will be more favorable over sativas, but are there any hybrids that may be helpful?

Also, looking for a hardy strain that will be successful outdoors since that's my method of growing. Thanks.


White chem indica rso or gdp flower or like me .... BOTH
I made oil from some cbd isolate and made capsules ...i didnt have insomnia but woke up 3-4 times a night. Now i wake up maybe once to have a leak. Yes...i am 61.....

Our CBD oil might be the thing to help your insomnia! Try a few drops of our premium quality full spectrum CBD oil a couple of hours before bed and it should allow your body to totally relax and see you through the night.

Get in touch if you've got any questions!
K, Were all aware of CBD oils benefits.

Now back to the topic of this post, the best cannabis strains for insomnia.

Gotta update my list now,
1. Bubba Kush
2. Black Lime Special Reserve
3. King Louis the 8th
4. Hindu Kush
5. Critical Purple

Also, these are in no particular order