Can't catch a break


Well-Known Member
In every step of this shit I get fucked! I have literally bought everything twice because something gets fucked up. Anyways, I spent $200 on seeds plus I got a bunch of good bagseed given to me. Out of the ones I paid $200 for I got two sprouts in 48 hours, 2 out of 25, what the fuck!!!!. Another $200 I don't have and a week down the drain! Everysingle bagseed has not only sprouted, all but 2 have broken surface, out of 24! These seeds are junk compared to the ones I bought!
I used Rapid Rooters and a heat mat, like usual. I usually get a 95-100% germ rate, but i never germed 50 before, the most is 15, and I got all of those. Has anyone else had this problem from the Doc. I had the seeds sitting for three months in my safe, but so were the bagseed???


Well-Known Member
I tried using the rapid rooters b/f and had a very horrible experience, then again a lot of people swear by them. Be careful with your heating pad, i found that I was basically cooking my seeds. I wouldnt put it on medium or high for too long. I get 100% germination my self using paper towel method, I just make sure the paper towels are soaked up very well with distilled water top layer and a bottom one. I use a small square tupperwear container and poke holes on the top of it. I then put a heating pad on low under neath the container. they all pop within 24 hours for me, but it is very critical to use tweezers to plant them, dont want to touch the tap root at all. GL, sorry if it didnt help much


Well-Known Member
thats a fucking shame, I have had 0 problems with chrons seeds, but you are going to have to realize they aren't "his" seeds, he gets em from breeders, so if the seeds got to you but were bad I would let him know. Saw some people post in Chimeras thread about some bad Floss seeds, he sent me whole new 10 seed sets to make up for it. It's all about the quality of the breeder imho. Again sorry to hear about your bad luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the advice. I thought it may be the rapid rooters but I had different seeds germing with the ones from the doc and they all sprouted, but like I said they are junk compared to the ones I bought....
Sometimes u just cant win....
I am a firm believer in the Doc for seeds, I used to go with Nirvana and they take forever to send them, I already contacted the Doc by email. I'm hoping he thinks I deserve a replacement. I will keep u posted in what happens.