Can't make cannabutter as potent as I used to, it's driving me nuts!


So, I'm in a very frustrating situation. :wall:

A few weeks ago I made cannabutter on three separate occasions. Each time I slightly burned the butter (it turned dark brown and smelled like burnt popcorn), but nevertheless, each batch gave me the best high I've ever experienced.

My problem is I didn't write down my procedures, so I can't say for sure what temperature I used, how long I had it cooking, how much weed or butter I used, etc. I believe I used about 2 joint's worth of weed per dose (which is roughly a gram for me), I don't remember using a whole lot of weed though.

Well, over the last few days I've been desperately trying to replicate this technique to absolutely no avail. Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Here's what I did on my last failed attempt:

  • Melted 2.5 oz of butter in a pan (just over half a stick),
  • brought the heat down to a simmer (just above the LOW setting on the stove),
  • threw in 4.5 grams of finely ground bud,
  • let simmer for 45 minutes while stirring every few minutes,
  • drain out into a bowl through a cheesecloth,
  • squeeze all the butter out from the pulp,
  • throw pulp away, and let butter cool in fridge.
  • Ate a sixth of the butter in a milkshake (0.75g of weed per serving).

Keep in mind that while this isn't exactly what I did when I made the good batches it's roughly the same, all of the parameters differ only slightly at best. Since this worked so effortlessly the first three times I made budder, I'm enirely confused as to why it isn't working now. Edit: Oh and it's not the weed itself, as I'm using the same bud now as I did with the potent cannabutter.

Here are some of my theories: maybe I'm not using enough weed, and I need 1 g of weed per serving? This seems plausible, but with the method above I felt almost no buzz at all, can .25 g make the difference between not feeling anything and feeling the best high I've ever felt?

Maybe I burnt it slightly? Well I definitely burnt it the first three times I made it, and that worked out fine. Perhaps I'm undercooking it or something this time?

First three times I made it I didn't use a cheesecloth, just a normal strainer that let a lot of the weed seep through and into the budder. Maybe I should leave the pulp in next time?

If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears!
it couldve been the amount if you usually use a gram and used .25 this time it would make a difference, the thing with edibles is sometimes its iffy, like even myself after i noticed i was eating edibles alot i wouldnt get the same high or buzz, take a break for a bit and try again,. I myself always use the oil version rather then butter version. but ive never done a milk shake cause i personally dont like milkshakes... lol
It seems to me that you're following the right procedures. I mean, I just looked my cannabutter recipe and that's usually what I do. Well, I don't use weed though. I use hash and that way I can skip the whole cheese cloth thing. I use about 4 grams of hash per stick of budder and I can get a nice batch of brownies or cookies.
are you cooking in just butter? you NEED to use water as well. its much easier to control the heat as even if its on simmer you run the risk of burning the butter and thus the thc. also, 45 minutes is on the low side as i think you need 2-3 hours minimum. also, depending on tolerence that dose is on the small side so i would up it. if you plan on using around 2.5 oz of butter than i would also add around 1 cup of water.