Can’t seem to find phresh filters anymore. What’s everyone using?

They can be reused but they are machine packed for no gaps so people just buy new ones

Thanks to the notion that you can't pack your own by using literally anything that vibrates. Air compressor or one of its thousands of vibrating tools.
There's a post somewhere here on RIU where someone emptied an AC infinity filter, re filled and re riveted it, and I think they said it worked. I would imagine the lifespan is shorter, and I think they had a specific tool to help vibrate the granules in order to pack them into a more packed formation, but it beats buying a new filter every 6 months to a year.

Anyone with a couple of pieces of wood, or an air compressor, can pack a filter.

Potheads be like "but how did the ancients sift hash without electricity? Aliens.."
None of the stores around me carry them I already called them. The same with Kootennay.
Are you in Canada?
They even have inline filters which is pretty sweet for some applications
yea man get a kootnay filter, the last 6" one i had from those guys lasted 5 years. i just replaced mine recently heres the link to there distributor you can phone them and get numbers for all the stores that they distribute to im sure youll find somebody that will be willing to ship it to you. mine showed up on a bus rather than by post lol. worth the effort in my opinion call these people explain to them what you need they should be able to at bare minimum give you a bunch of stores that they ship the kootnay filters to then call the stores one at a time and see if they can ship to you. im sure somebody will take your cash lol thats what i did
