"Cap and Trade" Bill voted on tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
This is the names of the Republicans that passed this:
Bono Mack
These 8 are responsible for this BS.
It was that close.


Well-Known Member
This is the names of the Republicans that passed this:
Bono Mack
These 8 are responsible for this BS.
It was that close.
Treasonous bastards.

You can still tune into C-SPAN to hear them talk about the bill. They are pretty much saying it's a dark day for America.

I think it's hilarious that nobody is paying attention to this. The worst bill ever conceived is making it's way up to law.

Even Obama said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Why is this not news worthy?


Well-Known Member
I sure hope all these cunts who voted for this are wearing condoms, cuz they just fucked us all, we the whores, big buisness is the pimp, and our lawmakers are the johns.


Well-Known Member
it still has to pass the Senate. Lets hope to god our elected senators don't fuck us also. I don't have much hope..... but I do know there will be Change....for the worse.


Well-Known Member
it still has to pass the Senate. Lets hope to god our elected senators don't fuck us also. I don't have much hope..... but I do know there will be Change....for the worse.
Obama promised as much in his campaign slogan, too bad most were blinded by his smile.


Well-Known Member
This is the names of the Republicans that passed this:
Bono Mack
These 8 are responsible for this BS.
It was that close.
These guys are all from CA, NY, NJ, and DE. All of these states have higher population densities, therefore taxpayers in these states will pay less than taxpayers in less populated parts of the country.


Well-Known Member
Treasonous bastards.

You can still tune into C-SPAN to hear them talk about the bill. They are pretty much saying it's a dark day for America.

I think it's hilarious that nobody is paying attention to this. The worst bill ever conceived is making it's way up to law.

Even Obama said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Why is this not news worthy?
I started watching at 4 on c-span the tyrants said this is gonna create jobs. Good Bye America...:-(


Well-Known Member
it still has to pass the Senate. Lets hope to god our elected senators don't fuck us also. I don't have much hope..... but I do know there will be Change....for the worse.
they will pass this shit like the past NAFTA AND GATT AND THE BAIL OUTS..90% of the country screaming bloody murder and they do it anyway..democrats and republicans.
these people do not work for us.
jefferson said when the government fears the people you have liberty..when the people fear the government you have tyranny


Well-Known Member
what a easy solution to solve when HUMANS finnaly wake up. STOP PAYING THESE FUCKERS THEIR TAX AND THEY WILL DIE.
they are losing over 100 billion in month in tax revenues right now. obama has asked gongress for another 20 billion dollars for road upgrades because it seems not as many people are driving as much and tax revenues have fallen in the toilet.
the other thing that could be done..( i do not advocate violence)just incase a fed sees this shit.
is cut the supply routes to all the major citys..there is less than three days food supply on the shelves at the supper markets. soon as the roads are isolated the citys will starve and kill one another off.i know..a rather dastardly plan. but very effective and easy to implement..the government is destroying what is left of the american constitution and freedom as we speak.pretty dastardly if you ask me.
the government is like fish...the american people are like water...some of them are actulay like sheep and will drown in the water because they are too fucking stupid to be self sufficient .
the first rule of sun tzu is to know your enemy and know your self. the objective is victory with as little expenditure of men and reasources as possible . know the ground you fight on. attack at points of weakness with your strength. do not let your enemy amass strength against you. choose the time of your battle and the place of your battles .
harrass your enemys supply lines. cause injury to your enemys treasury.
undermine your enemys credablity with its populations ..spread rumors and falsehoods about your enemy.(propoganda)
keep them mentaly off ballance and ungaurded .
that shit is done to you people all the time..
all the governments power is based on fear..
they count on you being afraid and dependent on them to control you.
all of their power is only percieved.they are weak..and they are growing weaker by the day.


Well-Known Member
These Repubilcans have 4 days to change their votes.
Contact them if you like.
Hell even Greenpeace and the Daily KOS is against this bill.
If 4 change their votes it will make it 215-yes/216-no
Hound these Guys call them at their local office,
It does work, 1 phone call =100 e-mails.
How do you think we got 245 co-sponcers for the Audit the FED bill 1207?
Hounding them!


New Member
My two senators, Feinstein and Boxer will vote for the bill. They, like Pelosi, Reid, Frank and Dodd are crooks who are most likely fully invested in "green" stocks. I hope all of the San Francisco and Berkeley liberals will be happy with their heating bills.



Well-Known Member
My two senators, Feinstein and Boxer will vote for the bill. They, like Pelosi, Reid, Frank and Dodd are crooks who are most likely fully invested in "green" stocks. I hope all of the San Francisco and Berkeley liberals will be happy with their heating bills.

I'm very curious to how the population will react when prices "skyrocket".

Hopefully we can get this info around to enough people before this bill can wreak havoc.