Well-Known Member
and you wonder why you so often get responses like meltdown, manifesto, tldr, diatribe...if you read my previous posts on any subject you care to examine, you will see no "shouting down".
i responded to your arguments AS MADE if you feel i misconstrued your arguments, then by all means feel free to clarify.
capitalism is best when regulated lightly, with most of the restraints coming from market forces, not politicians with agendas.
as regulation increases, capitalism becomes less capitalist, and more a government controlled market, which allows those in power to choose who wins and who loses based on their preference rather than the competitive environment.
"Pure Capitalism" has happened in the past, and yes, without a little regulation it becomes a mess. government should ensure that weights and measures are accurate and standardized, contracts are fulfilled in the least burdensome manner, always favouring the less powerful party to the contract when ambiguity is present, ensuring that regulations are applied evenly and without prejudice, and prosecuting fraud. if government kept it's nose out of the business of the people, the people would be more prosperous and happier. Note: Corporations are NOT people, and should be much more strictly regulated than persons or associations of persons, in fact corporations should be far more strictly limited in their power and scope than they are now, which i have stated before.
"Pure Socialism" has never existed, since socialism is a political and economic theory that must be implemented among people, and people are impure by their nature.
when given the extraordinary power over people and the economy Socialism provides, the resulting oppressive dictatorships are not only expected, but are in fact part of the plan.
"Socialism" can never be "Pure" because it was defined so loosely that any dickhead can claim his version is "Pure" and be just as correct as his mortal enemy who makes the same claim of "Purity".
Marxism (and it's subset Socialism) is not a philosophy. it does not exist in itself, it only presents as opposition to something else, and thus has no epistemological basis.
Marxism is at best, a hypothesis and at worst, a notion.
you will note i have taken a stand, ans at no time did i declare that disagreement is a sign of evil, stupidity or wrongness.
if you can make a case that Marxism fulfills the criteria for a Philosophy (beyond being called such), and i cannot refute your assertions then i will accept your conclusion.
the criteria to be an actual philosophy are a consistent and logical synthesis of:
in my opinion, Marx lacks all of it except politics
likewise if you can make a sufficiently solid argument for a "mixed economy" then i will consider your opinion, even if i disagree.
at no point shall i "shout you down" by endlessly posting memes (just a few, and only for teh lulz) or propaganda posters, nor shall i repeat the same trite slogans and specious non-questions over and over till you get bored, give up or put me on ignore.
thats the other side's move.
i may infuriate you, you may become severely butthurt, and you may even feel the need to call me names, but in the end, that shit is funny.
nobody is interested in a book report done by a third grader who didn't read the book