CaptainCAVEMAN's Legal Perpetual Medicinal Cave Grow


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Well-Known Member
100_2345.jpgAmerican Cheese!

Here is one of the Cheese plants from last thursday. I've been very busy with a new project in the cave and will post it soon, I just wanted to get caught up with the harvested.


Well-Known Member
I finally had time to upload theese pics. I have been running a sealed room since I got my Co2 cotroller and generator. When I moved last January I had an electrician install 6 20amp circuits for $550. Between that and the high cost of moving with animal deposits and so forth I really didn't have the money (or time for that matter) to build a grow room with drywall walls and cieling. So I used 2x2 for studs with no bottom plate and as few of them as possible. Then I covered them with black 6mil plastic and covered that with white panda film.

The problem was that the air conditioner is an in room with an intake and an exhaust so the room was not sealed in the first place. Second problem was that the poorly hung plastic would pull in towards the middle of the room because of the air conditioner creating negative pressure. The negative pressure was pulling in the plastic with studs and all into the room. I eventually cut holes in the plastic to try and relieve the pressure which was only marginally effective and further un-sealed the room. I also think this unsealed environment really invites bugs as I have already seen a few with the approach of spring.

The solution to the problems as well as obtaining a much better growing environment are to frame and drywall the room so it is SEALED. Second is to get a split air conditioner.

Here are a bunch of pics of the work.



Well-Known Member
Hey growers, thanks for your compliments and interest. This project happened over about 5 days. What made it take so long is my flower lights don't come on until 4:20 (woohoo!!) so I couldn't start working till then, and I had to wrap it up and shower by about 10 pm because my wife is still a wage slave and must wake by 6 am. Those things really made it suck because I'm the kind of guy to wake early, make coffee, get stoned and start working. On the upside I ditched my rather expensive Corona habit cause I had to spend my usual drinking time working. So now I've compromised with a new drink on the weekend rule instead of every night. The money I don't spend on alcohol I'll invest in growing. That's what we did with smoking-we quit spending $4500.00 per year on cigarettes and 2 years later BAM! GROW ROOM! WOOHOO! Man I hope they renew my lease in a

I enlarged the flag pic because it's cool! The room had spent it's nights with the door open because the ac wasn't hooked up. This caused me to learn that if I was not using Co2 or running a sealed room that I could run 3000 watts without ac! Not sure how the growth would be but that would sure save some kilowatts! I might try it in the summer or something.


Well-Known Member
Man, no matter what order I try to upload the pics in it does whatever it wants, no logic. Oh well. Here are the final set of pics from the big fix-up.

One thing that made this much harder was that I had to frame around the damn heat duct. That is the part that drops down about a foot from the rest of the cieling. With no studs to work off of I had to get creative and hang studs from the floor joists above. I think it's pretty stout.

Second thing that sucked was the damn plumber had been lazy and run the pipes underneath the floor joists instead of through the knockout holes in the joists. Of course the electrician followed suit. So I had to put up furring strips so the drywall was a couple inches off the joists. That created another angle to tape and mud.

By the end of the project I was tired. I had not been sleeping well because I had to use the house heater/blower to make sure the room outside the flower room did not overheat, but I needed to turn it off and close the flower room door at 4:20 am.

So the last day I started early with my green headlight and worked with it all day mudding and taping the joints and holes. I ran out of drywall mud and had to go get more. I hope I never have to work under green light again! I did not like that, but I got 3 days worth of worktime in that way.

Through all the chaos I still managed to keep the perpetual machine rolling. I cloned and sent to flower the 2 Chrystal plants from Nirvana seeds! I can't wait to check that stuff out. I let them veg extra long till the pre-flower hairs were a good .5 inch long! Looks awesome already!

The new room is awesome! I have several temp/humidity guages around the room and they all stay the same and where I want them. So cool!



Well-Known Member
Nice setup. I would love to be able to use a light mover if/when I increase my flower space.

Man, no matter what order I try to upload the pics in it does whatever it wants, no logic. Oh well. Here are the final set of pics from the big fix-up........
Use photobucket instead, and things will be easier.


Well-Known Member
I have read repeatdly that light movers OWN also

Heres what Hobbes said about em....

I find that [URL=""]marijuana[/URL] grows better with a moving light source rather than a stationary one, both to get the plant from different angles (get areas normally in shadow) and to give the light receptors on the plant a rest - plants don't normally get 12 hours of direct, constant light, especially from the same source. My yield is well above 1 gram per watt with this system.