The county has given a lot of power to the sherrifs, plus they are using code enforcement, on hoophouses & greenhouses must have permits for anything bigger than 120sq. They have a mariujiana tip line for neighbors to snitch, plus the commercial growers are snitching out gardens because they "paid" to grow.

Mon will prolly lose everything or become an outlaw, neither sound like an option. Not sure what to do, might just walk away from it all, lose house and all, can't take it for much longer, nearing the breaking point, stupidly threw all the money into house to move and got stuck not selling.
JUST BECOME A OUTLAW.I been one all my life some say but to me its just a plant that needs growers to supply meds, to people that don't know how to grow there own meds.
bro keep your eyes on who our new presidents new attorney general will be. The guy he has nominated is hell against pot....N.O.R.M.L. gives Sessions an F- rating on pot:-?
TRUMP BOUGHT POT FOR A FRIEND OF HIS THAT HAD CANCER AND TRUMP SAID MED, POT SHOULD BE LEGAL IN EVERY STATE,I sean him say that on the news here.If TRUMP don't let the states decide there own pot laws he will not win next election so I think pot growing will be good while trump is in office,so thats one of the reasons I voted for should be in prison,iam glad she lost but sanders was the one I had hoped got to run.
TRUMP BOUGHT POT FOR A FRIEND OF HIS THAT HAD CANCER AND TRUMP SAID MED, POT SHOULD BE LEGAL IN EVERY STATE,I sean him say that on the news here.If TRUMP don't let the states decide there own pot laws he will not win next election so I think pot growing will be good while trump is in office,so thats one of the reasons I voted for should be in prison,iam glad she lost but sanders was the one I had hoped got to run.
I think very limited medical pot will be allowed by trump but it will be very difficult to get under a more restricted program state by state.....recreational pot won't last under and see
I think very limited medical pot will be allowed by trump but it will be very difficult to get under a more restricted program state by state.....recreational pot won't last under and see
YOU could be rite but I sure as hell hope your wrong.I hope you been doing great and staying healthy from ky.
TRUMP BOUGHT POT FOR A FRIEND OF HIS THAT HAD CANCER AND TRUMP SAID MED, POT SHOULD BE LEGAL IN EVERY STATE,I sean him say that on the news here.If TRUMP don't let the states decide there own pot laws he will not win next election so I think pot growing will be good while trump is in office,so thats one of the reasons I voted for should be in prison,iam glad she lost but sanders was the one I had hoped got to run.
I heard trump say he was gonna put Hilary in prison!:oops:
I hope the shiesty businessman in him sees the money angle and lets its be, but only time will tell. One thing is certain though, we will likely all continue what we are doing in some shape or form regardless it just may not be out in the "open" as it could be...Heres for hoping though.