Is that GG#4 a BBQ cut, or a different source?
When I grew the GG#4 it didn't finish until November.
Looking good over there Fan. Still waiting here, another 2 weeks until the fun starts.
Just yesterday I just cut the limbs that were falling over(all trics where cloudy,leaf had 50% amber)the next chop will be in 7 days.
The clone came from OrganiCann located in Santa Rosa.
That right there is some fucked up bullshit man. How they gonna hang all those folks out like that.
Not a good county regulation rules let out public info at the moment.
With 900 grows on the books,and an estimate of 1200 non registered grows going on as well.
Mountain ranch,just take a drive in the car and you can see many,many farms from the high way.
Each grow must have well over 300 lbs of dry flowers!!!
Now the question is?most these folks are first time big time find buyers is going to be quite the challenge
2016 seems Calaveras County is the weed capitol of the world with 2000 commercial farms?
We have a large grow shop here in San Andreas.Seems several grows are buying these Ford Trucks fully loaded Diesel rigs...still no ferraris in site,maybe after full harvest comes in?