what ya gonna do shootem!!the fkin rippers have more rights than the grower unless u don't mine prison:bigjoint:

Have better protection in the first place? I have committed a few sins in my lifetime, mostly with self abuse and/or my neighbors wife; stealing hasn't been high on the list. I'm just saying it would lake a lot of nerve to drive up to someones home and steal something. That's all.
Like last September I think it was(Calaveras triple homicide)this brother of a grower shot 3 rippers just before the sun came up.
I was talking to a Local grower and asked him about the aftermath.Turns out LEO let the 99 plant grower out of jail so he could water his crop?
On a side note,I was dumping some trash at the rock creek recycle center,and I was talking with the 2 crew working there about this same event.They told me that they watched the trash truck bring in the weed plants from the dead rippers,they said the smell of weed was in the air.How big were the plants I asked?they estimated 8 lbs each?Now that is a whopper for sure
You would need balls the size of grapefruits to pull a stupid stunt like that!
I bet if that happen to any person I know they would have shot that person dead as hell YOU JUST DONT DO THAT HERE AND EXPECT TO LIVE,jail or no jail sss.I think that would be asking to be killed and I would never do that to no persons plants legal or not.And your wrong that don't take balls,That takes a CRAZY person to pull a stunt like
Hotter than hell the past couple days here,
Got a bunch of news here on my end,pictures to follow soon.

Today I was up at dawn and drove over to my buddies farm to build him the final 10x10 hoop houses(total 6 for now)
He will light dep them.
Than I headed up the hill(rail road flats)and started day 2 on a solar install.
This dude grows monsters here(99 count)1/2 acre fenced in this season.
I learned alot about what works real good.
Turns out he is growing acclamated seeds and plants in Feb.
The stems are all ready 3 inches thick and the plants are 6-8 feet tall!
looks like 900-1000 lb this season @ 1200 ea
Commercial grow permit @ 5000
New reg just pasted local council dutie fee @ 2.00 per sq foot or 40,000 per 1/2 acre do you spell pass did?
Yeah,I must have been High,
the plants are not 8 feet tall.more like best 6 feet and 6 feet a round.
Still a good early start here for the,in ground crew and the 100 gallon bags.
I was working on the dc solar and took some pics of the grower crew in action.

I met a dude who was running 2 backhoes(his grandpa was a local Gold miner here in gold country)
He talks a mile a minute about all his ideas and such.
Cool connect for me,as he has 60 acres and a bunch of tractors and a band saw saw mill.
I told him I want to run some of this Pine Log around here,after the Butte fire...logs are dam near free up here.
I am going to mill 6x6 fence post and some 2x6 rail from them.
I like a fence that looks like a 100 year old.

Why 2 backhoes you ask?
What you do is put 2 100 gallon bags in the bucket of one and than take the 2nd one and fill the backhoe bucket and swing it over and fill the 2 bags,while 2 workers hold the bag open.
Than he hops off the 1 backhoe and drives the 2 bags up the hill to the GH.
All in they scattered 100 bags in a short day.

No time to rest
Me and my buddy grower got to move all the 30 gallon plants from around the yard into there new yard as the June 30th deadline comes and the new rules take effect.

All horseshit,,,it was in triple digits out there,so as stonners do we worked 10 minutes and drank beer for 30...
all we got done was pipe 1 hoop and cover 3...

John plans to move the plants under the moon light tonight

cool...cause a hate carrying stuff
Well,still working in the Garden,most the plants are moved to the commercial site,I did leave 6 bushes in the back yard here.
Turns out I live in the R1 zone,and can not grow outdoors/indoors is OK.
Damn,having trouble getting my pictures in here from my apple phone,so I get a some help from a friend on occasion to transfer my shots to her phone and back to this page.
For the past few weeks I am building an outdoor sea of green,experiment
biker cebu.jpg
Last saturday a few of us growers got together to view the UFC fights held in Vegas.
One guy showed me some pics on his cell phone.
What looked like large tree,maybe 20 feet round and 25 feet tall?
Yes it was 1 plant there(yield was 21 lbs)
Turns out he is not going to use smart pots again,the guy that showed me the tree
What seems to work better is take a tarp and dump 5 yards of soil on it,plant just one seed there.