Carport GreenHouse 2011


Well-Known Member
JJ, I believe you man, lol All I gotta do is look out my window and see your plants. looking forward to your next video............


Well-Known Member

I hope everyone is having a good season.

I'm seeing Explosive growth in this heat. I would say more, but I wouldn't want you to think I exaggerated! So I'll wait another day or two & then shoot another video, you won't believe your eye's!

I believe you, this heat will make a plant stretch for miles. Check you noding space and see if that is what it is. Sometimes they aren't producing new growth as much as they are stretching between old growth, as well as between the new growth. Not that it really matters with an outdoor crop, just makes trimming easier for you in the end ;)


Well-Known Member
That's a sore subject around here, this year!

The debate is on!

P.S. Actually not much of a debate really, unless you call "talking to the hand" debating! lol!


Well-Known Member
The new location really gets a lot more sun. It's a great location and a beautiful greenhouse. I'm so envious. If I didn't need my trees so bad for privacy I would chop them all down for more sunlight. I'm tempted to make a short greenhouse and put them out there only during flowering season, screw the trees.


Well-Known Member
The picture says it all! Cheers! I mean there huge you still got all this grow time left. There headed for the sky!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guy's

My backyard was so shaded I couldn't grow a lawn. Never saw the sun

I took out 6 large trees!



Well-Known Member
Haha, and all my tree's are super monsters because they get all the run off from my indoor garden. My neighbors always complement how my apple and pine trees are the biggest and greenest on the block, and how my apples are sweeter than when they go picking in Julian. The apple trees I like, but I hate all this pine, and especially my neighbor's giant Oak. Gripe gripe gripe!


Well-Known Member
damn double jj, looking good man can't wait for the update. definitely along for the ride. Which strain are you most excited about this season?


Well-Known Member
What's up jj-
They rent these at United Rentals....$240 a week, $675 a month....your going to need it!

View attachment 1663218

This is the 2X4 model, your going to need the 4X4 model, it has a harness, just strap yourself in and hang on!



Well-Known Member
I don't think I can post 2 video's into 1 post so I'll do the 30 day video update in 2 posts. I will post the 2nd video as soon as I get this one done.

But first to answer your question farmer, that's a tough one. So far the Lavender has been the BEAST of the group, with a couple others coming on strong. The OG Kush is just exploding right now, & the white grape is huge. But I think the one that I'm really interested in is the little Medijuana, I have high hopes for her.

Treeman, I showed my wife your picture of the scissor lift, & she didn't laugh! Ouch!

But first here's the first video


Greenhouse 5/28:


Edit: I can post 2 video's!

Video update from today with a fine 'Dvorak' piece playing in the background. Molly wasn't so camera shy this time
Greenhouse 6/25:



Well-Known Member
they look many hours of light did they get before going outside?..and when did you stop supplement light outside?


Well-Known Member
They were on 18/6 from Jan until the solstic june 21st.

Actually I tapered them down for a few weeks & I took the lights out last tues.



Well-Known Member
Looking GREEN there JJ, gotta love that Max-Sea. Glad to see your Medi going off now, mine are at the same size as the one I had last season and she yielded 3+ lbs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hodge, yes I love Maxsea

Oh I don't think I'll get anywhere near 3lbs from Medi. I'll be lucky to get 1-2 lbs from her. I love seeing your plants in your photo's. They are looking amazing!

I'm gonna have 'space' issues again this year. I may have to start adding more bricks soon



Well-Known Member
Update was awesome man. Plants have exploded! I cant wait to grow like this myself in years to come.
Im currently growing the strain Papaya, I have to say that this strain fucking grows sooo fast!
When i had her veggin outside she just took off! I perfer this strain to you. :)