CatfishBilly's 400w sog soil grow. 2011


Active Member

Flowering room

day 31
Bagseed sativa dominant strain
Four females 36-48 inches tall
5 gallon grow bags
under a 400 watter
Total 58 days.

Veg chamber, 20-4

Lower: One Cheese, 43 days old.
Under 8 26w cfls Bright white
1 gal grow bag,

Upper: 2 Hymalayn Gold Fem, One EZ Ryder Fem, 23 days old
Solo cups
Under 4 2ft t5 ho
1l pots.

Chucked the 4 bagseed tonight, i dont want anymore of those tall ass plants. Plus keeps the plant count low, less watering, and i can give more attention to the cheese that i have high hopes for.

All the equipment has come in except the light, ballast, tube, timer, and hangers. Going to go ahead and set up the tent tomorrow get everything like i want it. Going to stagger the 12/12s so i dont have any power spikes. Its about to be cold here so i am not too worried about electric because i like it really cold in my house.

The plants are flowering nice with bunches of budsites. I removed a few large fan leaves so the lower part could get a little light. I just wish this wasnt a long finisher. As soon as the light gets here the cheese is going right under the scrog screen w the 600w mh for a couple weeks, then ima switch it to the hps and 12/12 I hope i can get half of the 3x3 screen filled in two weeks though.

Tell me what you think.



Active Member
Thanks guys here is what i got done for this evening. Would be more, but i have to work early. Had to change the tent some to fit my needs... got some ghetto hangers, some shoe string and old wire, lol. The cooltube was a monster at 27 inches long. had to install a extra hose to keep it from sucking the side of the tent. The tent was made for 4 inch tubing, which sucked, but i made due. It might be a little hot in there, got to figure out a better way to get air in there.






My helper



Well-Known Member
looks real good man, just try to shorten those vebt tubes, you want them as short and with as few bends as possible.
YOu will be making some great trees in teh bad boy...grqatz


Active Member
Yeah, it's an interesting one. :) I'd move the fan over some so it's in line with the exhaust hole and the end of the cool tube. Are you doing a carbon filter somewhere?
looks real good man, just try to shorten those vebt tubes, you want them as short and with as few bends as possible.
YOu will be making some great trees in teh bad boy...grqatz
Yea woulda done that, but not many options on hanging it. Its a 440 cfm on about 3/4 power. The tent is getting exhausted, i dont think the intake i have is picking up cool enough air. Placed a box fan in the tent to help. Also running the light on 50pct for now until i figure out my breaker situation.

Getting the stuff to build my scrog net this eve. Watering tonight. Peace.


Active Member
So how can i calculate how much power usage i am pulling at one time... is there a formula?

Found this on my electric co website...

Usage in KWH Current Rate New Rate Monthly Increase
1,000 $90.95 $96.75 $5.80
2,000 $170.83 $182.44 $11.61

Running a 400w hps, 600w mh, 8 26w cfls, and 4 22w floros. 2 ACs, 12000 btu and a 10000btu.

12 hours on the hps, and 20 hours on the rest.

Please help me figure this one out. Thanks riu.


Well-Known Member
So how can i calculate how much power usage i am pulling at one time... is there a formula?

Found this on my electric co website...

Usage in KWH Current Rate New Rate Monthly Increase
1,000 $90.95 $96.75 $5.80
2,000 $170.83 $182.44 $11.61

Running a 400w hps, 600w mh, 8 26w cfls, and 4 22w floros. 2 ACs, 12000 btu and a 10000btu.

12 hours on the hps, and 20 hours on the rest.

Please help me figure this one out. Thanks riu.
Based on the price per 1000kw and using the average wattage of airconditioners that size. Rounded to the nearest whole cent that comes out to 188.20 per month (30 days). I hope this maybe helps ya out a little and good luck with you're grow.


Well-Known Member
yep, quick and easy.

i think ill wait a week before changing bulbs, and flipping. Unless you guys think i should wait longer... or just flip now lol

DUDE WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAIT WAIT WAIT. You havent even "threaded" ur screen yet:) Lets your plants grow up into that thing untils its 75% full or MORE. That way you can get a cola out of almost every hole in your screen. Check mine out, im not flowering for another week or more. Wait, its worth it, using scrogs you can get 3-4 plants worth of herbs offf ONE tree. pateince my good man .:) Its the hardest thing for me too. All i want to do is flower and SMOKE MY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDS


Active Member
The pics that were posted was before i released the lst into the screen. Its around 50pct now. Ive been watching your grow my friend.. I will take your advice.

So when i woke up today the tent was 90deg. the room that its in is 84. Not sure what else i can do but route the exhaust out the top of the window somehow. idk


Active Member

Flowering room

day 35
Bagseed sativa dominant strain
Four females 36-48 inches tall
5 gallon grow bags
under a 400 watter
Total 62 days.

Veg chamber, 20-4
Lower: 2 Hymalayn Gold Fem, 27 days old

Under 4 26w cfls Bright white
1L Pots,


Scrog Tent: GH Cheese 3.5 gallon pot. 28''x28'' screen size.

So today i went back to get me some happy frog soil when they told me they only have ffof now. So needless to say i am working with ocean forest, strait now. Hope its as good. I transplanted my 2 Himalayan Gold into 1L pots of it.

Also i went out and got me a 20'' box fan to circulate the air from room to room.

Only have pictures of the flowering plants while i watered. I will get some of the cheese scrog and the two HG when they wake up.
