CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together

Denver seems kind of similar to Portland in many ways, at least in terms of some of the issues we face. I think we both have large homeless populations with a bunch of mental health issues. Like anywhere there is crime, but man neither place is Detroit. There is a big difference between dudes waging drug wars and a city where you have poop covered people smacking their dongs on car windows.

Crazy people are going to do crazy things, you are correct that it's likely to wind up badly at some point for the social worker. It generally hasn't though, I don't think it's likely to have that become common. Cops tend to approach a situation and escalate it, this de-escalates. This is a far more compassionate way to deal with mental health and has shown better results than having cops show up.

If you have family that suffers from issues this is quite a bit better and what you would want. I think about stuff like people with autism when they are having a freakout/meltdown, cops are not equipped to deal with that, they taze them and take them down. That's not acceptable.
Sure that is all fun and games in Portland man, but what about Detroit?

Same city size, same city population, and Detroit has over 2k cops to your what 700?

Portland has it's own issues that I get are very real and need to get a grip on, but thinking that the social justice protests over the summer had much to do with Portland outside of that was a really good stage for Trump's year of state sponsored rioting is where I would take a sip of my beer after saying.

The nice thing about real life talking is that we both know we have no actual power and are not in a position to change anything while having a beer.

I'd have a beer with you any day. I'd even buy.

As for power. I have it in me. Sometimes I just block everything else out and retreat to music. For a few minutes I can forget about all that's wrong. Nothing changes but at least I've had a nap from the insanity and recharged i'm ready to keep moving on and not dwell on the issues like so many do. The extremes out there today seem to completely consume the lives of many on both the left or right. When do those people find the time to enjoy what's good out there?

What's really concerning is the indoctrination children are getting these days into this side or that side. There's first graders using the term "Those damn libs" or "trump sucks". They should be out playing hopscotch or picking their nose and wiping boogers on their buddies. :mrgreen: Instead they're being exposed to all this "Us vs Them" nonsense. Not a good game plan for things to get better in the future.

When I was young I was out partying not throwing rocks at cops or giving a damn if 2 men were sleeping together. Nobody cared if you were an immigrant from Mexico. If you could maintain a modicum of coolness you were part of the crowd. We were not exposed to politics like today. We learned things along the way and when we got older were all able to get along even though we disagreed on some things. It will never again be like that due to the polarization that is starting at an early age. Now the "Other" side is the enemy when they should be your friends.

They should do what former Governor of Oregon Tom McCall did back in 1970 and hold a big outdoor concert. Instead of keeping the 2 groups apart they should get them together for a week. I bet we'd get some hybrid babies. :D Maybe balance things out a little. James Carville and Mary Matalin proved opposites attract.

I'd have a beer with you any day. I'd even buy.

As for power. I have it in me. Sometimes I just block everything else out and retreat to music. For a few minutes I can forget about all that's wrong. Nothing changes but at least I've had a nap from the insanity and recharged i'm ready to keep moving on and not dwell on the issues like so many do. The extremes out there today seem to completely consume the lives of many on both the left or right. When do those people find the time to enjoy what's good out there?

What's really concerning is the indoctrination children are getting these days into this side or that side. There's first graders using the term "Those damn libs" or "trump sucks". They should be out playing hopscotch or picking their nose and wiping boogers on their buddies. :mrgreen: Instead they're being exposed to all this "Us vs Them" nonsense. Not a good game plan for things to get better in the future.
It is so important to enjoy the world around you man, I couldn't agree more.

As for kids, I agree. Shit like this brainwashing kids is what needs to truly be understood about this attack on our democracy to really once and for all (or at least as long as the laws are not picked apart by the dick heads like the Koch bros dumping billions into not having to pay taxes on the wealth that is built upon the backs of the citizens of our nation).

When I was young I was out partying not throwing rocks at cops or giving a damn if 2 men were sleeping together. Nobody cared if you were an immigrant from Mexico.
Tell that to my dad who used to get pulled over by the cops because he was a Mexican living in a 'white' suburb all the time on the way home from work in the late 70's to mid 80's.

If you could maintain a modicum of coolness you were part of the crowd. We were not exposed to politics like today. We learned things along the way and when we got older were all able to get along even though we disagreed on some things. It will never again be like that due to the polarization that is starting at an early age.
No question the weaponization of politics using spam to brainwash people to argue about politics, is a completely dick move.

Now the "Other" side is the enemy when they should be your friends.

They should do what former Governor of Oregon Tom McCall did back in 1970 and hold a big outdoor concert. Instead of keeping the 2 groups apart they should get them together for a week. I bet we'd get some hybrid babies. :D Maybe balance things out a little. James Carville and Mary Matalin proved opposites attract.

The good old days when the only virus you really had to worry about was the kind you had fun getting!

We will find our way back, cults die off.

How long did the witch killing stuff go on for?
I'd have a beer with you any day. I'd even buy.

As for power. I have it in me. Sometimes I just block everything else out and retreat to music. For a few minutes I can forget about all that's wrong. Nothing changes but at least I've had a nap from the insanity and recharged i'm ready to keep moving on and not dwell on the issues like so many do. The extremes out there today seem to completely consume the lives of many on both the left or right. When do those people find the time to enjoy what's good out there?

What's really concerning is the indoctrination children are getting these days into this side or that side. There's first graders using the term "Those damn libs" or "trump sucks". They should be out playing hopscotch or picking their nose and wiping boogers on their buddies. :mrgreen: Instead they're being exposed to all this "Us vs Them" nonsense. Not a good game plan for things to get better in the future.

When I was young I was out partying not throwing rocks at cops or giving a damn if 2 men were sleeping together. Nobody cared if you were an immigrant from Mexico. If you could maintain a modicum of coolness you were part of the crowd. We were not exposed to politics like today. We learned things along the way and when we got older were all able to get along even though we disagreed on some things. It will never again be like that due to the polarization that is starting at an early age. Now the "Other" side is the enemy when they should be your friends.

They should do what former Governor of Oregon Tom McCall did back in 1970 and hold a big outdoor concert. Instead of keeping the 2 groups apart they should get them together for a week. I bet we'd get some hybrid babies. :D Maybe balance things out a little. James Carville and Mary Matalin proved opposites attract.

What kind of non existent bygone era are you even pining for
why is she being kept around? if i spammed like this i would be out my ass..she's obvi a russian meth addict.

i post a relevant thread about bringing the mask back and it gets thrown into TNT or better yet locked.

you got plenty of info you should have her doxed by far now..her thread's hurt my head because of the meth cadence.

You could 'dox' me until your blue in the face. Wouldn't have any effect on my life or my business.