CFL KC36 & Royal Dwarf


Well-Known Member
Saturday is the day I'm planning on putting her down. I'm really excited. I had to force myself to not cut her on monday. The resin glads are pretty close to where I want them. I will water her for the last time tomorrow.

Also, my mom received her Med Card today. WOOT. I will most likely become her legal grower which is awesome news for me, since I have no medical reason to get my own card. So this weekend I get to vape with my mom for her first time ever. It's going to be awesome. I'm going to have to make a playlist of songs she likes. (she doesn't care much for Wiz Khalifa, which is my taste of music). I might just put on some Hammock Radio on pandora and chill.

Last, I told my roommate last night that I smoked and grew mj. He is totally fine with. "I don't care what you do in your room. Can I see them =)" - Roommate. Evidentally both of them have been smelling weed throughout the house, and just never expected me to be the one vaping it haha.

Here are some pics of my Pretty Royal Dwarf AutoFem. She is the *Perfect* plant for my grow. In every sense... Height, maintenance, and quantity. Smell is definitely strong, So i've been working with that challenge, but the new candle I bought is definitely doing work. Ginger had some great ideas for air purification that would work in my room. Thanks again.

TL:DR it's ok, I am just getting thoughts off of my head. Good new all in all.

Now for he moment you all have been waiting for...

3 days from the end...

51 days of Flower...

The one...

The Only (not really)...

ROOOYYYALLL DWARF. (if you can't tell... I'm pretty high right now lol)

Enjoy guys.

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Well-Known Member
many congrats my friend... big love to mum, and go steady with her ...LOL .... your girl looks delightful bet she smokes great too


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah that's why I'm having her smoke with me instead of just trying it herself. plus you have to share the experience with someone and saying I'm the only other person she knows who smokes.. why not.

Btw just noticed your "location" and it made me laugh. So clever.


Active Member
Wow man, looking better everyday! For a micro grow you've gotten the best results possible I think! I'm looking forward to the chopped up pics, that's the best!!! What is the smell like? Not sure if you've noted that.

I'm pumped your mother got her card today, that's great news! I really hope she enjoys med's and not only does it help her pain but is uplifting for her as well. Hopefully all goes well with the CG license for you as well. Here you've just got to get a background check and basically if you have no felonies it's all gravy. The protection it will afford you is very reassuring. (And now since you told your roomates, I'm sure it encompasses the household and they will be even more comfortable.)

I'm going to check out the film you cited. My mother is definently one to listen, as long as there isn't a quack doctor telling her otherwise. LOL


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Yeah the smell is skunky, very strong!, But I love it. I only told one of my roommates.. the other I'm still working into. I don't know his views on the subject so I don't want to go into it and have him reject it 100%. IMO if people understand the facts, they should never reject it 100%.

Yeah I'm pretty fortunate here, all I need for the CG license is to sign a piece of paper, have my mom sign a piece of paper, make a photocopy of my mom and my WA state I.D.'s and place them on the wall in my room.

Yeah, dumb doc's always ruin everything. Gl with that, I hope yo can get through to her.


Well-Known Member
These are the last pictures you guys will see of my Royal Dwarf Alive. Tomorrow morning is when I am planning on chopping her. I'll be posting wet weight with some pics at that time.

As you can see in the pics, She grew to 10". The absolute perfect height for my grow.

In other news, I took two new clones yesterday night. They will be put into flower once my first KC36 is harvested. Also, my mom is coming today and we are going to smoke together. It's going to be awesome. It's her first time.

Here is the beautiful girl.


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Active Member
Pictures look awesome!!!!! 10" of straight flower too, you've got like no trimming to do! I can't wait to see... my better plant had a main cola of about 3/4 ounce. Wet, about 3.5, 3.75. If you get near that then what the heck, growing the rest of my plant was a waste of time - LOL. For the extra 3/4 I could have just grown a butt-load of tiny plants.

How'd the sit down go with your mom?


Well-Known Member
She's still on her way. I'll let you know after. Haha yeah if I get 3/4 ounce, I would be fucking amazed. Like I said at the start, I was only planning on getting 3-5g's haha, so this is waaaaayyy above what I expected. Makes me happy.


Active Member
thats all you were planning on? 3-5 g's? why waste your time? haha jk, clearly it wasn't a waste but man i wouldn't invest shit into a grow if that's all i was expecting.


Well-Known Member
Looks like im going to be getting about 8g's per plant. Just harvested my Royal Dwarf tonight and it came out to about 28g's wet.

And I only vape, for personal use so I'm good to go. Every two weeks getting 8g's is going to plenty for my own use and my mom's use.


Active Member
okay good. now we're on the same page haha. Next time around I think i might try and do a perpetual grow with some autoflowers like yours. Do 4-6 at a time, each starting about 2 weeks apart.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, So i actually harvested her last night. She was ready. I would have uploaded pics a couple hours ago, but the internet went down.

The final specs. are as follows:

Height: 10 Inches
Weight: 28g (wet)
Flower time: 53 days

Will have a smoke report when it is dried.


Pretty sweet bro, probably be like a half oz dried for one plant really good with cfl's.... I thought Auto flowering strains could not be cloned? Is royal dwarf an exception? :) I did read everythign buy maybe i missed something.


Well-Known Member
really nice result fella ..... if mine get as big as those i'll be well happy! .... much respect :-)


Well-Known Member
Pretty sweet bro, probably be like a half oz dried for one plant really good with cfl's.... I thought Auto flowering strains could not be cloned? Is royal dwarf an exception? :) I did read everythign buy maybe i missed something.
Thanks man! Yeah this is the only one I didn't clone. So her genetics are gone from my garden.