CFL Stealth Cabinet 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
Good job getting rid of the gnats so fast. I think I fought those bastards for a good 6 weeks. I agree with Dezracer about sometimes all you can do is just make your best guess. Hopefully your plants will react well.


Active Member
Good job getting rid of the gnats so fast. I think I fought those bastards for a good 6 weeks. I agree with Dezracer about sometimes all you can do is just make your best guess. Hopefully your plants will react well.
Thanks......I decided to go ahead and flush as well..I flushed last night, not ideal. I would have liked to flush at lights on instead of close to lights off but I didnt want to wait. I think that it could be nute burn. If it was not that before it is now. The baking soda might have raised the ph enough to let those micro nutes through and the plant got flooded with them, idk. Definately looks like nute burn and I havent added any nutes recently. So anyway I ran about twice the volume of water


Well-Known Member
I usually flushed with 3X the amount the plant would normally take during a watering. I've heard people suggest more than that too, run three times the volume of the pot, I don't know though since what I did seemed to work.


Active Member
I usually flushed with 3X the amount the plant would normally take during a watering. I've heard people suggest more than that too, run three times the volume of the pot, I don't know though since what I did seemed to work.
I was going to do 3x but its been watered alot recently. Watered it 3 days ago then water with baking soda 2 days ago so I did 2x last night. Should I run more water threw or just water it really good next watering? Or flush again in a few days or what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I'd ride it out. Let it be for a couple days and see how it reacts, that's a lot of water in a short period of time. If you were to try and flush again this soon it could get very drropy from overwatering and then you have yet another problem, you know? Let it use up the water that's in there now and by the time its ready for watering again you should have your answer to if your moving in the right direction or not. I just really hope it's right, it'd be a shame to lose the plant this far along.


Well-Known Member
Pics from yesterday
Thats stick fly strips on top of the pot. They are non toxic I think its just some kinda mineral oil resin or something like that.
I havent seen any fungus gnats in a few days
Pic 3 you will see the infamous CLF burn, lol...when the main cola recovered from being super cropped it got burnt a bit...i got it ghetto lst'd can see the blue ribbon hanging from the main has a keychain on the bottom that i hang more shit on as needed, lol
Yeah those strips will work wonders trust me. You will see many gnats on it. The other girls look great :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Yeah those strips will work wonders trust me. You will see many gnats on it. The other girls look great :eyesmoke:
Good to see ya man. Havent seen you as much recently. Prob cuz you got some killer harvests and your to busy smokin' dank nugs. Nothin' wrong with that.
Those stupid gnat things are gone. I only ever saw around 4 of them so I must have got them fast. The winged ones travel to plants they like and then they make babies..200 eggs at a time. Those eggs hatch as larvae type thingies and once they get old enough they get bored, grow wings and fly away to continue the circle of life. Hopefully I got the eggs with the spray and I am all good now.
I'd ride it out. Let it be for a couple days and see how it reacts, that's a lot of water in a short period of time. If you were to try and flush again this soon it could get very drropy from overwatering and then you have yet another problem, you know? Let it use up the water that's in there now and by the time its ready for watering again you should have your answer to if your moving in the right direction or not. I just really hope it's right, it'd be a shame to lose the plant this far along.
Well to help diagnose the problem I offer up this:
After I flushed I tested the last of the run off and it was like 6-6.25 even though I added a little baking soda...just a tiny pinch dusted the top of the soil right before I flushed. Even if it flushed through I watered it a few days ago with the 7.5-8 ph baking soda water.
So I think the PH went down with the water is 7
Also it looks like I have nute burn. A guy in my sick plants post gave awesome info. Basically I don't think I was watering right. I was watering only until it leaks just a little out of each hole. When you do that you might not be getting all the soil wet. So stuff can build up in there where the normal watering "moisture depth" ends. I snapped some pics and I will get them posted in a bit


Well-Known Member
That's a good point and a possibility for sure. I always water until it floods the catch tray, let the plant sit like that for 5-10 minutes and if it dries out I add more water. If the catch tray stays full after 5-10 minutes I dump most of the water in the tray only leaving a small amount and put the plant back in it's home. I never dump all of the water out though.


Active Member
well..ya live and ya learn.
Next Grow = Grow Room + 400w HPS + Plant training(lst prob) + proper watering + FF stuff = Success I hope

Not giving up on this could pull through at least not die so I can get something off it.


Active Member
started construction of new room(s). put plastic on the floor of the whole 5x7 area and started my first room its 2.5x4ish. Got most of the frame up. Tomorrow I will finish framing that room and plastic it up. So the first room should be up tomorrow. Still waiting on the HPS to get here. Still need to put the exhaust fan up.


Well-Known Member
Cool stuff, wish that hps would get there already.

Hey my girls are lookin way better. How about yours?

I was never worried about low ph but I'll be watching from now.


Active Member
Cool stuff, wish that hps would get there already.

Hey my girls are lookin way better. How about yours?

I was never worried about low ph but I'll be watching from now.
Hey chain, good to hear from ya. Plant is looking sad still..Ill get some pics up later prob.
HPS has arrived!
Still got a bunch to do to get the room ready..just the rough frame of the first room is up so far.
Im going to go get some pics and maybe flush again and hopefully get the plastic up for the room


Active Member
I think I am going to change the design concept before its to is the idea
The sq footage on the flower room is slightly to big for my 400W HPS but I dont care. I want to be able to step in the I won't do more then 4 small plants in there



Well-Known Member
Yeah that looks like a pretty nice deal. I wish I could walk around in my flower room but not so much.
The size of your room doesn't eally matter with the light. It's the size of your grow space that matters, so if you're only going for a small table in the middle like that you'll have a ton of lumens per sq ft.

I don't quite understand how you'll access the veg room though by looking at the drawing.


Well-Known Member
I don't envy you about all the work you are doing and still have to do on your room. Keep you eye on the prize you get when it's done. Congrats on getting a HID (I'm jealous). I bet you can hardly wait to get it going. How are the plants doing? Have you got the ph under control?


Active Member
PH problem hopefully fixed.

So I used a little baking soda in water when I flushed it last. The PH was to low and needed to come up a bit. I PH'd everything at every step. Checked the run off each time I ran water through. When I stoped it was perfect. So after the flush I gave it very light nutes ph'd. Problem is I believe the baking soda and the nutes did not like each other and the PH slowly kept rising. It was high today and the plant was not looking good so I flushed again. Straight water until the PH of the runoff was right. No nutes. I hope this fixed the problem. I only have about 3-4 weeks to go so hopefully the plant can hang on and has not been stressed to much. It is filling out nice. I will put up some pics. It looks sickly but now that the PH is not at lockout level I hope it wont get any worse. The main cola looks pretty nice. I didnt get a great pic of it.

1 clone took root so far...put it in a party cup today..ill post pics of that too...the one with all 4 clones in the pic is the 'guess which one rooted pic'
So go ahead and guess which one rooted.
"Mother" say "mother" cuz hopefully its not a father
I got it going through extensive training. Its in the FF OF soil and is doing better...flushed it a few days ago to solve symptoms of the same problem...its looking great. I got it lst'd and today I pruned it just a little and tried to FIM two of the branches..we shall see how that works out



Active Member
Yeah that looks like a pretty nice deal. I wish I could walk around in my flower room but not so much.
The size of your room doesn't eally matter with the light. It's the size of your grow space that matters, so if you're only going for a small table in the middle like that you'll have a ton of lumens per sq ft.

I don't quite understand how you'll access the veg room though by looking at the drawing.
both the doors to the grow rooms will be straight ahead when you walk in. Flower to the left veg to the right..I could veg with cfl and have a tiny room inside the flower room and make the flower room a little bigger as well...light proofed of course

I don't envy you about all the work you are doing and still have to do on your room. Keep you eye on the prize you get when it's done. Congrats on getting a HID (I'm jealous). I bet you can hardly wait to get it going. How are the plants doing? Have you got the ph under control?
Yeah work is no fun...not enough hours in the day....I hopefully got the PH thing under control

Thanks for stopping by guys