[CFL] TV GROW BOX [CFL] Second Grow [regular nutrients / soil]


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6269303 said:
awsome man that scroging seems like a good method so im going to try it once my plants get bigger,, did you fim, lst or top much?
I didn't fim or top anything due to it being an auto flower and it would waste too much time recovering, but as you can see from my previous posts I LST'd the FUCK out of it. I paper clipped like EVERY fan leave down and made sure to get each spot plenty of lighting. I really recommend scrogging, it doesn't have to be the big complex ones like you see. It has helped SOO MUCH! :wink: Cheers!

Not much height gain but the buds are definitely thickening up.


Well-Known Member
cool cool ya just made a huge adjustment to my growing gonna have to post some pics later on my forum but i still gotta figure out how to add the scroging to it. you should see if u can get a good camera and get some close up shots of your buds


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6272684 said:
cool cool ya just made a huge adjustment to my growing gonna have to post some pics later on my forum but i still gotta figure out how to add the scroging to it. you should see if u can get a good camera and get some close up shots of your buds
Wouldn't count on it :( Not really that big on cameras. Scrogging is usually very overdone, a simple shelf piece and a screw is all you need (Just like I did)


Active Member
man my temps are giving my crap today it will be nice when it gets cooler outside and temps are easier to control. btw nice looking plants man :)


Active Member
man my temps are giving my crap today it will be nice when it gets cooler outside and temps are easier to control. btw nice looking plants man :)
Yeah, winter is on it's way and I'm very excited, I'd imagine my temperatures will be so low I will NEED bulbs to keep it warm.


Active Member
They have been in those cups a while. How long have they been on 12/12?
Exactly 12 days, they should start showing sex within the next few days I am hoping. Last night I spent some time looking at them and I am fairly sure I found 1 of the females. They no doubt used up like all of there nutrients :( Really need to transplant them.


Active Member
2/5 CONFIRMED GIRLS. I will give them another week before I remove all plants without hairs. Once I know exactly how many are female I can decide how I am going to set this up. I am hoping for 1 more female then I will use my old pots for the 2 females and a smaller pot for the other female. One of the females is the one in the biggest pot so I am really happy about that ;)


Active Member
All male plants will be cut and hung for a few days then made into cannabutter depending on there weight.


Active Member
hey im also doing a auto ak47 /low ryder #2 check it out.....i have a question about nutes can any one help my plants are 13 and 10 days old im really looking for some advice please