Cfl..........white russian


Active Member
Katya the White Russian is a girl too! (Fem seed... No surprise) pics to come later. So far 2 of the bag ladies are female and 2 of the White Russians are female. that leaves the 2 other WR (FEM SEEDS) and the 2 afghani (Reg Seeds) to show a sex. I chopped down the male bag lady(dude) bambi last night. gonna have at least 6 female with the possibility of 8. Whoa! better add some lights!


Active Member
So far, 7 of 8 left are girls, Katya, Oksana and Afeeza all showed pistils last night. still waiting on the runt Alia but i have good feelings about her. wow I can't believe I will likely have 8 girl plants. never woulda thunk it. I started with 4 White Russian fem seeds(Katya, Inga, Nikita and Oksana) , 3 bag seeds (Sharmonica, Velveeta and Bambi (Bamboy got chopped)), and the Afghani's (Afeeza and Alia) are reg seeds. FUCKING AWESOME!!!


Active Member
weeeeeeee've got BUSH!, we've got BUSH!!!!!
Hear ya bro, my Columbian Gold and Blue Widow are super bushy as well. Gonna cut a few clones off them each, place the clones into the cloner after roots shows up. Then the mothers, putting them into flowering. 33 days into my 2nd grow....planning to go into flowering on day 40


Active Member
love them bushy plants. they just look healthier. yours look fantastic. keep up the good work.
Man yours really looks stellar, healthy as hell. This certainly not your 1st grow, is it? If I lived in the desert, I would have a hugh sunroom/greenhouse. But your CFL grow is awesome, keep it going bro


Active Member
Plants are growing well. Katya has some bumpy dry looking Green leaves. not sure what this is. pics will come later, plants are in the dark during the day. the hottest its gotten in the closet is about 90 degrees and only for about an hour( only on workdays when I have to leave before the lights go out. then the closet is closed for about 2 hours before lights out). From looking at other LST I have to tie them down slightly differently for more even growth at the top. LST is definitely a work in progress. Any helpful hints would be appreciated..... Thanks to everyone. + rep for any helpful tips!


Active Member
this is my first LST grow. I grew 1 plant about 10 years ago in a closet with 2x 4 foot t12 tube (shop lights) It was a bag seed that grew into a hermie. still smoked well but i could tell there was room for improvement. hard to keep temps down in the desert. greenhouse in the desert would need some serious AC. but i bet it would be fun as hell. I think of that often!!


Well-Known Member
hey blasty. with my plants i really dont have to alter them that much after i start flowering them. after flowering starts i just keep the heads about the same height by adjusting some strings


Active Member
your plants look amazing. I am gonna tie em down later tonight when the lights come back on. you made that light setup? its bad ass.. very professional. I am using cfls exclusively and hope to get close to the yield u got. serious props!!!!


Active Member
The lone Afghani Alia is my only holdout, still no sex on that one, not even a preflower, nothin! It'll be two weeks since flower on Tuesday. the others are taking off. it's a daily chore this LST thing. I gotta readjust 3-4 plants daily. Also I added a DIY co2 generator. I have two tubes of fish tubing coming out of 2x 2L bottles. there are holes drilled into the tubing along the length of it. I added the sugar/yeast concoction. Then, I ran the tubing just under the canopy throughout each pot. I've read many things about co2 and its effects on the plants. seems like it just couldn't hurt. pics to come tomorrow or Monday. ANYONE ELSE HAVE LUCK WITH A CO2 GENERATOR?


Well-Known Member
I've never tried one personally. It seems like that bottle wouldn't be able to put out the volume you need. especially with ventilation running. I used to use dry ice in a pinch but again I had to shut down my ventilation.


Active Member
its not a necessity or anything, the plants are growing great. I am just into all the DIY shit in this site. I wanna build everything. some days it feels like I wanna have an LST'D scrog that was topped,fimmed, retopped resulting two foot cola on each plant. does anyone else feel that way?


Active Member
P1010007.jpgP1010008.jpg This is Alia, she/he has yet to show any sign of sex yet.
These are my DIY co2 generator, the tubes have holes all through them and sit just under the canopy near the dirt.


Active Member
its not a necessity or anything, the plants are growing great. I am just into all the DIY shit in this site. I wanna build everything. some days it feels like I wanna have an LST'D scrog that was topped,fimmed, retopped resulting two foot cola on each plant. does anyone else feel that way?
I hear ya, read somewhere that pots not addictive, but growing it is, how true, how true....You got an awesome grow going. Gonna be doing something simular. Just cut clones the other day, putting a few in potting soil, the others go in my diy aero-hydro grow set-up. Momma's are going into flowering on day 40, can't the grow


Active Member
thanks fader, I can imagine that a long veg would make ya want to jump the gun and put em to flower. But, that extra time will likely payoff with bigger budz.


Active Member
still no sign of sex for Alia the afghani. it'll be 2 weeks tomorrow. how long can it take? the other Afghani showed about a week ago. any ways.... also one of my plants is starting to turn light green on top with with purple on the stem and slightly into the veins of the newer leaves. is there any reason for concern. is this a deficiancy of N. I'll try to get pics tonight or in the am. they are in the dark right now. but if anyone knows could you slide some advice my way. BTW... growth hasn't slowed at all with this plant.