Cfl..........white russian


Active Member
thanks fader, I can imagine that a long veg would make ya want to jump the gun and put em to flower. But, that extra time will likely payoff with bigger budz.
My 1st run I vegged for 9 weeks, flowered/harvested after 10 weeks, total 19 weeks. My gals were beautiful, 6 plants, over 15 pint jars of sticky, sweet smelling, tastey bud
Can't wait for this one to start budding.


Active Member
So I am using Botanicare CNS17 Bloom, Grow and Ripe. I hadn't used any nutes during veg and started using the bloom after flower started. Last night I noticed that sharmonica was getting pale with some purpling of veins. So I gave some of the "Grow" with the "Bloom". the plants resonded very well. they all perked up overnight. Now that I have 1 Less plant I can spread them out a little to get better airflow and light. here are some of the new pics. ENJOY! I do!


Active Member
I am going to do a little pruning this weekend, to allow more light to get to the bud sites. I keep each set of lights about 1-2 inches from the top of the canopy. I am trying (Via LST) to get all the bud sites at the same height. plus each plant basically has about 4-6 bulbs on it at all times. some have more. Each bulb is about 1700 Lumens, multiply that by 6 and you get over 10,000 lumens per plant. that is about the same as the sun (I read somwhere that the sun delivers about 10,000 lumens per square foot). I know these lights don't carry the same spectrum as the sun, but with a little handywork and pruning, the plants should get enough light. they are growing pretty healthy though. haven't had any serious issues since I transferred them from hydro about a month ago.


Active Member
Man.... last night, I got wicked baked! started looking at plant diseases online and convinced myself that my plants had mosaic virus......I think its more of a mag def... i will try epsom


Active Member
Man.... last night, I got wicked baked! started looking at plant diseases online and convinced myself that my plants had mosaic virus......I think its more of a mag def... i will try epsom
I add about 1/3 dose of Calmag+ weekly to my aero-hydro grow. Never heard of that mosaic virus, need to check it out. I think your plants look great..


Active Member
I Googled the virus and looked at pics and descriptions. it is contagious. My other plants do not show any signs of this yet. but its contagious!!!! it won't kill but may ruin your buds.


Active Member
So at least one of my plants is infected with tobacco mosaic virus. Because of this I had to separate her. She is now living in the attic under 4 23w CFL 2700k. I am going to document this one plant in another journal as there aren't any grow journals that have a plant with TMV. I'll post the link when I start it. the rest of the plants are doing well so far. I have some new pics coming soon.