Change my mind please....

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Nice to meet you. I would start by asking what you are seeing/hearing that makes you feel under attack? Outside of the POTUS I guess, since we are all under a daily attack by him for just not being in his cult.

I would ask then why you think all lives don't matter?
No I do think all lives matter , but when that lady said that they dog piled it seeks equality isn’t the goal, am I misreading this ?
ask your question..what is the 'handwriting'..spit it're concerned the white man will exchange places with the black on' have any issue with black people but you're afraid?
I don’t know tbh, I know history repeats itself often, and that there has always been oppression it’s almost like it encoded in us ? Like competitively like our insting to belong to a team, or fuck / fight ect
No I do think all lives matter , but when that lady said that they dog piled it seeks equality isn’t the goal, am I misreading this ?
Right now everyone is under attack by a very sophisticated propaganda attack. I am not sure which lady you are talking about. But I can say that right now when people say something like BLM, they are immediately slammed with 'All Lives Matter' or something of the sort constantly as a way to degrade what BLM stands for.

While other people at the same times are 'programmed' to say things like 'All lives matter' by getting shown propaganda that makes them feel like it is also an important thing to say.

That is why the first step is to diagnose what you are being shown. Be it on TV, Radio, certain websites/platforms, etc. BLM is in no way saying that other people are not important, but if you can program people into thinking that it does, you get some instant and unnecessary arguments.
because the subject is 'black lives'..when you say 'all lives', you're just diluting the meaning and marginalizing the struggle in general- which is an insult.
I can kinda see what your saying, but I truly feel it should have been all lives matter equally from the gate, I don’t know maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way
Right now everyone is under attack by a very sophisticated propaganda attack. I am not sure which lady you are talking about. But I can say that right now when people say something like BLM, they are immediately slammed with 'All Lives Matter' or something of the sort constantly as a way to degrade what BLM stands for.

While other people at the same times are 'programmed' to say things like 'All lives matter' by getting shown propaganda that makes them feel like it is also an important thing to say.

That is why the first step is to diagnose what you are being shown. Be it on TV, Radio, certain websites/platforms, etc. BLM is in no way saying that other people are not important, but if you can program people into thinking that it does, you get some instant and unnecessary arguments.
Ok I can totally see what your saying , can you go further ?
[QUOTE="hanimmal, post: 15667834, member: 152164 you get some instant and unnecessary arguments.
So like when something is so far one direction you instinctively take it so far the other direction , that’s what I’m doing ?
I can kinda see what your saying, but I truly feel it should have been all lives matter equally from the gate, I don’t know maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way
It is also worth understanding that the "Black Lives Matter" has been under attack from the Russian military since about 2014 online. This is from one of the bi-partisan senate reports in my sig:Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 11.07.29 AM.png

By doing this the trolling has been able to nudge people, and I am assuming it also helps in pushing the highly weaponizable tag-lines like BLM and 'Defund the Police'.

The perfect names of a legitimate movement to scare the crap out of people who don't understand what the movements are about.

So like when something is so far one direction you instinctively take it so far the other direction , that’s what I’m doing ?

Exactly, but the reality is all it takes is your perception that something is so far in one direction to get you to act instinctively. It is easier to just flood you with propaganda to get you to think something is happening.
I know this is deeply offensive subject but again I’m trying to see thing differently, kinda like I know I’m wrong...but as far as racism, where does the line be drawn ? Like I don’t think I’m racist but as an observational animal when I go places I notice different races, I think a lot of people are struggling with that worried their racist but in reality (to me) it’s totally normal
I know this is deeply offensive subject but again I’m trying to see thing differently, kinda like I know I’m wrong...but as far as racism, where does the line be drawn ? Like I don’t think I’m racist but as an observational animal when I go places I notice different races, I think a lot of people are struggling with that worried their racist but in reality (to me) it’s totally normal
You're observing and not interacting and basing your judgments on what you see through the window in your locked car.
You're observing and not interacting and basing your judgments on what you see through the window in your locked car.
Ok, but I don’t think just cause I notice I’m having a preconcievd judgement of that individual ? Or do they go hand in hand ?
I know this is deeply offensive subject but again I’m trying to see thing differently, kinda like I know I’m wrong...but as far as racism, where does the line be drawn ? Like I don’t think I’m racist but as an observational animal when I go places I notice different races, I think a lot of people are struggling with that worried their racist but in reality (to me) it’s totally normal
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