Change my mind please....

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If this seems really weird to you guys I just got off a heroin addiction 11 days ago so I’m kinda in a weird place mentally, maybe I should have waited longer to post but my brain is racing right now with shit I never really thought of


ending addition your brain kinda wakes up.


do not exchange your number with others in any group you must polite but do not socialize, they sit there before therapy and talk about the 'good old days'.
Well that’s weird too, I made it 48hrs with nothing then gave in and took a 8mg strip, right now I’m at .75mg a day and plan to stop altogether in a couple days, taking the sub was the worst decision I’ve made in a long tine, but I guess I’m weak minded
See this is why I came here this stuff might be obvious to you but not so much for me
Happy to be of some help, this stuff is very important and impacting us all. If I was you I would check through anything you have seen/read that has BLM/All live matter in it, and second guess it all, if you have anything you have any questions on, bring it back up in here. It is hard to know what people are getting pushed on them because it is so personalized to exactly what is going to trigger the exact emotions to get you to respond the way you do. All based on all of your (and your families/friends) online activity.

I know this is deeply offensive subject but again I’m trying to see thing differently, kinda like I know I’m wrong...but as far as racism, where does the line be drawn ? Like I don’t think I’m racist but as an observational animal when I go places I notice different races, I think a lot of people are struggling with that worried their racist but in reality (to me) it’s totally normal
I think it is easier to just assume you are unwittingly racist and go from there.

I came up with some rules for myself. Mainly don't assume that people are not being genuine when they say something. And anytime I say 'I was just kidding', I am being defensive and need to just apologize and accept I was being an ass and need to learn why I upset the person.

As far as racism, it is not as much about your personal level (or lack of) racism, as much as it is until far too recently our entire economic and governmental systems were based on systemic racism. It wasn't until the last 50 years or so that our minority populations were even able to take any real advantage of our nation's wealth and growth. And it is not nearly enough time to overcome the very large head start that our white populous has been able to gain.
Well that’s weird too, I made it 48hrs with nothing then gave in and took a 8mg strip, right now I’m at .75mg a day and plan to stop altogether in a couple days, taking the sub was the worst decision I’ve made in a long tine, but I guess I’m weak minded
Good luck bro. My brother in law has been fighting addiction for a while. I wish you all the best. You're stronger than you think for taking the first step.
Well that’s weird too, I made it 48hrs with nothing then gave in and took a 8mg strip, right now I’m at .75mg a day and plan to stop altogether in a couple days, taking the sub was the worst decision I’ve made in a long tine, but I guess I’m weak minded

physical is not giving in; withdrawal sucks and if you don't have the shits your skin isn't crawling and no kicking? you didn't have to take it..:lol: 8mg? i'm pretty sure you would've been needing it soon anyway.
physical is not giving in; withdrawal sucks and if you don't have the shits your skin isn't crawling and no kicking? you didn't have to take it..:lol: 8mg? i'm pretty sure you would've been needing it soon anyway.
I was at a 1-2 gram a day BTH habit , I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin..I was taking edibles which actually helped a lot but it was still to much for me
Congtrats on your recent life change @Bublonichronic !!!!! Praying for you and your health :-)

This is such a hot topic right now in our country, and rightly so.

Let me preface this with I am of the Right orientation, not the far right, just a normal every day American that goes to work, and goes home. I believe in conservative, family values, the golden rule, etc.....

Here's the problem we face as a nation right now:

1. Lack of Jesus Christ - Seriously, and flame me all you want, but HE is the ONLY answer to the worlds problems. Sadly, many will recognize this too late, and for them, I am sad. Look up to the sky people, time is getting short, don't be left behind :fire:

2. Generations of sin and lack of personal responsibility - again, back to #1

3. People are assholes - we all know this. Its about "coexist" and by this i mean, tolerate your neighbor. We don't all like the Bob wears a speedo in his front yard, but hey, Bill isn't hurting anyone. That's how religion and life are supposed to work. Mind ya own business and move on.

4. Absolute power corrupts absolutely - Now, before you crucify me, just listen. There are good opinions from BOTH sides of the isle. The issue is that they are trying to strip the humanity away from us ALL. Asian, White, Black, Eskimo, Jew, Native American........I think that given the circumstances and the oposition that the POTUS is facing right now, for all it's worth, he's doing better than some I'd say. At least he wants America to be self reliant again.

The sooner we realize this, the sooner people will wake up.
Congtrats on your recent life change @Bublonichronic !!!!! Praying for you and your health :-)

This is such a hot topic right now in our country, and rightly so.

Let me preface this with I am of the Right orientation, not the far right, just a normal every day American that goes to work, and goes home. I believe in conservative, family values, the golden rule, etc.....

Here's the problem we face as a nation right now:

1. Lack of Jesus Christ - Seriously, and flame me all you want, but HE is the ONLY answer to the worlds problems. Sadly, many will recognize this too late, and for them, I am sad. Look up to the sky people, time is getting short, don't be left behind :fire:

2. Generations of sin and lack of personal responsibility - again, back to #1

3. People are assholes - we all know this. Its about "coexist" and by this i mean, tolerate your neighbor. We don't all like the Bob wears a speedo in his front yard, but hey, Bill isn't hurting anyone. That's how religion and life are supposed to work. Mind ya own business and move on.

4. Absolute power corrupts absolutely - Now, before you crucify me, just listen. There are good opinions from BOTH sides of the isle. The issue is that they are trying to strip the humanity away from us ALL. Asian, White, Black, Eskimo, Jew, Native American........I think that given the circumstances and the oposition that the POTUS is facing right now, for all it's worth, he's doing better than some I'd say. At least he wants America to be self reliant again.

The sooner we realize this, the sooner people will wake up.
I can see the trying to strip humanity out of us, but does that need to go and can it even happen ?
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