Changing Reservoir

I was thinkin about changing my reservoir on my dwc system from the 10 gallon buckets they are in to 5 gallon buckets..think this will harm them if there is enough room still left for roots?? Anyone? 10 gallon buckets suck and are too much to carry and tote with water...and with the 5 gallon i get alot more o2 to the roots from the bubblers..
Yea i have 5 singles right now in the 10 gallon buckets. Was more curious if you think it will shock them at all or anything..If not i wanna change them bad tonight. The 10 gallon tubs are too much, i have 2 with 2 in them that cant be seperated because the roots are intertwined. But everything is healthy right now..1 week and a day into flower on transition nutes and want to change to full nutes now but dont wanna keep them in the 10s...whats your opinion on that?
Shooot drink what they need know what i mean :) For sure thanks for the advice...i didnt think so but its always good for a second opinion...ima put new pics up in a bit, week after the last pics i took they are getting big QUICK..
My MAIN reason is the 10 gallons are too damn bulky and with the 5 gallons you set your air stone right in the middle and the bubbles have no where to go but the immediate roots.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I woudn't change em. Your plants are still young...when they are 5 - 6 weeks into flower, you'll be glad you left them in the 10s when you see the root mass. I've done setup I'm working on right now uses 14 gallon totes FWIW. Plus, more water volume = more dilution = less chance for problems with PH, PPMs, etc. When the plants are older, they'll be drinking TONS...which causes PH and PPMs to fluctuate greatly....unless you want to be adding water and adjusting PH & PPMs 3x per day. In your case...more is better...if it ain't broke, don't fix it....they're getting plenty of O2.
Dang YOU. haha. I know you make valid points...just such a hassle changing the water and the solution...Shits heavy and i have to do it by hand. I fill one tub, then just throw the plant with lid on the bucket...ect. But ill take your advice brotha and keep on keepin on. Want whats best for them not for me. First time in a bigger tub, Ive done the 5 gallons prob 20-30 times and just such success, thought more room for the roots get me bigger plants..nothing noticeably different yet, maybe in the next 2-3 weeks to come i can see what Ive had to endure. Keepin on the 10's cause YOU SAID SO!