Changing Schedule


Well-Known Member
Does it put stress on a plant if I were to change the time the dark period occurs. Have there be a little longer period of light for the transition. Right now because of previous temp reasons I have the 6 hours from 10am to 4pm and I'm now wanting to make it occur in the middle of the night.


Active Member
If it was my grow I wouldn't tweak the schedule. What is your reasoning for considering the change?


Active Member
That won't bother your plants too much at all...
If they're in veg, give them extra light until they're on the schedule you want.
If they're in flower, give them extra dark until they're on the schedule you want.

I've done both of these with no signs of stress at all... I didn't even see signs of stress to either my vegging plants or flowering plants when Hurricane Sandy knocked power off for 6 days... When the power came back, I did what I described above and everything worked out fine.

Hope this helps.