My second windowsill grow. Hoping to learn from the mistakes of my first one...


Active Member
DAY 61...

We're getting close!


I could do with your opinions on this...

The high I'm looking for is heady & relaxed without being super-trippy. The bulk of these plants are indica whereas the free seed I got is more of a hybrid.
I think I'll let the hybrid mature to the point where at least 70% of the trichomes are amber. That one's supposed to be pretty intense so I'll wait for it to (hopefully) mellow out a bit. The growth time is supposed to be 8 weeks & we're now 2 days away from week 9.

The others I'm not so sure about. I don't want too much of a "couch-lock" vibe so when do you think I should harvest them? They're changing shade quite quickly but are supposed to take 10-11 weeks. It all feels kind of early.

The plant that got some mild LST is actually behind, in terms of changing shade, so I'll base my decision for that one on how I harvest the others in the same family.


Active Member
DAY 72...

it's been a while. After asking a whole bunch of stuff in another thread, this thread has become more of a diary, showing the general growth of the plants. They're all fine but we'll start with the smallest...


All the fan leaves fell off well over a week ago & even smaller leaves are now turning pale & basically coming off in my hands. Not a huge amount of change in pistil colour so most likely at least another week or 2 until harvest.


Next up, the plant with minor LST. I'm sure now, if I'd done a better job of training the growth, this would be showing the biggest yield...


Some very healthy sized buds in several areas but also a little behind still, in terms of harvest time. 2 weeks more?


And then the 2 heavy hitters. Both racing for 1st prize but one is showing a big change in colouration...


The one on the left has a shorter life cycle & has changed colour quiite drastically over the last week...


It can't be much longer for this one, surely?


And finally the one with the biggest buds, particularly at the top of the main stem...


2 or 3 of the largest fan leaves will be dead in a few more days but I think this one's gonna turn out great!!

I've added molasses to their diet. So basically 3ml of Bio-bloom with an extra 2ml of molasses for every litre they get. It's been crazy hot here - almost too hot on the windowsill - so they're drinking very well every second day.

The whole flat smells incredible :)


Well-Known Member
They are looking nice, love the pinky/purple hues showing in some.. but I think they have another 3-4weeks at least before they have swollen properly