Cheapo DIY Chinese LED grow. 200w

Gas, Is there any chance the tub plants, while sitting in an inch of water, sucked up too much and suffocated themselves? I know the plants outside the tub also aren't doing that great but they're doing better than the ones you left in the tub with water, no?
It is possible there was some type of residue in the tub, if anything most likely small amounts (12 drops or less) of pH, NH, or NO test solution, but then why did two of the other plants get shocked as well?

I can't imagine the soil going anaerobic in such a short period simply by wicking water - although I'm not ruling out anything.

I water from one of my fish tanks as well as a reservoir of water I keep for tank changes which is treated with a dechlorinator which also contains chelating agents. The pH of the tank is between 7 and 7.2 and the res is between 6.6-6.8. I wanted to initially blame the chelators but my planted tank is doing fine - granted at a much lower ppm of ferts. Next time I get around to it I'll try and look at the roots - granted a bit late.
It is possible there was some type of residue in the tub, if anything most likely small amounts (12 drops or less) of pH, NH, or NO test solution, but then why did two of the other plants get shocked as well?

I can't imagine the soil going anaerobic in such a short period simply by wicking water - although I'm not ruling out anything.

I water from one of my fish tanks as well as a reservoir of water I keep for tank changes which is treated with a dechlorinator which also contains chelating agents. The pH of the tank is between 7 and 7.2 and the res is between 6.6-6.8. I wanted to initially blame the chelators but my planted tank is doing fine - granted at a much lower ppm of ferts. Next time I get around to it I'll try and look at the roots - granted a bit late.

what are you using to dechorlinate your fish tank water? some of that stuff can be really bad on plants.
yes they would thats the stuff i use too, although it is high in the sodiums, there are better options or should i say more organic but i cant see that being the problem either since ive started using my turtle water on my veggies and i have seen no problems.
So I think it's just too hot. We're in the middle of a heat wave with outdoor temps ~107. My garage with the door open is 5-10 degrees higher and an additional 5 to ten with the door closed. I'm thinking the hot water due to the door being closed might have been what killed the four plants in the container. I might just have to turn off the LEDs till it cools down a bit.


Only survivor through all of this:

...outdoor temps ~107........Only survivor through all of this
Wow and I thought when my AC broke yesterday, (when I wasn't home for the day, of course :cuss:), my ladies had it rough at 99F. The survivor has that heat stress look on the first picture, that's for sure. Poor little things.

"Someone buy that lady a cool drink!, Fast!"
Damn. There aint no winning with 100+ temps.
Are all your plants in the garage or is there a place for them inside maybe?
I know at one point you were growing in your attic but I know that's out of the question right now...
I made some silly promise about not having plants indoors so it's either attic or garage and right now the attic is 130+ and the garage ~110 but peaks a bit higher. I told the lady we were moving to devils asshole and she just didn't believe me. Miserable fucking heat.
^^^wow at those temps Gas........well you could always grow some "special" cacti:P

it takes like 10 years to get edible buttons from "special cacti" yes i looked it up :)

hey Gas i see its not going so well. in my opinion you might have a combo of heat and bad water, maybe heat more than anything but why dont you try and buy some spring water from the store, like 25¢ a gal if you refill, screw reverse osmosis water i never really understood what benifits it really has for plants but i never really looked into it either, a good water filter should be all you need or even collect mother natures water in a nice clean container.

we have been having some high temps out here and i neglected to water my plants, if i had waited one more day i would have lost 2, maybe try using some bigger containers as they will hold more water so evaporation will still happen at the same rate but there will be more water thus not drying the pots out completly.

sorry your grow isnt going well man hope things turn out for the better, you need a good grow to happen soon im sure as you have had a bad streak (sorry to mention it :( )

bestof luck man, ill try and stop by more often :)
Thanks guys.

I defiantly think larger containers is a good direction but at the same time I really don't need to grow during the summer. At some point I'll just get over the restlessness and accept that there is nothing I can do about the weather.

I really did think it might have been the water but I'm hatching fry right now with little problem and I've checked pH, Nitrite, Nitrate, General Hardness and Carbonate Hardness and nothing is too out of line. We do have a high level of chloramine but I'm letting all my water sit overnight with a dechlorinator. And I just always grow like shit in the summer indoors. :)

We'll see what these LEDs can really do once it cools down. In the mean while I discovered that I can fit them into my T5 fixture over by big tank. I'll get on that once this last little plant finishes up.
ill get a few pics up of my stuff in a bit, everything is doing pretty decent except one poor plant i ripped out of the ground, its alive but not doing so well, definatly not growing like i want it to

i have a reveg blueberry gum that is doing great and i planted a frisian dew seed about 2 weeks ago, last i checked it was arounf 4 inc tall about 5 days ago wnet out today and the dam thing is nearing 2 ft tall lol
ok so i figured you would be interested in this so im going to post it here on your thread if thats cool. if not just PM me and i will remove it :)

I went out to look at my girls and noticed one leaf was riddled with eggs of some sort. it is pretty cool how they are clustered. heres a pic


they look like the eggs on this site but doesent give any info on what they are.

anyways im going to put them in a jar and see what hatches