check list. am i missing anything?


okay sorry no pics yet looking for my camera cord. but ive been working on my babies for a couple weeks now they are about 8-9" tall starting new growth where stems meet and growing 5 leaves. they have been growing very slow it seems though. i had 2 100w cfl lights and a shoplight and it was 82 degrees. took 1 cfl out and placed the fan in a..better venting spot and now its 73 with a humidity around 55. watering with a ph of 6.5 and on 24 hour light. oh and the soil is a premium potting soil with wood mulch mixed. am i missing anything? and the lower leaves are also dying on most of them. any helps awesome.


With the temp's droped pop that other cfl back in if you allready havent. And 100 watt cfls? Or 100 watt equivilents? A common mistake is reading the equivilent and not the actual watts which would be 23 or 26 watts. The actuall watts will be printed on the base of cfl bulb on the ballast/screwin socket mount.

There's a ton of things I could ask without pics available yet, but I'll stop right there ;)


its the equivalent and you say put it back in? what temp do i want them? or do i just not want to drop it that fast?


oh no nothing like that- The temps are great! And they can handle more light from a single CFL added most definately.

Most CFL's packaging list the "Incandescent Bulb's" wattage in big bold print that the low wattage energy effecient CFL's replace. And then they hide the CFL's actuall wattage on the package in much much smaller print. It's a common misunderstanding.

Right now my only concern from the info given is if you have enough light to bloom your babies in a respectable fashion.

Ooo- edit - At 8-9 inche's you will want to take them off of 24 hour lighting, those babies need to sleep sometimes too! It could really slow down your growth. Especially without major mojo nutrient, hydrology, and green thumb certified genius involved.


okay good to know so should i go to 18/6 now? and i have some sugar daddy. how often should i give them that? and with the other cfl it made it hotter, but maybe not with the fan now..ill have to experiment with that. oh and how far should the lights be away from the plants? id say its about..12" i could keep on asking..haha thanks though


I'd hold off on adding the "sugar daddy" for the moment. Since your hanging around right now and eager here's a link to the CFL forum and guides here on RIu

Heh All the CFL info I currently know is from those guide's and threads. It's very very good info. There are threads in there to make your mouth water in anticipation!


alrighty so i needed the lights closer from what i read and more cfl's since i already started with those might as well keep what i have. so i added 2 more 3500k lights equaling the shop light above and then the 4 cfl suspended around the plants. temp seems to be staying around 78-80 humidity still 55. hope this makes the growth faster...


Sounds like your on the right track. Temps and humidity are good. Now its just seeing how they respond to the changes :)