Check Out My Grow! Let Me Know What You Think

Well-Known Member
wow look liked there stretching pretty bad. i dunno they look like there in week 2 or three fo flowering so depending on strain anywhere from 5 to 8 more weeks maybe more for some strains
pic 4 is for sure a boy.. You need WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more light zoro. with cfl's you need lots of them, all relly close to the plant. id start over if I were you, you're not going to yeild anything with those poor things.
What do you mean start all over ? Just kill'em and plant new ones ? won't give even 1/2 oz for the holidays ? More cfl's ? calculated I have around 10000 lumens. They just don't show in the pics. Will add some more.

Boy ? It's full of white pistils. Could be hermie ?

Well-Known Member
Just sealed my room a week ago and put co2 in, i go out there this morning and there is water in my hood... the light has got to be sweating from the inside because there is no other way for water to get in there. does anyone know how to fix this problem.

Well-Known Member
Hey you guys ever had this problem?> you make to much clones because you think to much is better than not enough and then when it comes time to pull the ones you dont need you cant do it.

Well that happened to me so now my veg room is a flowering room and my extra bathroom is my new veg room... ahhaha

heres some pics



Active Member set up is just about to take off...not looking forward to hand watering 100+ plants. Glad I got the aeroponics cloner recently to cut down some of the hand work.

Looking good man +Rep for the efforts and hard work!!!

EDIT: Apparently I need to "spread the love" before I can +rep ya lol

Well-Known Member
yea its not that bad watering them i just move the middle row to the other tray walk down the middle and water them. witch is why i said your gonna hate those chains on your hoods a while back.. its so much easier to lift the lights up and walk in there without the hot lights burning my neck.

I had a drip system but tore it out for a more personal experience with my plants. i can pluck dead leaves and spot def's earlier this way

good luck and i cant wait to see some flowers


Active Member
I hear ya...I've been playing around with the chains and tossing the idea around of going a different route but with my ceiling only being 6' 6'' tall I can easily raise and lower the lights with the hooks...if it ws taller like 8' or more I would go a different route...and my tables are on wheels so I can just push them over to make a good walkway. My mother room on the other hand is super cramped and I would love to make that room as fully automated as possible...thinking of a drip system for just that room. Did yours work well or did you not feel like you really knew if they were getting watered properly or what was the deal getting rid of the drip?

Well-Known Member
no it worked pretty good i had pressure compensating drippers so each plant got the same amount of water. a little more but i think its worth it. just make sure you have some kind of filter on your system or your dippers WILL get clogged.. trust me it will save you a big headache ifyou put a filter on there


Active Member
just make sure you have some kind of filter on your system or your dippers WILL get clogged.. trust me it will save you a big headache ifyou put a filter on there
Thanks for the advice...still debating what I will do for sure (possibly deep water culture or water farm). I just want something dependable and labor free since it is so cramped to move in the mother room. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

Well-Known Member
update with pics

gonna try something new called Gravity bud hardener it is supposed to make your buds more dense. You add it the last three weeks of flowering will update when i start to use it.



Well-Known Member
dam they got thick since the last update. and good luck with the gravity, ive heard good things about it