Check this out, it works!


Active Member
Ok where here is an example of what i am trying, i know a few of you on here are or have tried this, how did it work for you, its my first grow and im giving it a shot. This cycle is starting with a twelve hours off then into 6 hours on, and so forth. If you count out the number of times the plant goes through its cycle ( 12 off 6 on) it has lived for 18 days by the time you reach the second sunday off flowering. What do you guys think? Please see attached PDF.



Well-Known Member
never done it, some have. there are threads about this technique already, I suggest searching for those.


Active Member
i have read and searched and no difinitive answeres. and then one of the threads just got completely off subject and there ramblin about random subjects...just tryin to get a flat out response i guess...



Well-Known Member
ooooooh ok..... I haven't read any of the threads on it. on something like this...... there will be no definitive answers.... everyone has their own opinion... if the technique works for you, use it. if not, don't.


Active Member
Well Ok Thanks For The Input. Figured It Would Be A Wishy Washy Subject With No True Answer...but Worth A Shot. Just Hope It Doesnt Destroy First Crop


Active Member
I currently am ive been in flowering for 12 days now...which would be ...the 15 going on 16 cycle for the plant on 18 hour days...and no real development. i can see a minimal change but i will have pics today. Should i see a remarkable change yet? first time sorry for all the questions!


Active Member
depending on the strain it usually takes 8+ weeks from what I've heard. Mine finished up quick for what ever reason (18/6 light cycle). If I recall correctly (the next couple months were a blurr), it only took mine like 6-7 weeks from when I started to flower until I chopped'em down.



Active Member
lol. I'm not tryin to pick on you but Gamble, it's patience, not patients. "Patients is a virtue"-makes me think of a couple funny scenarios. Not being an ass, it's just funny. I'm hi tho. Sorry


Well-Known Member
never claimed to be a great speller. i guess thats what i get for smoking pot all through HIGH


Active Member
if you go the 12/12 its about 8 weeks depending on strain correct but if you go 6/12 making the plant live in 18 hour days instead of 24 hr days then you can cut flowering to around 45 days....