Chemical weapons used by Syria

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Interesting post Kynes. If you hadn't been so compelled to include an insult, I may have repped you.

A wiki link to the Druze faith is useless to me, but that pic is on point, and I am inclined to accept the news article as pointing out something with basis in fact. Indeed, both Saudi Arabia and Iran are Islamic theocratic states and I agree you have pointed out official discrimination.

Now to compare that with discrimination occurring elsewhere in the world...

Nah, I'll let you enjoy your triumph. For once, you're trying to be honest.


Well-Known Member
That is kinda silly, narrow, etc.

Read about the Muslims in India. The constant conflict with Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, and Christian was created 1500 years ago and continues today.

The Taliban blew up priceless monumental statuary to Buddha. The Buddhist burned Sunni out of Burma just this year.

Islam is nothing but World Wide trouble. This is not a mid-east problem.


Well-Known Member
I have seen, with my own eyes, Muslims being oppressed, hated, discriminated against, killed and spat upon. When I read something, I consider the source.

You want to know what is nothing but world wide trouble?


I'm honestly not that interested in defending Islam, just countering all this hate and fear mongering against them. From a certain point of view, it may seem the same thing, but it's not. They're just people.


Well-Known Member
I have seen, with my own eyes, Muslims being oppressed, hated, discriminated against, killed and spat upon. When I read something, I consider the source.

You want to know what is nothing but world wide trouble?


I'm honestly not that interested in defending Islam, just countering all this hate and fear mongering against them. From a certain point of view, it may seem the same thing, but it's not. They're just people.
No, I understand. I am not even opposing the Religion. I just have a hard time separating it from the War Cult. There is no dogma of world Peace.

Just People? That is the problem. They resist educating women in many parts of the world. How can that be just people?

Just People, will not riot all over the world at the hint of a slight against the Prophet, simply because their cleric said so.

Modern people are few in this world. Most all of the billions are not yet, educated modern people. With no education they are presupposed to religious superstition, and easy to push around.


Well-Known Member
Oh and though you think that America is the trouble maker, remember, we didn't bother to arm ourselves until we got abused by Sunni Jihad.

The Jihad creates all this evil, including the War Cult called the USA. They are quite busy now with creating a war cult out of Buddhism in Burma.

Think wide, not small.


Well-Known Member

In other news, Obama announced last night that he is delaying his Syrian policy.

Well that is good news.


Well-Known Member

In other news, Obama announced last night that he is delaying his Syrian policy.

Well that is good news.
So friking yesterday. No good news there. He affirmed he will do this no matter what. Get better at double=think, decode? Only transcripts are meaningful.

The situation profoundly changed, though, on Aug. 21st, when Assad's government gassed to death over a thousand people, including hundreds of children.
My answer is simple. I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria. I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan. I will not pursue a prolonged air campaign like Libya or Kosovo. This would be a targeted strike to achieve a clear objective: deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading Assad's capabilities.

Others have asked whether it's worth acting if we don't take out Assad. As some members of Congress have said, there's no point in simply doing a pinprick strike in Syria.

Let me make something clear: The United States military doesn't do pinpricks.

Terrible things happen across the globe, and it is beyond our means to right every wrong. But when, with modest effort and risk, we can stop children from being gassed to death and thereby make our own children safer over the long run, I believe we should act. That's what makes America different. That's what makes us exceptional.

With humility, but with resolve, let us never lose sight of that essential truth.
Thank you. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.


Well-Known Member
Oh and though you think that America is the trouble maker, remember, we didn't bother to arm ourselves until we got abused by Sunni Jihad.

The Jihad creates all this evil, including the War Cult called the USA. They are quite busy now with creating a war cult out of Buddhism in Burma.
We have reached an impasse.


Well-Known Member
With Syria now offering to hand over their chemical weapon stockpile ​And wanting to become a signatory of the CWC the Syrian policy might be going better than you think

Personally I'd be more than happy to strike at Bashir's regime and ability to fight the rebels but removing chemical weapons capability will suffice


Well-Known Member
I watched that speech last night, how can any politician stand there and say anything about children and saving them. America doesn't have a very good track record of saving people. How many children did our bombs kill in Iraq? Afghanistan? How about all the women and children that died when we bombed Japan. He claims a majority of humanity has declared chemical weapons off limits, yet has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons out of any country and acts like America doesn't still employ white phosphuros as a chemical weapon.

Take his transcript and read it while thinking about what our country has done to other countries and see if you can spot the disgusting hypocrisy.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Interesting post Kynes. If you hadn't been so compelled to include an insult, I may have repped you.

A wiki link to the Druze faith is useless to me, but that pic is on point, and I am inclined to accept the news article as pointing out something with basis in fact. Indeed, both Saudi Arabia and Iran are Islamic theocratic states and I agree you have pointed out official discrimination.

Now to compare that with discrimination occurring elsewhere in the world...

Nah, I'll let you enjoy your triumph. For once, you're trying to be honest.
of course any wikilink to the druze doesnt help, because wiki is worthless unless youre using it.

the fact is, i could jigger up a detailed and precise description, which you will TLDR, or i could slap together a concise description, which you would then wordgame into nonsense, or i could post many reference links, which you would naturally refuse to examine, while declaring it to be copy/paste.

your playbook is barely bigger than Bucky's

and for somebody who bitches so much about "insults" you sure sling enough of them, especially when you are dead ass wrong.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
We have reached an impasse.
i concurr.

islam creating america as a war cult?

islam pushes everybody's buttons, starts shit, continues shit, and generally makes itself a nuisance if not a threat to the world, but creating something?
that is beyond islam's capabilities.


Well-Known Member
i concurr.

islam creating america as a war cult?

islam pushes everybody's buttons, starts shit, continues shit, and generally makes itself a nuisance if not a threat to the world, but creating something?
that is beyond islam's capabilities.
Yes the sentient being of Islam is such a trouble maker. Someone should really give Islam a talking to

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yes the sentient being of Islam is such a trouble maker. Someone should really give Islam a talking to
unfortunately any criticism of islam from outside is RACISM, and any criticism from inside is declared apostasy,and death warrants are issued. (Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, etc..)


Well-Known Member
the fact is, i could jigger up a detailed and precise description, which you will TLDR, your playbook is barely bigger than Bucky's
See, when you want to engage your readership, the insult has to be funny but it can't be the opener. Also, the opener can't be completely BS. It's best to keep the BS and the insult together, between halfway in and 3 quarters of the way in. The novel has to be the opener, you get people's attention with new info. That's why your post was almost good. You got it started with a good pic, which actually gave you enough momentum to keep the attention through the bullshit, but then you went with new info again only to finish weak. There was enough good content that you could have pulled it off. You have to finish strong though.

There is nothing like insulting someone and still keeping them interested in what you have to say.


Well-Known Member
Yes the sentient being of Islam is such a trouble maker. Someone should really give Islam a talking to
Don't be a re-gurg. If you insult Islam, sentient or not, you die. Failure of a magnitude not often seen. And this is RIU.

Do you know how ignorant you sound? Allah is Islam. Tell them God needs a good talking to. Good ahead, they really know what to do with Satan's sarcasm. You make me laugh, but not in a good way.