Chief Puff Puff's Tent Grow---Auto Blue Mystics


Well-Known Member
Hey Millyy, that's a great idea, a harvest thread for anyone who is going to harvest their baby/babies and want to show off what they have harvested. Also reports on weight, smoke and taste would help other people decide on their next strain:)Pictures would be most welcomed. Thanks man for the compliment on BM #1 (haven't decide on a name yet), and I can't wait for the master kush to get bigger. I just hope I can get one female and one male from this grow. I could collect pollen and impregnate the female for seeds. Just imagine 200-400 master kush seeds!!! I get excited just thinking about never having to buy Master Kush seeds again:)
Yeah man, just have like a thread going on and we all post pictures and updates while we are chopping them down and stuff :D

Btw, your day 10 BM is looking FINEEEE, That's the one I'm keeping my eyes on the most since i can relate to it a little :P Don't get me wrong though, once those master kush babies get going my eyes will be glued.. pictures from fully grown ones look amazingggggg


Well-Known Member
Hey Arch, you will probably harvest before me and Millyy, so you can watch if I can watch yours:)
Sure show you mine for sure if you show me I xplanted my girl tonight. I am hoping it doesnt toss her to far off track from stress. I am looking at about the second week to the end of march for harvesting. Add in curing time and its going to be April before I am smoking her.



Well-Known Member
What's up Rastadred, good to see you. I'm going to attempt to grow some Master Kush, I've smoked it a few times and love it. Around here where I live you have to pay an arm and a leg to get quarter ounce.
hey everything is comion along great! i have yet to smoke master kush i grew and enjoyed power kush though....btw i think i have u beat on how expesive a Q costs! here its $150 yea i knop crazzzzzzyyy...but its ight cuz we make a shit ton and if u flip some of the weed u b smokin fa free and made some profit...its real easy if u flippin but if u just a smoker mannn does herb leave u broke...bu tthats y i grow it!!


Active Member
Yo Millyy, that will work. It would be fun to have a few of us harvesting around the same time:)
hey chief :) ive got some 100% sativa's growing right now , but if i think about it :) , theyll be ready near same time, or atleast keep contact and see how we all do :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Arch, If you take your time and use the method of transplanting I told you about, it causes NO STRESS. I use this method every time I re-pot my plant. I found a thread that shows you how to transplant your plant without stress. I won't be harvesting the Blue Mystics until the end of March or 1st week in April. It might take time to grow your own smoke but it's worth the time it take to have some quality weed and not some JACK-IN-THE-BOX mess that you hope will at least get you high.
Sure show you mine for sure if you show me I xplanted my girl tonight. I am hoping it doesnt toss her to far off track from stress. I am looking at about the second week to the end of march for harvesting. Add in curing time and its going to be April before I am smoking her.

Hey Rastadred, you are right about the reasons we grow. At least you know you have power kush and once it's cured, you are going to have some nice smoke:)
hey everything is comion along great! i have yet to smoke master kush i grew and enjoyed power kush though....btw i think i have u beat on how expesive a Q costs! here its $150 yea i knop crazzzzzzyyy...but its ight cuz we make a shit ton and if u flip some of the weed u b smokin fa free and made some profit...its real easy if u flippin but if u just a smoker mannn does herb leave u broke...bu tthats y i grow it!!
Hey Bonzing what up man? That 100% sativa is going to flower for a long time. It would be cool to have you join in on the harvest when the time comes. You are going to have some fine smoke once done, so the time it takes for your baby to finish will be well worth the wait:) I have to check out your thread.
hey chief :) ive got some 100% sativa's growing right now , but if i think about it :) , theyll be ready near same time, or atleast keep contact and see how we all do :)


Well-Known Member
hey everything is comion along great! i have yet to smoke master kush i grew and enjoyed power kush though....btw i think i have u beat on how expesive a Q costs! here its $150 yea i knop crazzzzzzyyy...but its ight cuz we make a shit ton and if u flip some of the weed u b smokin fa free and made some profit...its real easy if u flippin but if u just a smoker mannn does herb leave u broke...bu tthats y i grow it!!
Bro in Kali we get 1/4th of Northern Skunk(Northern Lights x Skunk#1) for $85. It seems dispensaries out here are coming up like licqour stores on every block. LOL



Well-Known Member
Hey Millyy, that's a great idea, a harvest thread for anyone who is going to harvest their baby/babies and want to show off what they have harvested. Also reports on weight, smoke and taste would help other people decide on their next strain:)Pictures would be most welcomed. Thanks man for the compliment on BM #1 (haven't decide on a name yet), and I can't wait for the master kush to get bigger. I just hope I can get one female and one male from this grow. I could collect pollen and impregnate the female for seeds. Just imagine 200-400 master kush seeds!!! I get excited just thinking about never having to buy Master Kush seeds again:)
Thanks! I thought it would be pretty cool too, it would be interesting to see what everyone thinks about there grow/harvest.. it could help me decide what to try to grow next. Also, yeah if you got 200-400 masterkush seeds, i think you're set for a good long while lmao..


Well-Known Member
Hey Arch, here's the link on transplanting without stress: ttp://
For future reference, can you link that thread on xplanting if you get a chance?

Millyy, with all the growers posting on both our threads, I think a harvesting thread will get a lot of interest:) Oh yeah, I would be set with MK seeds.
Thanks! I thought it would be pretty cool too, it would be interesting to see what everyone thinks about there grow/harvest.. it could help me decide what to try to grow next. Also, yeah if you got 200-400 masterkush seeds, i think you're set for a good long while lmao..
Man that shit is expensive, $85 for 1/4th? Hey with this economy people are flocking out to Cali to get their grow and sale on:)
Bro in Kali we get 1/4th of Northern Skunk(Northern Lights x Skunk#1) for $85. It seems dispensaries out here are coming up like licqour stores on every block. LOL



Well-Known Member
January 5, 2010
BLUE MYSTIC #1--day 11
BLUE MYSTIC #2--day 3

I decided to water my plants with 2 tsp of Sugar Daddy and Root 66 last night. I notice my babies liked it, they were perky today. Here's some pics of my ladies taken this morning........








Well-Known Member
Here are some pics taken tonight when the lights came on........

Pics #1, 2---Master Kush
Pics # 3, 4---Blue Mystic #2
Pics #5, 7----Blue Mystic #1
Pic #6----Master Kush(2) & BM #2




Well-Known Member
Good work, keep it going! Your BMs are looking so nice!!!!!

I agree, that bm is really starting to get going! Couple more data it should be bigger than mine at the rate it's going haha
At about what day do bm show sex?


Well-Known Member
That brings up a question for me millyy and Chief....With AUTOs, Can I put the lights 12/12 for early sexing or does an AUTO show sex when its ready too?


Well-Known Member
Yo BKB, put them on 18/6 for 3 weeks then flip the lights to 12/12, they should show sex within 14 days. Autos suppose to flower on any light cycle, it's recommended that you use 20/4 or 18/6. However, there have been so many problems with autos NOT flowering unless you use 12/12. This happen my last grow with auto Blue Mystics. They got very tall and would not flower until I flipped the lights to 12/12.
That brings up a question for me millyy and Chief....With AUTOs, Can I put the lights 12/12 for early sexing or does an AUTO show sex when its ready too?
What's up Millyy? Thanks man, I add some Sugar Daddy and Root 66 to their water for roots and the soil. They seem to have taken to it well. San is the name for BM#1, has really taken off and seems to like it. Autos should show sex about 14 days after switching the lights to 12/12 or 18/6 whichever you choose. I'm going to give my BMs 3 weeks on 18/6 light cycle then flip the lights to 12/12.
I agree, that bm is really starting to get going! Couple more data it should be bigger than mine at the rate it's going haha
At about what day do bm show sex?
Thanks BKB, just hoping for an awesome grow like MamaDude:) You are going to have you some great weed!!
Good work, keep it going! Your BMs are looking so nice!!!!!

What's up Arch, I'm excited about the possibility of having a Master Kush and Blue Mystic in my "weed pantry":)
Babies in the house! I cant wait to see more!


Well-Known Member
Hey Arch, I want to try growing Northern Lights. I'm concerned about the smell during flowering and once you chop it. I read they are neutral in smell, let me know once you start flowering your NL if the smell is too much for someone living in an apartment. I read nothing but great reports about the NLs. Once you try out your own smoke, you will probably grow NLs again:)
I hear ya much as I am enjoying this grow...I want more plants and more


Well-Known Member
Hey Arch, I want to try growing Northern Lights. I'm concerned about the smell during flowering and once you chop it. I read they are neutral in smell, let me know once you start flowering your NL if the smell is too much for someone living in an apartment. I read nothing but great reports about the NLs. Once you try out your own smoke, you will probably grow NLs again:)
I was wondering the same thing, I hear a lot about how its neutral in smell and all, plus i think they are a pretty good yeilder, That will probably be my first "regular sized" plant grow, i'd say :P

Anyways, hows You're plants doing today Chief?


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2010
BLUE MYSTIC #1--San (day 14)
BLUE MYSTIC #2--Joni (day 5)
2-MASTER KUSH--Tina & Terrie (DAY 6)

Update time.....It seems as if my MKs and Joni are drinking a lot of water. It's like every other day they need watering. Maybe it's because they are in cups and have lights right over them which dries the soil faster. They are looking healthy and green. San (BM #1) is growing quickly since I watered her with Sugar Daddy and Root 66. I will let her veggie for 3 weeks than I will change the lights to 12/12. I can't believe Sunday she will be 2 weeks old...correction: San BM#1 sprouted on Dec 25th, so this is 2 weeks for her). Here's some pics of the crew........

BLUE MYSTICS................SAN

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