Chiesel First Grow

Hi all , this is my first grow EVER! i have 4 femanized chiesel and 1 bag seed aswell , i have vegging under a 250w cfl ventalation is a cuboard with air from the room the cuboard is in (door is open to the cuboard) and a window to the out side world :-) ,1 9'' oscilating fan to circulate teh fresh air , they are in Bio Bizz ALL mix have'nt been fed any nutes yet , all mix as its own nutes for the first 2 weeks , nutes will be bio grow and bloom with a touch of epsom salt during flowering when needed . so far today is 3 days of vegging , but these pics are from 2 days of vegging. cheers RIU



Active Member
Hey man u didn't stop did ya? Lol Jk, I'm lookin forward to this grow. I have some chiesel seeds as well and i would like to see how urs turn out so I'm subscribed.
Best of luck to ya
Sorry all , been rather busy last few weeks , i have some update pics for you all day 14 of veg today no fertz yet , will start ferts with in the next week. things are going good so far

