CHILL WINSTON! GG's escape to paradise!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the PM woman! I'm subscribing, you proved you mean business with your first posts. You did all that work by your lonesome?


Well-Known Member
I know she's a female, I already called her woman once, lol. I can't help the fact that I say the word dude, or the fact that I generally type it how I talk it, so.....:razz:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
It is so, I know its a crazy plan that might just get outa control real quick.
and it wouldnt be this way if we werent shut down earlier this year. But we have patients waiting on us, and its only gonna be for this first go around.

BTW al-B how do I hide this grow from my MOM? JK
well, rotsaruck- but I see why you're going the way you are. Presume you have plans for a mother plant area, clonebox/es for the future etc etc etc right?

You hide this grow from your mom by making sure she's always in another area code. :lol:


Well-Known Member
thats all for Now!!!
Thats all for now,are you shitting me ! thats alot to swallow all by its lonesome,you've done one hella job,plus rep.

What are your future plans for watering such a large sog,ive developed a gravity feed method for mine, its not perfect but it does cut the watering time in half easily,please share your intended method if you've made it that far yet,if not i can give you the ideas ive put together so far in my sog's.


New Member
this shits gonna get crazy quick. Just my type of thing:twisted:
Im thinking about trying to bring my plant count up a bit myself....
Hopefully Ill be able to do it from clone and not more seeds though.
Cloning when you dont have the space for a proper indoor setup is hard though.

Your one lucky gal thats for sure.:twisted::mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for all the positive Reply's!!!!

Dude is a word that comeout of my mouth like every ten seconds. hahah I call everybody dude!

As for watering, truthfully my only plans are to water each bag once a day by hand.
Panhead I would love, LOVE some suggestions on a gravity type hose feeder mabob.

Oh and Al- B Yeah the whole area next to the "box" is Gonna be another box for Mother and clones :)

I figure I got two months to get it done though :) haha

Were going this way because since we got shut down at our old place back in febuary, we have been having to refer (lol) our patients to clinics around here for thier supply, and They are really complaining about having to PAY so much for thier medicine when our re-imbursement fees were extremely well suited to them.

We really dont want to loose any patients, so WE NEED TO PUMP OUT A HARVEST HARDCORE, and cant wait any longer for clones....

Thanks for all the REP too peoples, Im finally over 100, so I get two positives YAY!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for all the positive Reply's!!!!

Dude is a word that comeout of my mouth like every ten seconds. hahah I call everybody dude!

As for watering, truthfully my only plans are to water each bag once a day by hand.
Panhead I would love, LOVE some suggestions on a gravity type hose feeder mabob.

Oh and Al- B Yeah the whole area next to the "box" is Gonna be another box for Mother and clones :)

I figure I got two months to get it done though :) haha

Were going this way because since we got shut down at our old place back in febuary, we have been having to refer (lol) our patients to clinics around here for thier supply, and They are really complaining about having to PAY so much for thier medicine when our re-imbursement fees were extremely well suited to them.

We really dont want to loose any patients, so WE NEED TO PUMP OUT A HARVEST HARDCORE, and cant wait any longer for clones....

Thanks for all the REP too peoples, Im finally over 100, so I get two positives YAY!

you said you did this all alone but you keep saying "we" and "our". what's up, ........................... dude? :neutral: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I built the whole thing alone..
I grow the whole thing alone...

But I am not the only caregiver that Finances and manages the op/dispense.

Im just the lonely grower...
Im the person who gets stuck doing all the dirty work.

What'd ya think I have multiple personalities... :)

Oh and these are my helpers :)


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Caption contest!!

"HEY YOU! That better be a tin of CAT FOOD you're opening"

"OK, you go for the throat, I'll rip her lungs out and little Bobby can just sit there and look deceptively cute- she'll never know what hit her"
