CHILL WINSTON! GG's escape to paradise!


Well-Known Member
I was looking into the royal we, and I found this and thought it was funny

United States Navy Admiral Hyman G. Rickover told a subordinate who used the royal we: "Three groups are permitted that usage: pregnant women, royalty, and schizophrenics. Which one are you?"[citation needed] This was said as the subordinate was speaking for superiors without authority as well as in an unofficial capacity.


Well-Known Member
pregnant and schizo? cuz I couldn't see royalty kickin it here on riu...

I mean, they have important things to do don't they? Marrying their cousins and what not.


Well-Known Member
funny... naw Im probally just skitzo then...

ya Think "we" need to see a Shrink?

If I were prego it would be the ninth wonder of the world... next to al B who gets 2100 grams a 1000 watt light!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
If I were prego it would be the ninth wonder of the world... next to al B who gets 2100 grams a 1000 watt light!
2100g (74 odd oz) per 1000 sounds high... I get between 1.25-1.5z per plant and I take out 23 plants every 2 weeks (when cool temps are not fucking with the cloning process, stopping me from feeding in more plants, that is...), so that's 28-34.5z (793-978g) per 2 weeks if all is going well. I have 2x 1000HPS, each over 46 pots. It's hard to quantify a constant-harvest op like mine in terms of grams per lamp.

Love your construction so far. Putting in a subfloor is a great idea for controlling temps. Concrete floors sink a lot of heat and if it's cool where you are, will save you some dough.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I ran all 3 lights today for a couple hours, the ventilation isnt hooked up to the air cooled lights, and it was at high noon, with the house AC set to 74.

My temps inside the room sat at a perfect 80.

I dont think Im gonna need my mini ac units I just bought, just some decent ventilation and I should have means to keep the room at a perfect 72-76 no prob.

This is pretty suprising for me, as I thought for some reason that shoving three 1000 watters in such a small space (8 feet by 20 feet) was really gonna super heat things.

Then again I only ran em for two hours, maybe 12 will be worse.

oh well

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
GG, you're working with a BIG space compared to most folks. I'm running 2kW in 8' x 9' x ~6.5' tall, about 470 cu ft, not much bigger than a walk-in wardrobe. Warms up fast without cooltubes. Presuming yours is 8 x 20 x 7, that's over 1100 cu ft. Thats a fairly large airmass to sink heat into.

Once you get the ducting installed on your lighting, you'll be more surprised yet to find that ambient in the room will barely rise at all. The vast majority of the heat convected off the lamp tubes goes out the duct.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
GG, you're working with a BIG space compared to most folks. I'm running 2kW in 8' x 9' x ~6.5' tall, about 470 cu ft, not much bigger than a walk-in wardrobe. Warms up fast without cooltubes. Presuming yours is 8 x 20 x 7, that's over 1100 cu ft. Thats a fairly large airmass to sink heat into.

Once you get the ducting installed on your lighting, you'll be more surprised yet to find that ambient in the room will barely rise at all. The vast majority of the heat convected off the lamp tubes goes out the duct.
How was the vacation???

GG--sorry about the interruption.
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DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
it was vinaka bula bula! :)
Glad to hear it. when u get back in full swing I have some questions requarding your rockwool clones...

let me be the first to say: "Glad to have you back..."

I need to get off this thread befor GG starts to make fun of my name or something worse...
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Al B for keeping non !!!ME!!! related stuff outa this thread. haah

This ones About Mmmmwha...

No offense Dankenstine.

Btw you know what dank means right?

Soft and Moist. I used to call good ganja that, until I realised Dank is the exact oppisite I like my buds to be. ha


Well-Known Member
whats it looking like GG? btw care if I call you GG? lol
Please do, GG has more meanings than the surface shows. ;-)

As for the setup, well being as today is Fathers day and I have yet to sleep, there wont be any piccies till tonight.

But Ive been up all night running my outlets off my subpanel I installed yesterday, and Flushing/Rinsing ohh bout 40 gallons of coco.

WORD TO ALL COCO users Dont buy Bricks, buy loose canna coco.

Also been thinking big time about Al-B's setup and possibly not germing 400 seeds at once, and maybe just 200, then waitin to fill er in with clones ASAP. dunno cant decide what would be best here.... ya know.

Perpetual sounds nice also...

Need to go find some high temp white paint, but wally world apparently doesnt carry it, so gonna go hit home de pot as soon as there open.
