Oh please, spare us the pedantic wise mentor bullshit. If you think something is wrong, then explain why, or just STFU.My preference is that he rights himself and gets on the better path to enlightenment.
Those two were the same person.I got into a debate with him and nf2g last year at some point if I recall.
Actually sunlight has very poor penetration. The shadows are very hard and lack diffuseness.The guy said beaming through the layer of foliage leaves. That would be like saying shade doesn't exist when the sun is out. How much massive "penetration" are you getting through a nice thick ass canopy?
He's just here to troll. So why would he rub people the right way?SlingingPAR, You seem to have a knack for rubbing people the wrong way. Maybe go learn rubbing techniques at a thai massage place?
Oh please, spare us the pedantic wise mentor bullshit. If you think something is wrong, then explain why, or just STFU.
Those two were the same person.
@Slinging PAR
The good thing about multiple personalities is that you always have one to talk to, right? At your "meeting" I would have liked to be there ..., lol!
Here are nofucks4you2get, you growlightresearcher! Piss off and go elswhere, your bullshit is unbearable!
Will not you be bored using always the same(wrong) arguments?
Bad that I have discussed weeks with you without realizing it!
It may be because you have been sober for a while and have therefore been less stubborn! If that was the reason, then it is obvious that you have finished your abstinence! Alcohol is a bad guide, because he always feeds the bad wolf.
It's a pity, because you do not seem to be really stupid. But if you only come here to argue with everyone, then you should not be surprised that nobody takes you seriously.
Thanks god, we have an ignore button.
We can make a challenge, who recognizes him at first under a new nicname gets a BonBon...
Did you find the ignore button..?
Then why do you keep coming back under different user names? It seems to me that you do need something from the society of growers here on RiU. You pop up in almost every thread, with an opinion on almost every topic (just like GLR). You talk down to people in your efforts to "enlighten" them (just like GLR). This behavior positively screams of a pathological need to be accepted as some kind of teacher (just like GLR). Maybe you were bullied as a child. Or your kids stopped talking to you. Or you have no real friends. Whatever the cause of your compulsive behavior, I expect that you'll carry on, trying to establish yourself as some kind of authority (just like GLR) until the wheels finally come off and you embarrass yourself past the point of no return (just like GLR). Honesty would serve you far better, as would a little humility.Oh it is a badge of honor getting punted off a site like this. Especially because of clowns like yourself.
As for nobody taking me seriously, that is incorrect. I take myself seriously and is all that matters. Better yet, my results speak for themselves, they don't require a stamp of approval from some random internet 'gro bro' or anyone other than my benefactors. While you may value your identity on this site, the same does not apply to me. I don't require social acceptance and actually shun it, being a sheep and following others might be your comfort zone but it isn't mine.
Oh it is a badge of honor getting punted off a site like this. Especially because of clowns like yourself.
As for nobody taking me seriously, that is incorrect. I take myself seriously and is all that matters. Better yet, my results speak for themselves, they don't require a stamp of approval from some random internet 'gro bro' or anyone other than my benefactors. While you may value your identity on this site, the same does not apply to me. I don't require social acceptance and actually shun it, being a sheep and following others might be your comfort zone but it isn't mine.
@Randomblame I think that's to much honor for a lowly troll like him. He's just posting complete nonsense seeing who falls for it and then, as he puts it, he likes to "sit back an laugh at people". Just sad that people like that exist.
Why would you someone through the bother of making up such elaborate nonsense just to mess with noobs on a forum. The people who have been around longer and/or know what's up pick losers like him out soon enough anyway and make sure no one falls for it.
No... you do not need to? Why do you always come with a new nickname around the corner as soon as your old is burned.
Your results speak for themselves?
Ha, I have not seen any results yet. Only claims! Like your 4 tents with 6h rhythm ...
Pics, mate, or it did not happen!
You just said you are not nofucks2give or growlightresearch but had meet them..., lie!
Now you do not care about everyone else but yourself. Next lie!
It's clear, you even don't care about yourself especillay when your are drunken!
You are not only a liar but a bad liar!
You should quickly come up with a new name, because your current one is already burned...
Then why do you keep coming back under different user names? It seems to me that you do need something from the society of growers here on RiU. You pop up in almost every thread, with an opinion on almost every topic (just like GLR). You talk down to people in your efforts to "enlighten" them (just like GLR). This behavior positively screams of a pathological need to be accepted as some kind of teacher (just like GLR). Maybe you were bullied as a child. Or your kids stopped talking to you. Or you have no real friends. Whatever the cause of your compulsive behavior, I expect that you'll carry on, trying to establish yourself as some kind of authority (just like GLR) until the wheels finally come off and you embarrass yourself past the point of no return (just like GLR). Honesty would serve you far better, as would a little humility.
The fact that you didn't show up until GLR left, and the similarities in your behavior and manner of speaking, leave us with the conclusion that you're one and the same. Maybe you should try again with another new user name, but this time keep your more negative tendencies in check.
New nickname? I just grab a couple of random relevant words to create a username on this site, so what. It isn't that difficult. You make it sound like an identity on this site is valuable, it is not. Take a look at your so called 'gro bro' heros, most of them have already left so that shows you how valuable this site really is in the grand scheme of things.
Burned? What the heck do you mean by that? Is that some drug dealer lingo? Sorry, not into that scene.
Why would I post any pictures to this site? It is trash. Not worth the effort. If I was going to post publicly I would do so by winning one of your precious cannabis cups. Or maybe that has already been done, who knows? And yeah I will let you all spin around that one for days and watch the fun.
Claims? Not claims, results. I can understand your jealousy just like all the other 'gro bros' here. Anyone can post fake pictures to a website.
Never met either nf2g or glr. I said I debated them over some topic that I can't recall. That isn't meeting a person but then again you 'gro bros' have a warped sense of reality. For every million of you 'gro bros' out there are a few truly qualified horticulturalists. Most wouldn't dare participate down here at the bottom but I do so because this site has great examples of terrible growing which is beneficial to up and comers learning how to grow.
PS. gg you had better watch it or I will remind all about those knock off drivers you were passing off in your overpriced junk. How's the golf game? Shooting above PAR yet?
I think you need to get checked out by a doctor dude. You're fucked in the head.
The fact that you didn't show up until GLR left, and the similarities in your behavior and manner of speaking, leave us with the conclusion that you're one and the same. Maybe you should try again with another new user name, but this time keep your more negative tendencies in check.
https://www.rollitup.org/t/first-time-grow-4-x-8-lighting-suggestions.961364/page-3Then why inject it into this thread? Maybe because you are AKA growlightresearch and nofuckstogive?
Yeah, It's the same twisted behavior. He picked up right were he left off, jumping into threads and attacking the same people as before. I spotted it a month ago.
MY DICK IS BIGGERSo is that your expert conclusion?