Choosing a rosin press


Well-Known Member
I just bought a bunch of new credit card like cards can those be used for static tech? Shoot I didnt think there was so much to learn about the simple trichome and how to best extract what you want.

Like why is the head membrane ok but not the stalc, is the head membrane still an impurity but uts ok because the cream if the crop is right inside?

So to some extent there will be some impurities? Or is there a solvantless basic way to have JUST the oil inside? I thought that is what I am doing.


Well-Known Member

omg what a detailed picture of a trich. Yea Il probably find my answers there. Anything yall can refer to read let me know! I guess I didnt think material existed thatll explain every little thing.


Well-Known Member
Read the whole thing I dont get why you sift 160 to 70 then 70 to 45 and separate the hash but highly suggested to mix it back. So youre just getting rid of stalcs and mixing small/medium heads with large heads?

So if I were to do that and press that… What would it be free of exactly compared to pressing the 150 or 160 micron instead? Is the initial purer? But of what?

I do notice my second pass sift pressed is not as yielding and pure. What micron can straight up plant debree be? Can it be micro? Oh so the extra sifting will also remove anything below 45u…

I need more info still have questions unless overthinking it.