Chris' Special - Any strain info?


Got a cut from a friend on the front range called Chris' Special. No info was given other than "you want this". Back story about it being created by grower for local seed co. and also being an Aspen Cannabis Cup winner but I haven't found anything. It is indica leaning. Flowering it out for the first time so no idea of the end result. Very grapey odor to her after 5 weeks of flower. Vegs on the slower side. I'll get some pics soon.

Anyone else ever heard of it or have any idea where to find more info on it? Lots of strains being traded in CO and maybe it is known by another name. Any help would be great.

chef c

Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm, a slow vegger that smells grapes and leans indica? Grape ape, purple urkle, purple kush, deep purple, grand daddy purple, grape stomper, any one of fifty cuts that fit that description. As far as being an aspen cup winner, who organized the cup maybe you could ask them what year, categories, and breeder. If you know enough about cannabis to know the difference between indica and sativa, im sure you'll have no problem identifying it as one of these strains (several cuts go by the same name, but you already knew that) if that's truly what it is. Where did you get it from? This next part comes from personal experience, never buy clones from an unverified source. Ever. Im sorry and don't mean to come off sounding like an asshole but if something is labeled you "you gotta have this!!!", never go back to that spot again. It's like an add for syphalis. The thing about great cuts is they're usually pretty hard to come buy because they're often times a part of people's livelihoods or head stashes, and like a great chefs recipe, the more people that have it the less you can charge, gain interest in, or have amazing views about it. Prior to Auguste Escoffier no one knew what the fuck an organized kitchen was then he showed the world how a properly run culinarian could produce the same amazing dished over and over again and the modern cocina was born, everyone copied it right down to the checkered pants and funny hats. Or better yet, before Bruce Lee no one gave a shit about Kung Fu, it was just some obscure eastern philosophy that only monks and pussies that couldn't shoot a 6 like John Wayne did, after enter the dragon (Aug. 17 1973 for those of you keeping score) came out everyone and their mom started martial arts because it was cool. Where am I going? Well, as much as I hate to say it, (as a chef AND a breeder) it's all been done before. Renaming a strain is like calling Ralph Machio (or however it's spelled) Chuck Norris. It just ain't right. (In typical British fashion) Beat of luck tho, if its any good change it back to its rightful name and let it speak for itself.


Thanks for the response. No offense taken. Been doing this for better than two decades. I know my source well and I trust his opinion on strains. If he says "you want this", I'll run it no questions asked. I am a weed nerd and like to know as much as possible about the strains I have. I did search on Aspen Cannabis Crown for past winners but couldn't find a lot of info.

Agree on renaming strains. Drives me crazy. I care what genetics went into a strain. I'll post some pics soon.