Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but the eye witness accounts you're referring to aren't even from the same time period.Please show us links from National Geographic and the Smithsonian that say Jesus Existed, and was the son of "God".
When we take hallucinogens, the things we experience are flavored by our own perceptions and experiences.I daresay if you had never heard of Christ, you wouldn't have seen him in your visions. Your hallucinations were influenced by the culture you live in. What is true for you is not true for others.You have your own path, and you believe there's a Christ in it. Fine. But my path does not include this particular faith, and I wish for that to be recognized and respected as well.I think that's what most of the athiests and agnostics are saying.Faith is individual,not collective. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.
When we take hallucinogens, the things we experience are flavored by our own perceptions and experiences.I daresay if you had never heard of Christ, you wouldn't have seen him in your visions. Your hallucinations were influenced by the culture you live in. What is true for you is not true for others.You have your own path, and you believe there's a Christ in it. Fine. But my path does not include this particular faith, and I wish for that to be recognized and respected as well.I think that's what most of the athiests and agnostics are saying.Faith is individual,not collective. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.

1. - the eye witness accounts, historical documentation from the different institutions (which I've named already) and archeological digs, plus i studied law and i have peace officer status (don't be alarmed, i'm not a policeman but a fireman, we go through some of the same training as police, hey - you asked) so became familiar with evidence
2. - experientially, because the records seemed to be correct I still did not believe them for a long time. it wasn't until through the use of peyote and lots of lsd the spirit realm was revealed to me all too convincingly, over & over again. it was in this realm i met christ (the same guy who died and resurrected spoken of in the bible)
put the two together and he (christ) has been indelibly etched into my life experiences - i'm not the only one who has experienced this, read a few posts up
i might add, richard "rick" griffin used to airbrush surfboards in our town many moons ago and he had a conversion experience that left a lot of us thinking he had gone off the deep end until it started happening to us
btw, for the record, i'm not hearing anything new here, i thought the same way
if you're familiar with higher criticism they use some of the same arguments as some here, saying the biblical books were incorrect, it was taught in colleges, until higher criticism was disproved through archeology and stylistic studies (study of writing styles)