Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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Email468, You don't understand because reading things in the Bible for you is like reading other peoples mail. Your not a believer so your not going to get it. You go through life using your head to figure everything out. God calls us to use our heart as well. Its comments like that that make you shake your head huh? Not everything is black and white, not everything has to be analytical. I can only speak for myself but I cant explain everything, I don't have all the answers. I know God exists through the unexplainable feelings I have experienced in life. Its just like falling in love with someone. You cant explain why one person gives you an intense personal feeling and with a similar person theres nothing. Life's not a big math problem you need to solve my friend. Its an experience.
But like I said, I don't know everything.
Email468, You don't understand because reading things in the Bible for you is like reading other peoples mail. Your not a believer so your not going to get it. You go through life using your head to figure everything out. God calls us to use our heart as well. Its comments like that that make you shake your head huh? Not everything is black and white, not everything has to be analytical. I can only speak for myself but I cant explain everything, I don't have all the answers. I know God exists through the unexplainable feelings I have experienced in life. Its just like falling in love with someone. You cant explain why one person gives you an intense personal feeling and with a similar person theres nothing. Life's not a big math problem you need to solve my friend. Its an experience.
But like I said, I don't know everything.

I don't know everything either and am often wrong. Though i will point out that living an analytical life is not black & white - it is living in the grey more than anything else. Being analytical means being ever-ready to change your mind if the evidence dictates. One quick example - i don't know if god exists - you seem rather certain. Who is looking at things in a black&white way?

I also understand that you are sharing a personal experience that brings you great pleasure and would like me to share it also and i really do appreciate the sentiment. If it is any consolation, i also have epiphanies and wonderful feelings of oneness and bliss.... with no belief in god. I think it is a common human experience.

I do understand what you're saying - personal experience is very powerful and convincing and I wish you nothing but joy and happiness.
This universe is too complex for there not to be some kind of creator. Just look think about what was before the big bang- it was known as 'Singularity'. There is something, I'm just not sure what God actually is, myself.

We know that something happened since we are here. But wouldn't a god add an additional layer of complexity rather than eliminate one - i mean what created god? and why is god creating itself any more or less complex and weird than the singularity resulting in the universes expansion?

We are getting closer and closer to understanding that event. What happens when we can pretty fully explain the big bang (i really hate that term - damn you fred hoyle!) and the origins of the singularity? What mystery will remain that can hide god?
email468 said:
And how could he not change if he had a Son that was a human for awhile and now the human, the human's ghost (yeah right) and god are together again. That sounds like changing to me. He also changed his tune from "an eye for an eye" to "turn the other cheek". He also made a few mistakes. The biggest one was putting a Tree of Knowledge right in the middle of Adam and Eve's territory and pretended like they wouldn't eat of the fruit. I mean come on god - everyone knows you tell kids not to do something ... what do they do?

Haha.. No man, Jesus is God and God is Jesus, God never changed he just manifested. Jesus is part of the trinity of the father, the son and the holy spirit which all three are one.

And by the way, If I haven't said this before, im not speaking about my opinion or as if to prove something to you - I'm speaking through religious doctrine that I can back up with scripture...
email468 said:
And how could he not change if he had a Son that was a human for awhile and now the human, the human's ghost (yeah right) and god are together again. That sounds like changing to me. He also changed his tune from "an eye for an eye" to "turn the other cheek". He also made a few mistakes. The biggest one was putting a Tree of Knowledge right in the middle of Adam and Eve's territory and pretended like they wouldn't eat of the fruit. I mean come on god - everyone knows you tell kids not to do something ... what do they do?

As for making mistakes, as I already explained, Everything that he does, he has a plan for - nothing of it he does in vain and everything that has happened so far was MEANT to happen..

As a perfect God, when thinking about this in theory, he would make NO mistakes, so anything we perceive as a mistake we must assume he intended or if not intended, knew it would happen as a result.. We are talking about the same guy that is supposed to have created this universe, which is an incredible intellectual feat and we would have to assume that he uses the same intelligence in every aspect of thinking not just in creation..
Haha.. No man, Jesus is God and God is Jesus, God never changed he just manifested. Jesus is part of the trinity of the father, the son and the holy spirit which all three are one.

And by the way, If I haven't said this before, im not speaking about my opinion or as if to prove something to you - I'm speaking through religious doctrine that I can back up with scripture...

a lot of completely opposing viewpoints can be backed up by scripture. you can twist scripture to condone slavery, racism, capital punishment, etc.. or you can twist it to condemn slavery, racism, capital punishment, etc...

what you say about the trinity is your interpretation. granted that many others interpret it that way too - but it is still just one interpretation, right? Really, if they (god, jesus, ghost) are all the same then why bother to send Jesus? Something must be different otherwise it wouldn't have been necessary.

And why is blaspheming the holy ghost the one unforgivable sin? could it be related to the most non-sensical and most difficult part to believe? plus if they are all the same then blaspheming jesus or god would also be unforgivable but the scripture doesn't say that.

It's not like I haven't read the bible - in fact i still enjoy reading it now and then (especially the Song of Solomon - i think it is kind of sexy and Revelations - just whacky shit there).
Good question. If I wasn't stoned I might have a better answer:blsmoke:

Its not that the big bang theory is 'hiding' God, its the chances of all this being pulled together and creating us. Look at us, we are sitting in our homes typing on computers from different parts of the world to communicate ideas. Don't you find that amazing? In all the nothingness of space and time, we are here..... right now.

Curtailed- Don't you think its incredible that from an enormous explosion with just the basic elements(hydrogen) being pulled together from gravity eventually formed suns. These suns then, in turn, started started spewing forth more complex elements from the nuclear fusion process and after billions of years life started. Then we eventually evolve into our complex beings, sitting here typing away over the internet to discus religion.

And just because we can define and describe such things as evolution, have you ever wondered if we are merely defining/describing Gods work?

I have my doubts about the God that I learned when I was a kid. I don't understand why the way of the world is, and why God has not interjected the evils that are prospering.

I like to think that there is a soul to me. I like to think that I'm not just a body with a mind that will disappear as soon as I expire. But what I like to think and whats reality might be different things.

Are you spiritual at all email? I'm lost right now as far as God goes(who is He, where he came from/is, what his motives are, etc), but I would like to hope that there is a divine purpose to everyone of us.

If this doesn't make sense its because I'm really baked. But I can understand it right now:mrgreen:


We are getting closer and closer to understanding that event. What happens when we can pretty fully explain the big bang (i really hate that term - damn you fred hoyle!) and the origins of the singularity? What mystery will remain that can hide god?
email468 said:
what you say about the trinity is your interpretation. granted that many others interpret it that way too - but it is still just one interpretation, right? Really, if they (god, jesus, ghost) are all the same then why bother to send Jesus? Something must be different otherwise it wouldn't have been necessary.

And why is blaspheming the holy ghost the one unforgivable sin? could it be related to the most non-sensical and most difficult part to believe? plus if they are all the same then blaspheming jesus or god would also be unforgivable but the scripture doesn't say that.

Its easy to avoid everything anyone says with a "well thats just your interpretation" isn't it? And for your information, no that is not my interpretation, that is what the trinity is, go look it up in your reference books smart guy..

Why would you as an atheist care if blaspheming the Holy Ghost is an unforgivable sin, do you want to do it now just because your told not to?
email468 said:
Really, if they (god, jesus, ghost) are all the same then why bother to send Jesus? Something must be different otherwise it wouldn't have been necessary.

You bother to send Jesus, because he is the messiah, who fulfills the prophecies* and who teaches the world non-violence, tolerance, faith and gives billions of people worldwide hope, inspiration and a message from God? He also sparked a change in society (Christianity) that led up to the slightly morally developed world we live in today where you can survive as an atheist without having the Jewish councils or religious fanatics stone you legally for blasphemy or nail you to a cross because you have a different message about life.. It also has a huge connection with original sin that I would explain to you, but as I said earlier you will probably just shrug it off with "but thats just an interpretation"..

*Jesus actually had to be quite a few things according to prophecies in the old testament to be considered as a credible messiah according to religious prophecies
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Its easy to avoid everything anyone says with a "well thats just your interpretation" isn't it? And for your information, no that is not my interpretation, that is what the trinity is, go look it up in your reference books smart guy..

Why would you as an atheist care if blaspheming the Holy Ghost is an unforgivable sin, do you want to do it now just because your told not to?

You're right - I personally don't care. Believe what you want but I'm not the one that founded other Christian sects that have a different interpretation of the trinity. It is all a bunch of hogwash to me.

Why would i worry about blaspheming anything. I'm not that petty - or at least I hope i'm not that petty.
You bother to send Jesus, because he is the messiah, who fulfills the prophecies* and who teaches the world non-violence, tolerance, faith and gives billions of people worldwide hope, inspiration and a message from God? He also sparked a change in society (Christianity) that led up to the slightly morally developed world we live in today where you can survive as an atheist without having the Jewish councils or religious fanatics stone you legally for blasphemy or nail you to a cross because you have a different message about life.. It also has a huge connection with original sin that I would explain to you, but as I said earlier you will probably just shrug it off with "but thats just an interpretation"..

*Jesus actually had to be quite a few things according to prophecies in the old testament to be considered as a credible messiah according to religious prophecies

I guess you're conveniently forgetting that i would have been burned at the stake for expounding my beliefs by Christians, up until about 200 years ago.

I am not saying there is no good to Christianity but the good vs. the bad is certainly debatable. And Christianity did not invent non-violence, tolerance and faith. Speaking of faith - i would consider holding up faith as a virtue as one of the most vile things Christianity (or any religion) has done.

Your assertion that Christianity gave us the world we are living with today is highly debatable if not outright preposterous. It was reason and enlightenment that broke the shackles of faith that allowed us to live in the modern world. It wasn't until monks, scientists, and other "renaissance" folks started looking at the ancient/classical learning (Greek and Roman NOT christian/judaic) the world became modern.

Please note that the Pharisees (Jewish high priests) care about what other Jews do - they never had jurisdiction over large numbers of goyim.
We've been in a holy war since God casted Satan (once an angel) into the pits of hell. Jesus was just a form of the Father. Sent to Earth with a message for all of us. The vague beliefs that we shower ourselves with is understandable. Everything in the old testament actually happened however. You can follow humanity and the world we live in today right along with the good book. The fact is no one will know until new modern day pages of the bible are written. If your ever smoking some weed in a grave yard and bodies raise from the ground, you atheist can eat your words. You can talk about it all you want to, but until our times up, were going to continue to be in the dark.
We've been in a holy war since God casted Satan (once an angel) into the pits of hell. Jesus was just a form of the Father. Sent to Earth with a message for all of us. The vague beliefs that we shower ourselves with is understandable. Everything in the old testament actually happened however. You can follow humanity and the world we live in today right along with the good book. The fact is no one will know until new modern day pages of the bible are written. If your ever smoking some weed in a grave yard and bodies raise from the ground, you atheist can eat your words. You can talk about it all you want to, but until our times up, were going to continue to be in the dark.

Well I guess I have received my comeuppance. Thank you for clearing that up and ending this futile debate.

Christians.. meet your spokesperson.
468, Thats really not a nice thing to say. I have watched your guys verbal masterbation go back and forth and would think you would agree to disagree. Life is too short to go through it pointing out what you perceive to be other peoples faults. We all decide how we are going to walk through this journey. I would suggest we show respect and understanding towards each other.
PS: Dont get stoned in a graveyard, thats just weird.
468, Thats really not a nice thing to say. I have watched your guys verbal masterbation go back and forth and would think you would agree to disagree. Life is too short to go through it pointing out what you perceive to be other peoples faults. We all decide how we are going to walk through this journey. I would suggest we show respect and understanding towards each other.
PS: Dont get stoned in a graveyard, thats just weird.

I treat people with the same amount as I am treated. Perhaps you could re-read what was written from an atheists POV.
Well the bible talks about behemoths in Job which is believed to be the oldest book in the bible, but callin' em dinosaurs is just interpretation

The Behemoth is said to be a common old hippo, but the Leviathon towards the end of Job is the most fascinating. To me, the description of Leviathon is an exact description of an amphibious tank, with a nose that sprouts fire, and it even leaves an oil slick and its tracks are like a threshing sledge : imprinted.

Just weird,
and there is more weird stuff in the Bible than most people realize, even people who claim to have read it.

And as for the moon - and science -
the energy required to move the tides is sapped from the momentum of the moon - another reason why the mood should have plunged into the earth billions of years ago. What is keeping it at bay?
THe same thing that ensures that the far side - the exposed side - has far LESS craters than the near side?
God and Science:
Consider Pythagorus' theorem : That the square of the hypoteneuse is the sum of the square of the adjacent and opposite sides.

exactly : a right angle triangle with one side 3m and one side 4m will have the other side exactly 5m.

Because 3x3 + 4x4 = 5x5

Is that not spectacular evidence that our universe has been perfectly designed?

One's mind must first be open to the possibility of direct communion with 'the helper', before one's faith reaches the point where such wonders occur.

How can faith be bad?
You have been twisted 468.
The Behemoth is said to be a common old hippo, but the Leviathon towards the end of Job is the most fascinating. To me, the description of Leviathon is an exact description of an amphibious tank, with a nose that sprouts fire, and it even leaves an oil slick and its tracks are like a threshing sledge : imprinted.

Just weird,
and there is more weird stuff in the Bible than most people realize, even people who claim to have read it.

And as for the moon - and science -
the energy required to move the tides is sapped from the momentum of the moon - another reason why the mood should have plunged into the earth billions of years ago. What is keeping it at bay?
THe same thing that ensures that the far side - the exposed side - has far LESS craters than the near side?

Yep lots of weird stuff goes on in fairy tales. No argument here.
God and Science:
Consider Pythagorus' theorem : That the square of the hypoteneuse is the sum of the square of the adjacent and opposite sides.

exactly : a right angle triangle with one side 3m and one side 4m will have the other side exactly 5m.

Because 3x3 + 4x4 = 5x5

Is that not spectacular evidence that our universe has been perfectly designed?

One's mind must first be open to the possibility of direct communion with 'the helper', before one's faith reaches the point where such wonders occur.

How can faith be bad?
You have been twisted 468.

Yes I know I'm twisted. Math works.. that is your argument for God? Yep - i'm twisted alright.

Obviously you are very certain you are correct in what you believe and how you believe it. I concede that I do not have that surety so will readily admit you may very well be right and leave it at that.

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