Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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And No Im Talkin Bout People That Follow The Bible Im Not Talkin Bout Us Being Enslaved In The Book Iim Talking Of People That Follow That Book That Have Put That Book In2 Context And Go On Bout There Devilish Ways..all Throught Time
When Ii Say Black Ii Talk Of Idians,trinidad,ect. What Color Is Your Shadow?what Color Do You See When You Close Your Eyes Black....ii Know Moses Freed His People...that Just Empowers What Ii Say, Lord Lives Through Us....ii Used That As An Example... How Christains Pick And Choose To Put Themselves In Power....when Have You Seen An African With A Slave?

Are you talking about all of Africa or just Black Africa? Because the Middle East is also part of Africa. You do realize there were black slave holders in the US before the Civil War? And there is slavery in Africa (and all over the world) right now. The muslims enslaved christians during the crusades. It isn't just a black and white issue - it is a human issue. Every color, race, religion and ethnicity has been enslaved (and owned them). I understand recent history emphasizes the racial aspect, but as i mentioned - throughout written history - that is a relatively recent development.
No, thats where you are wrong.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I know just like I know the sky is blue. No worries here.

no you don't. you think you do but you don't know.

Let's try this..

the only stimuli that tells you god exists for certain is coming from inside you. i know beyond a shadow of a doubt. just like i know the sky is clear but appears blue because of refracted light. no worries here.

see how that works? neither one of us knows for certain - but at least i'm willing to admit it.
And No Im Talkin Bout People That Follow The Bible Im Not Talkin Bout Us Being Enslaved In The Book Iim Talking Of People That Follow That Book That Have Put That Book In2 Context And Go On Bout There Devilish Ways..all Throught Time

well you're speaking in riddles and using some circular reasoning there - why not just come out with what you want to say?
Ii Never Made It A Fully Black White Issue Ii Used One Issue As A Example...that A Christain Which Could Be A Black,white,mexican...was Enslaving People That Held The Exact Image Of The God They Read Bout Every Day....what Im Saying...exodus Is Everyone Has There Place....but Someone Or Two Didnt Listen And Forced People Out Of There Place....forced There Ways On Them And Corrupted Society....
Whether you believe in God or not the Bible is a very accurate history book, because it was the very first one to exist. Even skeptical historians concur that the Bible is correct in its following of different regions, kings at the time, and even, the existence of Moses and his exploits.

no they don't - that is laughable ZenMaster - no "skeptical" historian would say that. cite your sources or retract!
no you don't. you think you do but you don't know.

Let's try this..

the only stimuli that tells you god exists for certain is coming from inside you. i know beyond a shadow of a doubt. just like i know the sky is clear but appears blue because of refracted light. no worries here.

see how that works? neither one of us knows for certain - but at least i'm willing to admit it.

Thats cute, I see what you did there.

Trust me, I know why the sky is blue, scientifically. I was using that analogy because its a definite. Would you like me to use a different one?

The reason I know God exists beyond a shadow of a doubt is from the response I got from my prayers. Its truly amazing, you should try it.

And believe me, I know that I know nothing. It is possible that everything mankind "knows" is completely wrong. I try not to put definites in anything, on people's personality, our laws of physics-however this is one of the very, very few things I am completely certain on.
Ii Never Made It A Fully Black White Issue Ii Used One Issue As A Example...that A Christain Which Could Be A Black,white,mexican...was Enslaving People That Held The Exact Image Of The God They Read Bout Every Day....what Im Saying...exodus Is Everyone Has There Place....but Someone Or Two Didnt Listen And Forced People Out Of There Place....forced There Ways On Them And Corrupted Society....

It is easy to justify slavery and still be a christian - i mean doesn't jesus himself admonish slaves to be loyal and masters to be kind? He doesn't say don't own slaves!

I don't understand the part about someone or two that corrupted things. I'm not sure what you mean there.
Basically...ii Look Around While Some Look Up And Some Look Down....lord Lives In Ii...not In The Sky....nor Some Rubbish Book...everyone Has There Christianity They Look To The Devil As Much As Lord....if Youve Ever Been To Church Then You Know Its A Swine,vanity Filled Affair...ii Dont Need A Building To Worship...alll Ii Need Is Peice Of Mind..ii Dont Need Shiny Shoes And A Three Peice Suit To Worship All Ii Need Is A Stick Of Collie And A Meal To Thank For...ii Dont Need Some Big Science Fuckery To Give Ii Answers There All Around Ii....simplicity Is What Ii Need...
Its Simple Just Not The Big Science Mumbo Jumbo Ure Used To...some1 Or 2 Those Are Numbers Of People Kinda A Should Get Ure Head Outta Those Books And Look Ii Would
Thats cute, I see what you did there.

Trust me, I know why the sky is blue, scientifically. I was using that analogy because its a definite. Would you like me to use a different one?

The reason I know God exists beyond a shadow of a doubt is from the response I got from my prayers. Its truly amazing, you should try it.

And believe me, I know that I know nothing. It is possible that everything mankind "knows" is completely wrong. I try not to put definites in anything, on people's personality, our laws of physics-however this is one of the very, very few things I am completely certain on.

thanks - i just threw that in for a laugh. I have a hard time understanding why the sky is blue - it is very complicated but i'm glad you have a handle on it.

So you doubt everything that has some empirical evidence but firmly believe in something that has absolutely zero evidence - other than the response you got from your prayers. Let me ask you - was the response written or verbal? Was there a miracle involved?

Or did you need something - anything so desperately that your mind answered your call for help and you credit God?
For you-

Books of the Bible - History of the Bible - Who wrote the Bible

The Bible and history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I watch the history channel, alot. They go into the Bible very often, often ruthlessly. However they all concur that it is historically accurate. :)

an online bible-study group and disputed wiki page?
and the history channel? is that the same channel who says aliens are real?

come on Zen -- you should know me better than that by now.
For you-

Books of the Bible - History of the Bible - Who wrote the Bible

The Bible and history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I watch the history channel, alot. They go into the Bible very often, often ruthlessly. However they all concur that it is historically accurate. :)
I watch the History Channel as well, and I will tell you something that fucking CHAPS my hide. The "Naked Archaeologist" has been involved in some VERY shady dealings. He should not have a fucking show! Just read some archaeology magazines, you know, the ones the actual scientists are using, and you will find that among actual experts (people who have the education and field work to back up their words, not just the self-proclaimed) there is much agreement that those shows are absolutely NOT historically accurate. Much bible verse cannot be verified, although there has been much effort.

Try Archaeology magazine if you want to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

What I am failing to understand, given the title of this thread, is that for some reason someone thinks it's possible to "debunk" faith. You can't. It's FAITH, that's the whole fucking idea. Did Christ exist? I don't know, there are absolutel no other contemporaneous writings, the kind of writings that actually verify the existence of the martyrs and saints. Does it matter? Ultimately, no, it doesn't. Because whoever was the mechanism for this religious shift brought about a fantastically huge change. Judaism sure didn't gain the popularity for monotheism that exists now.
Love Thy Nieghbor As You Would Love Thy Savior...would You Inslave Your God?probably If Science Told You To Huh?

Science reveals - it does not dictate. I will not get upset that you infer that I would own a human being but I would appreciate more courtesy than that.

I wonder which God gets more of - praise and worship (treated like a king) or requests to serve, give comfort, fulfill requests and help (treated like a slave)?
Well Im Done Seems We All Know Whats "right"....seems We Look To Diff People Some People Are Just In False Realitys So They Have False Outlooks...
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