Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

you pray to images that has no ears to hear . you give offering to gods that have no taste . Behind the faces of those images are faces of devils just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there
You're a real thumper aren't you?
I am well versed in scripture.
Would you like to talk about ethnic cleansing? Incest? Slavery?
there was no children there was just God your heathen gods are lifeless
You can do better than that.
Impress us with your knowledge and wit.
Do you know who Joshua was? Do you know what it means when an entire city gets "put to the sword"? Do you condone baby killing?
Whatever other people do is their business as long as they hurt no one else (without consent).
Anything else would be judgement, a sin. You can make choices for your own life, and others can keep on going about their business just like you.
Dogma is going to end us all.

I am quite into Khemitism, which is the study of predynastic Egypt. Many of the stories of the bible and other religions have their origin there.
You're a real thumper aren't you?
I am well versed in scripture.
Would you like to talk about ethnic cleansing? Incest? Slavery?
Would like to talk about my God slaying your people for false worship we don't tolerate false worship around here . your going to suffer from my God the worst your mind could even imagine .put away your false gods both of you . and straighten up your always going to be living in misery
Whatever other people do is their business as long as they hurt no one else (without consent).
Anything else would be judgement, a sin. You can make choices for your own life, and others can keep on going about their business just like you.
Dogma is going to end us all.
Whatever other people do is their business as long as they hurt no one else (without consent).
Anything else would be judgement, a sin. You can make choices for your own life, and others can keep on going about their business just like you.
Dogma is going to end us all.

I am quite into Khemitism, which is the study of predynastic Egypt. Many of the stories of the bible and other religions have their origin there.
WTF ANC remember me from grasscity LOL I called you a kenite remember me? I recognize your pic lol wtf you doing here
You can do better than that.
Impress us with your knowledge and wit.
Do you know who Joshua was? Do you know what it means when an entire city gets "put to the sword"? Do you condone baby killing?
I have knowledge of scripture . I'll cut through your lies . lets battle Just doesn't mean much when you say little children .If its not in God's word its bunch of malarkey . nowhere in the beginning there was children . Your believing words of men